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MTAmA - IRC to Game chat?


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Like this (I think it works :P)
on *:QUIT:#: {
 mta.text $1 $nick left the channel!
on *:JOIN:#: {
 mta.text $1 $nick joined the channel!

nope, didnt work

Thats because it needs a Server ID ('$1')

on *:QUIT:#: {
 mta.text %server_id $nick left the channel!
on *:JOIN:#: {
 mta.text %server_id $nick joined the channel!

Go into the variables tab and add this:

%server_id 5

Or whatever server you want the output on (it now does on server 5)

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  • 5 months later...

well, ive all the code saved elsewhere but now i dont know how to see server chat on irc and talk to server players trough irc. What i must to do to connect with mta server trought a irc channel?i must connect a irc net in particular or something?

Bad english, sorry and thank you very much.

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this is verry simple -_-

on *:TEXT:!say*:*: {
/mta.text 1 $nick @ IRC - $+ : $3-
on *:JOIN:%echochan: {
/mta.text 1 $nick joined IRC
on *:PART:%echochan: {
/mta.text 1 $nick left IRC

tryout and you will know that it works but only with an IRC where you not loaded the scripts in and the bot with the scripts must be on the same channel as you are :P

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thank you!then i must add those lines and connect to a irc channel with the machine that runs mta admin script and this , thats it?ah, and for test i must join the channel with other pc.

Thanks a lot.

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Ok this seems to work, except for the !msg part:

on 1:text:*:#CHANNEL: {
 if ( $nick isop #CHANNEL )  {
   if ( !kick isin $1 ) {
     mta.kick 1 $2
   if ( !freeze isin $1 ) {
     mta.freeze 1 $2
   if ( !unfreeze isin $1 ) {
     mta.unfreeze 1 $2
   if ( !mute isin $1 ) {
     mta.mute 1 $2
   if ( !unmute isin $1 ) {
     mta.unmute 1 $2
   elseif ( !restart isin $1 ) {
     mta.text 1 Reconectando MTA:mA.
     mta.disconnect 1
     mta.connect 1
     .timer 1 1 mta.text 1 Reconnectado
   elseif ( !commands isin $1 ) {
     /msg #CHANNEL !kick, !(un)freeze, !(un)mute, !restart
   elseif ( $1 == !msg ) {
 mta.text #CHANNEL $nick $+ : $2- 


without the last if, all the irc messages are viwed on server, ive tested with ( !msg isin $1) and with mta.text #channel $nick $+ : $1- but nothing works. What is wrong?

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