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Object to interior

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Hi. I mapped a good mechanic station, and I have a "interior". The problem is, that this mechanic interior is an object. I am new to the interiors and dont know how it works. How can I make this object to an interior, that i can put in my server?





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@Laciisf Basically, interiors in GTA San Andreas are objects placed in a different Interior World (https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetElementInterior

In MTA, we can also make use of a different feature called Dimensions, to place players, objects and other elements in different virtual worlds. Read more about it in https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Dimension

The reason we don't just use Interior Worlds is because there are only a limited number of them, each with their own particularities. Dimensions give you much more control etc.

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