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to all of those scriptes who have "cling on" "learn to Script"ers

and get peaved off with thoes minor scripts people ask for well i found it annoying did u?. Im pretty sure i have seen lil toady and Aeron get heack peaved with scripts like !hello... im done here we go Right Here

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It does not WORK

& why would people get help for a easy script like !hello

on *:SIGNAL:mta.command: {
  if ($3 == !hello) {
   mta.say $1 Hello all!

if u didnt need help why would u try it?:P

this code is for mtavc^ and yes it has an error, its missing a }

i think u were trying to do this:

on *:SIGNAL:mta.command: {
  if ($3 == !hello) {
   mta.say $1 Hello all!

to use in race, u would need to change it to:

on *:SIGNAL:mta.command: {
  if ($3 == !hello) mta.text $1 Hello all!

remember, u cant just paste this into ur existing script, because more than likely u will already have an alias called:

on *:SIGNAL:mta.command: {

if thats the case, then u would only need to add this line:

if ($3 == !hello) mta.text $1 Hello all!

btw: sorry i didnt try the full setup im just explaining the error in the code above.

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did u read the readme... nooooooooooo u didnt it in there

has many bugs but it works the scripter writes script into a file called "script.txt"
wich will be in your script directory meaning the "folder that the script is in" i didnt write readme wat do u want it to do make a pixie jump out and hum9 u
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No this guy told me when i was a admin in server that he would hunt me down thro my ip and *Beat me up* supposvely

Iv been on here for a long time & i dont have a problem with no-one!

Both of you need to stop this fighting. Let it be you who stops it. People say alot of dumb things on the internet, and it would be wise to ignore some of those things. Now back to the topic, has anyone found out if this script actually works?

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Lol. If ppl uses that script, admin say: '' Hello All!'' Who knows then who said !hello? Missed word is


and }. Its goes something like this:

on *:SIGNAL:mta.command: {
   if ($3 == !hello) {
    mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) : Hello all!

This is for VC

So lol lol lol!

Edited by Guest
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Lol. If ppl uses that script, admin say: '' Hello All!'' Who knows then who said !hello? Missed word is

and }. Its goes something like this:

on *:SIGNAL:mta.command: {
   if ($3 == !hello) {
    mta.say $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) : Hello all!

So lol lol lol!

Well if u want to get all technical... u added a } too many:P

And u cant mix commands from mta:vc with mta:sa,

u cant use mta.say & $mta.nick,

its either: mta.say & $mta.name, for VC

or, mta.text & $mta.nick, for SA.

how about u just stick with....

on *:SIGNAL:mta.command: {
 if ($3 == !hello) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Says Hello All.

for SA. :roll:

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lol, technical side isnt best side of my sides =D

But that what i posted, works? I tested it (woohoo) and it works. Sure you can remove that } tag there, but i add it coz i like it, hoho.

For MTA:SA mta.say just need to change, thats all.


No it wouldnt work... how could it?

u used commands from 2 different versions of mtama.

if ur using it on SA then there is no mta.say, and if ur using it on VC, then there is no mta.nick. u cant use both.

dont post scripts thinking people will spot ur mistakes. some people dont know how to script, thats why they ask their questions here.

so dont assume people will just delete brakets that u added, 'because u like it'.

It cant work - wont work - doesnt work. So dont tell lies.

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lol, technical side isnt best side of my sides =D

But that what i posted, works? I tested it (woohoo) and it works. Sure you can remove that } tag there, but i add it coz i like it, hoho.

For MTA:SA mta.say just need to change, thats all.


No it wouldnt work... how could it?

u used commands from 2 different versions of mtama.

if ur using it on SA then there is no mta.say, and if ur using it on VC, then there is no mta.nick. u cant use both.

dont post scripts thinking people will spot ur mistakes. some people dont know how to script, thats why they ask their questions here.

so dont assume people will just delete brakets that u added, 'because u like it'.

It cant work - wont work - doesnt work. So dont tell lies.

How about new one?

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better, but u still left the } at the top :roll:

Okay this is final version of my f*cking awesome script:

on *:SIGNAL:mta.command: {
   if ($3 == !hello) {
    mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) : Hello all!

All those scripters are waiting for that? :D:D:D

This is f*cking funny :lol:


So... this is it =D

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