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MTA:SA Public Release Script - PRS:1.3 Out Now!


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in PRS 1.2's Votemap got something...

CHAT: M~Mar4ello|LV: !votemap carbon

ADMINCHAT: Multikill: M~Mar4ello|LV Voted Carbon DD to be the next map - 3 Votes Needed

ADMINCHAT: Multikill: Type !votemap to vote.

CHAT: M~Mar4ello|LV: !vote

ADMINCHAT: Multikill: Total Votes: 1/2

CHAT: Mihanik: !vote

ADMINCHAT: Multikill: Total Votes: 2/2

ADMINCHAT: Multikill: Kicking

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i dont have the new 1.3 but i had the beta 1.3 on my server

prs1.2 and pgs 1.2 merged with more features & cleaner scripting

top times is much better

much nicer dialog menu tabbed

auto login for admins very nice

and more and more lol

scoob is the script master :)

i know you wanted to know now and i know hes asleep lol

so dont mean to steel the thunder scoob lol

but he will tell you the rest im sure he had a few more ideas in there.

but in general better in many ways dont miss out. get it asap :D

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Can you tell us what are the exactly changes from version 1.2 ? I mean which are the new features which are included in script 1.3?


I changed many things over about a week, [KWK]KWKSND has pointed out the main things, All Commands and Updates are included in a txt file included in the download. (I state in my first post to read these files)

I thought u used GUS anyway 8)

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Ahh perfect. Admins tell me !pma and !alias doesn't seem to work? Are you aware of this problem?

lol if i was aware of it, i would have fixed it by now :lol:

noone has said anything untill now, so i'll go take a look.

OK sorry about that, seems i broke it replacing some stuff, but its fixed now, ive uploaded the script again.

Edited by Guest
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[RevC]wtf died!

Admin to [RevC]wtf: 7 Points Earned. Total: 1962

Karl: :D irw

Karl spawned!

Karl died!

Admin to Karl: 7 Points Earned. Total: 1644

[RevC]wtf spawned!

in 1.3 does this have to happen?:P

sometimes it gave 2 points and sometimes nothing

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that tells me nothing :/

there should be no unknown maps..

only on start of script

do u have the Mode's set right? I dont see how u can get points on a race map, do u have it set as a race? coz the text ur seeing is only supposed to be seen on an RS-DM map. and if ur not on an RS-DM map then set the mode back to race.

and as for the points, u get 1 point per player, if theres more than 1 player in the server.

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Hi Scoob,

IPRegister doenst work. When I buy an IPRegister and use it, and then I can't get on someone else his name. But other people can get on other names. So it's like a security for urself, so the one who buys it wont be able to use cash from others. But poeple who don't buy it still can use any name... Hope I explained it right, and hope you can do something about it!

Gr Keslertje

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Hi Scoob,

IPRegister doenst work. When I buy an IPRegister and use it, and then I can't get on someone else his name. But other people can get on other names. So it's like a security for urself, so the one who buys it wont be able to use cash from others. But poeple who don't buy it still can use any name... Hope I explained it right, and hope you can do something about it!

Gr Keslertje

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no idea what u mean sorry :?

if u register ur ip, then it stops any other IP using your name.

you can use other names?

but other people using ur name cant touch ur cash.

im sorry if its not right, i didnt test it much, coz it seemed ok when i tried.

i'll have a look into it later tho.

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Ill try to explain it a bit better.

For example: my In-game is woods. When I buy an IPRegister and use it, my name gets stored with my IP in a file. When I (woods) change my name to someone else his name like: SATAN|UK. I get a warning and it isnt possible to use his cash.

But for someone who isnt using an IPRegister will still be able to change his name to SATAN|UK to use his name and use his cash.

So when you buy an IPRegister, it only protects yourself from taking someone else his name... Hope its a bit more clear now :)

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hehe guess i never tried that... ok im with u now, i'll see what i can do. :)

leave it with me... im sure its nothing major.


ok ive checked this and got i a few people to test this for me too,

But it all seems to work perfectly for us all, so i have no idea,

heres what we tried:

i joined as 'player1', registerd the ip (static)

then changed to another name.

then got other players to change to 'player1'

and it said the warning that their ip didnt match etc.

then i rejoined as 'player1' and it worked fine for me.

so my cash as 'player1' is now only usable by me.

id this what u mean? coz if so, i have no idea why urs doesnt work. :?

its stored like name=ip, so if u registered 10 names, it still wouldnt matter.

also the warning pm is sent on nickchange,

it asks 'is name stored', if the name has been registered,

then no one can use it without the PM showing unless the IP matches.

maybe whoever u tested it with registered then name?

try using !unregister

they must be in the server at the time so get some1 to join as that name. then u can unregister it.

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