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Startrace: Success to start race "Unknown"

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What is this "unknown" map vote bug ?

Maybe its because i have to much maps on the server ?

This is happening

Map ends

we vote for a map "pimp my ride"

Server do this:

[13:50] * Endrace: Race "Canyon Hights" ended.

[13:50] * Startrace: Success to start race "Unknown".

[13:50] Map "Unknown" has been removed, changing to a random map..

[13:50] * Endrace: Race "Unknown" ended.

[13:50] * Startrace: Success to start race "Airport fight".

I have a script running but i dont think thats the problem

Any help plz , thx


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its a bug on several places resulting in that ..

server sends maplist in one frame

so names get lost

but its also a bug in mta.mrc .. (which the tommis script uses)

that the name doesnt get asked again , but the name changed to unknown

its .. annoying

once lost it will generally stay lost (usually)

cuz on mapstart it re-uses the lost name

i have 3000+ maps on my server ;)

and now only 1/10 maps get a record (and setting/breaking record means cash)

but .. most annoying

is admins cant !changemap to all maps :S

ps .. reply of Aeron reply of Aeron

and reply of Oli

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I founded another bug:

There where like about 21 players racing and i left the server (quit) and everybody gets mega kicked when i left the server , 21 peeps in one sec kicked :shock:

So i deleted this script , it needs an update or something :wink:

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I founded another bug:

There where like about 21 players racing and i left the server (quit) and everybody gets mega kicked when i left the server , 21 peeps in one sec kicked :shock:

So i deleted this script , it needs an update or something :wink:

so why would the script be responsible for that and not the mta server that glitched ?

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