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I tried to edit your Gambling Script. I try to make just !cointoss there, cause all other stull are useless for me. So can you send me only !cointoss script?:)

using writeini in wins.ini and WINS, just like in GUS.

So... If you anyway can make it, thank you!

Btw, how i can get blue text in scripts.

I tried this:

on *:SIGNAL:mta.command: {
 if ($3 == !blabla) {
   mta.text $1 /me blah blah

And it wont works. How i can get it working?

Ok, i'll wait your answer :)

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ok so from what u gave me, Heres the !cointoss script for use with GUS.

add this in 'on *:SIGNAL:mta.command: {'

 elseif ($3 == !cointoss) pgs.cointoss $1-

then add this to the bottom of ur script

alias pgs.cointoss {
 if (($5 == $null) || ($5 !isnum) || ($5 < 1) || ($5 > 100)) {
   mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !cointoss heads/tails <1-100>
 elseif ($5 > $gus.wins($1,$2)) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Not Enough Cash!
 elseif ($4 != heads) || $4 != tails) {
   mta.pm $1 $2 You Flip The Coin Into The Air....
   !writeini -n " $+ $scriptdir $+ wins.ini" WINS $mta.nick($1,$2) $gus.subtract($gus.wins($1,$2),$5)
   .timer 1 3 pgs.checkcoin $1-
 else mta.pm $1 $2 Error: specify heads or tails!

alias pgs.checkcoin {
 var %a = $rand(1,2),%b = $calc($5 * 2)
 if (%a == 1) {
   mta.pm $1 $2 $replacecs($4,h,H,t,T) $+ !!! You Just Won $ $+ %b
   !writeini -n " $+ $scriptdir $+ wins.ini" WINS $mta.nick($1,$2) $gus.add($gus.wins($1,$2),%b)
 else mta.pm $1 $2 $iif($4 == heads,Tails...You Lose!!!,Heads...You Lose!!!)

ive set the maximum bet allowed to 100, feel free to change this to what u like :)

have fun :lol:

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not tested, but isnt that the same colour as typing /me from in game?

if so, thats not the blue that ive seen elsewhere :lol:

ive seen a really nice bright blue colour. looks quite nice too, i thought thats what he was asking for.

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Well, thats right. ive see that same bright blue text.

Thats what im asking for =D

I just think /me in admin will bright that purple text, but not.

There's a "!" button to the right of "Send", type your text, press it.

Thx, But thats purple, this colour ive seen, is a really nice bight blue colour.

Maybe someone has edited something and its not a standard thing.

been busy all weekend but i might get a chance to look into it later.

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