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Proxy connection

Guest mageezer

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Ok, let me just say I have no idea about internet connections at all. I need to know what a proxy connection is and why I can't set up an MTA server with one. I thought it was a connection that always connected with a different IP address, but I'm not sure. Anyway, when playing other online games, I can set up servers for LAN games perfectly fine. But when I tried to set one up with MTA, the server seemed to be up and running, but wouldn't appear in the list of servers. I've disabled my firewall altogether and still nothing. What else could it be? If it is because of a proxy connection, how come I can set up servers in other games? And is it possible to disable a proxy connection and set up a proper one?

EDIT: Oops, this was meant to go in the server problems section. Could someone move it please?

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In order to connect to your server with remote admin you need to enter in the IP slot if its being run on the same network

That will only work if it's on the computer you're trying to connect to it from...if it's on another computer on your LAN then you need to enter the local IP, not localhost.

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