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help | setElementData Problem!


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I made a hud but it has a bug. For those who register and login, setElementData is not set. How to fix it ?

If the resource is restarted, the element data will be set and saved in the account data


Server Side

addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root, function(type)
    if type == "Quit" then 
        local health = getElementHealth(source)
        local armor = getPedArmor(source)
        local water = getElementData(source, "water")
        local food = getElementData(source, "food")
        local account = getPlayerAccount(source)
        setAccountData(account, "health", health)
        setAccountData(account, "armor", armor)
        setAccountData(account, "water", water)
        setAccountData(account, "food", food)

addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, function(pa, ca)
   local account = getPlayerAccount(source)
   if not isGuestAccount(account) then 

       local health = getAccountData(account, "health")
       local armor = getAccountData(account, "armor")
       local water = getAccountData(account, "water")
       local food = getAccountData(account, "food")

       setElementHealth(source, health)
       setPlayerArmor(source, armor)
       setElementData(source, "water", water)
       setElementData(source, "food", food)

function drinkWater(player, price, size)
    if getPlayerMoney(player) < System.prices.food_price then 
       outputChatBox("water cannot be given because you have no money", player, 255, 0, 0)
        if getElementData(player, "water") >= 95 then 
            outputChatBox("You can't get more food because your stomach is full!", player, 255, 0, 0)
            setElementData(player, "water", getElementData(player, "water") + 20)
            takePlayerMoney(player, System.prices.water_price)
            triggerClientEvent(player, "drinking", player)

function eatFood(player, price, size)
    if getPlayerMoney(player) < System.prices.water_price then 
       outputChatBox("Food cannot be given because you have no money", player, 255, 0, 0)
        if getElementData(player, "food") >= 95 then 
            outputChatBox("You can't get more food because your stomach is full!", player, 255, 0, 0)
            setElementData(player, "food", getElementData(player, "food") + 20)
            takePlayerMoney(player, System.prices.food_price)
            triggerClientEvent(player, "eating", player)

addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted", root, function()
    setElementData(source, "water", 50)
    setElementData(source, "food", 50)

addEvent("fireStop", true)
addEventHandler("fireStop", root, function(player)
    toggleControl(player, "fire", false)

addEvent("fireStart", true)
addEventHandler("fireStart", root, function(player)
    toggleControl(player, "fire", true)

addEvent("runStop", true)
addEventHandler("runStop", root, function(player)
    toggleControl(player, "sprint", false)

addEvent("runStart", true)
addEventHandler("runStart", root, function(player)
    toggleControl(player, "sprint", true)

Client Side 

local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize()
setElementData(localPlayer, "water", 100)
setElementData(localPlayer, "food", 100)

showPlayerHudComponent("health", false)
showPlayerHudComponent("armour", false)
showPlayerHudComponent("money", false)
showPlayerHudComponent("ammo", false)
showPlayerHudComponent("weapon", false)
showPlayerHudComponent("clock", false)

function render()

    health = getElementHealth(localPlayer)
    armor = getPedArmor(localPlayer)
    water = getElementData(localPlayer, "water")
    food = getElementData(localPlayer, "food")
    money = getPlayerMoney(localPlayer)
    time = getRealTime()
    hour = time.hour
    minute = time.minute
    second = time.second

    weaponID = getPlayerWeapon(localPlayer)
    weaponName = getWeaponNameFromID(weaponID)
    ammo = getPedAmmoInClip(localPlayer)
    allammo =  getPedTotalAmmo(localPlayer)
    -- health
    dxDrawCircle((screenW - 225), (screenH / 5000 + 30), 25, -270,(health * 3.6 - 270), tocolor(0, 255, 0), 30) -- health line
    dxDrawCircle((screenW - 225), (screenH / 5000 + 30), 18, 0, 360, tocolor(26, 26, 26)) -- black circle
    dxDrawImage((screenW - 225) - (27 / 2), (screenH / 300 + 15), 27, 27, "assets/icons/heart.png") -- health icon

    -- armor
    dxDrawCircle((screenW - 160), (screenH / 5000 + 30), 25, -270,(armor * 3.6 - 270), tocolor(194, 194, 194), 30) -- armor line
    dxDrawCircle((screenW - 160), (screenH / 5000 + 30), 18, 0, 360, tocolor(26, 26, 26)) -- black circle
    dxDrawImage((screenW - 160) - (27 / 2), (screenH / 300 + 16), 27, 27, "assets/icons/armor.png") -- armor icon

    -- water
    dxDrawCircle((screenW - 95), (screenH / 5000 + 30), 25, -270,(water * 3.6 - 270), tocolor(10, 252, 236), 30) -- water line
    dxDrawCircle((screenW - 95), (screenH / 5000 + 30), 18, 0, 360, tocolor(26, 26, 26)) -- black circle
    dxDrawImage((screenW - 95) - (20 / 2), (screenH / 300 + 12), 20, 30, "assets/icons/water.png") -- water icon

