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i dunno or this has been suggested before but i think that a shout box

(for registered users) here on the forums would be pretty cool

It would become quite repetitive with the spamming and its quite obvious people will sign up aswell to ask when the mod is going to be released and other non-revelant discussions which have no meaning. Even though it can be easy for the moderators to get that person's name and ban them from the forum, this site should be kept clean as possible anyway without the need of a shoutbox.

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To prevent spam, you could create a filter which made it so you had to wait about 20-30 seconds or so after making a message before you can make a new one. http://www.tus-kvcd-group.com I really like their shoutbox. It's not in the way and people can ask simple questions instead of making locked topics and get a quick answer :D Assuming, everyone is cooperating.]

also, you dont expect 15,000 users to be visiting the forum at the same time, do you?

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