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i need a little help


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I made a script with killdayzplayer that triggers a server event to kill the other player whenever he is hit by a sniper as a method of removing the shot you miss and kill anyway.

if (weapon == 34) then triggerServerEvent("kilLDayZPlayer", hitElement), in this case hitElement == "player" then identify the other player and it works.

but with this method there is no "killer" so kill messages appear that the player was killed by unknown.
I tried a few things but everything went wrong, does anyone have a solution?




Edited by Marilith
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Where did you put that code ? can you show more of the script so we can see the context ?
if you have the attacker available as a variable, you have to add it in your triggerServerEvent:

triggerServerEvent("kilLDayZPlayer", hitElement, attacker) -- assuming attacker is the variable that holds the player element who attacked


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  On 11/04/2022 at 18:09, Citizen said:

Where did you put that code ? can you show more of the script so we can see the context ?
if you have the attacker available as a variable, you have to add it in your triggerServerEvent:

triggerServerEvent("kilLDayZPlayer", hitElement, attacker) -- assuming attacker is the variable that holds the player element who attacked



yes, the code is in the hitmarker script:

function fireFunc(weapon, ammo, ammoInClip, hitX, hitY, hitZ, hitElement)
    if hitElement then
            if getElementType(hitElement)=="player" then
        screenX, screenY = getScreenFromWorldPosition(hitX, hitY, hitZ)
        if not screenX then return end 
        if isDrawing then return end 
        isDrawing = true  
         if (weapon == 34) then triggerServerEvent("kilLDayZPlayer", hitElement) 
         if (weapon == 34) then setElementData(localPlayer,"murders",getElementData(localPlayer,"murders")+1)

        local sound = playSound("hitmarker-sound.wav")
        setSoundVolume( sound , 1)
        addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, drawHitMarker) 
        if drawTimer and isTimer(drawTimer) then
        drawTimer = setTimer(function() 
            isDrawing = false
            removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, drawHitMarker) 
        end, 500, 1)
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerDamage", root, playerDamage_text ) 
addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWeaponFire", localPlayer, fireFunc)


Edited by Marilith
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Then this should work :

triggerServerEvent("kilLDayZPlayer", hitElement, source)

For onClientPlayerWeaponFire, source is the player element who fired the weapon, so adding it as the attacker attacker for the kilLDayZPlayer event should do the trick.

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  On 12/04/2022 at 08:10, Citizen said:

Then this should work :

triggerServerEvent("kilLDayZPlayer", hitElement, source)

For onClientPlayerWeaponFire, source is the player element who fired the weapon, so adding it as the attacker attacker for the kilLDayZPlayer event should do the trick.


the idea was good, it really should work, but now when the element gets hit, he bug and needs to reconnect, i'll try to see why this happen


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