    -- food
    dxDrawCircle((screenW - 30), (screenH / 5000 + 30), 25, -270,(food * 3.6 - 270), tocolor(209, 102, 8), 30) -- food line
    dxDrawCircle((screenW - 30), (screenH / 5000 + 30), 18, 0, 360, tocolor(26, 26, 26)) -- black circle
    dxDrawImage((screenW - 28) - (27 / 2), (screenH / 300 + 13), 27, 27, "assets/icons/food.png") -- food icon

    dxDrawRectangle((screenW - 235), (screenH / 5000 + 62), 260, 50, tocolor(23, 23, 23, 230))
    dxDrawCircle((screenW - 235), (screenH / 5000 + 87), 25, -90, -270, tocolor(23, 23, 23, 230))

    -- money 
    dxDrawText("MONEY: $"..money, (screenW - 203), (screenH / 5000 + 70), 20, 20 , tocolor(0, 186, 43), 0.5, "bankgothic")
    -- real time
    dxDrawText(string.format("TIME: %02d:%02d:%02d", hour,minute,second), (screenW - 200), (screenH / 5000 + 90), 20, 20 , tocolor(166, 166, 166), 0.5, "bankgothic")

    -- weapons
    if weaponID ~= 0 then
        dxDrawRectangle((screenW - 235), (screenH / 5000 + 120), 260, 25, tocolor(23, 23, 23, 230))
        dxDrawCircle((screenW - 235), (screenH / 5000 + 132.5), 12, -90, -270, tocolor(23, 23, 23, 230))
        dxDrawText(weaponName.." | "..ammo.." | "..allammo, (screenW - 203), (screenH / 5000 + 125), 20, 20 , tocolor(237, 186, 0), 0.5, "bankgothic") 


    if (food <= 2) then 
        triggerServerEvent("fireStop", resourceRoot, localPlayer)
        triggerServerEvent("fireStart", resourceRoot, localPlayer)

    if (water <= 2) then 
        triggerServerEvent("runStop", resourceRoot, localPlayer)
        triggerServerEvent("runStart", resourceRoot, localPlayer)

addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, render)

    if (getElementData(localPlayer, "water") <= 2) then 
        setElementData(localPlayer, "water", getElementData(localPlayer, "water") - 1)
end, System.decrease.water, 0)
    if (getElementData(localPlayer, "food") <= 2) then 
        setElementData(localPlayer, "food", getElementData(localPlayer, "food") - 1)
end, System.decrease.food, 0)


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It happens that when they register they have not played yet, therefore that data does not yet exist.
To solve it you can do it in two ways.
1. Force to start for the first time with elementData at 0

addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, function(pa, ca)
   local account = getPlayerAccount(source)
   if not isGuestAccount(account) then 

       local health = getAccountData(account, "health") or 0
       local armor = getAccountData(account, "armor") or 0 
       local water = getAccountData(account, "water") or 0
       local food = getAccountData(account, "food") or 0

       setElementHealth(source, health)
       setPlayerArmor(source, armor)
       setElementData(source, "water", water)
       setElementData(source, "food", food)

or directly in the hud set it to 0 if you don't already have those elementData

function render()

    health = getElementHealth(localPlayer)
    armor = getPedArmor(localPlayer) 
    water = getElementData(localPlayer, "water") or 0
    food = getElementData(localPlayer, "food") or 0
    money = getPlayerMoney(localPlayer) 
    time = getRealTime()
    hour = time.hour
    minute = time.minute
    second = time.second



  • Thanks 1
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1 hour ago, alex17&quot; said:

It happens that when they register they have not played yet, therefore that data does not yet exist.
To solve it you can do it in two ways.
1. Force to start for the first time with elementData at 0

addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, function(pa, ca)
   local account = getPlayerAccount(source)
   if not isGuestAccount(account) then 

       local health = getAccountData(account, "health") or 0
       local armor = getAccountData(account, "armor") or 0 
       local water = getAccountData(account, "water") or 0
       local food = getAccountData(account, "food") or 0

       setElementHealth(source, health)
       setPlayerArmor(source, armor)
       setElementData(source, "water", water)
       setElementData(source, "food", food)

or directly in the hud set it to 0 if you don't already have those elementData

function render()

    health = getElementHealth(localPlayer)
    armor = getPedArmor(localPlayer) 
    water = getElementData(localPlayer, "water") or 0
    food = getElementData(localPlayer, "food") or 0
    money = getPlayerMoney(localPlayer) 
    time = getRealTime()
    hour = time.hour
    minute = time.minute
    second = time.second



(or) what will happen ?

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Hmm, I see it's a modified version of a DayZ GM I've once posted, normally upon registration all data are set to a default value, 100 for food and water and 1000 for health ? If they're not it means you have a problem with the registration function, may I take a look?

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