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32 Slot MTA - Can my box handle it?


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I'm thinking of ordering a dedicated server in Texas to host a 32 player MTA server on. It has the following specs:

· AMD 2000+

· 256 MB DDR RAM

· 40 GB Hard Drive

· 200 GB Traffic

· 100Mbps Connection

· Fedora Core 5 OS

Do you think it could handle 32 players in the server all at once, or is the hardware/bandwidth expectations for that kind of usage higher?

Thanks for any help,


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hmm, I'll see what happens when i order it.

Well, my MTA:SA server is using 5.3mbit a second (quite a lot) right now whilst full with 32 players.. that's about 160Kb/s per player.

If this was constant then it'd use around 1.6TB of bandwidth a month ..which is a lot more than 200gb. I'm not trying to put you off ordering your server or anything - just warning you. :-#

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Thanks for the warning, now I have an idea what the MTA server uses. I guess I'll have to pay some extra money for more bandwidth if i get this server. I might just go to a game server company I've ordered from in the past and ask them to host me an MTA server, they are very reasonable.

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