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fui banido do mta ha alguns anos ja e ate hoje nao sei o real motivo, no decorrer desses anos ja fiz pesquisas sobre o ban e vi que muita gente tambem aconteceu o mesmo, banido por RTK dos clan, e as pessoas nem sabe oq seria isso, eu jogava mta a muito tempo conheci pessoas incriveis ataves desse jogo, pessoas que eu me divertia muito jogando, e foi e ainda esta sendo muito dificil pois jogava com amigos e agora nao consigo, e ja vim aqui varias vezes mas voces sempre falam a mesma coisa, e nunca resolve o nosso poblema, mais eu vim aqui mais uma vez pedir pra vcs tirarem meu ban pois sinto muita vontade de jogar mta novamente e reencotrar meus amigos, vcs falaram que tem provas que eu fiz algo, mas juro por tudo que nao fiz, e se fiz não sabia que era errado, peço que me deem uma unica chance de poder jogar e prometo que vcs nao vão se arrepender, só peço mais uma chance por favor eu ja nem sei mais oq falar so queria poder jogar novamente, por favor façam isso acontecer novamente. 


meu serial: F6741D73B6E9F71608DE3484F5098A03


se precisarem de fotos ou videos de quando jogava eu tenho muitos, nao sei se isso ajuda mas tenho, desde ja agradeço 

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Banned from mta a few years ago and to this day I don't know the real reason, over the years I've already done about the ban and saw that a lot of people also happened the same, banned by RTK from clans, and people don't even know what that would be, I played a long time ago I met amazing people through these, people I had a lot of fun playing, and it was and still is very difficult because I played with friends and now I can't, and I've come here several times but you always say the same thing , and it never solves our problem, but I came here once again to ask you guys to take my ban because I really want to play again and meet my friends, you said you have proof that I did something, but I swear on everything I didn't I did, and if I did, I didn't know it was wrong, I ask you to give me a single chance to play and I promise you won't play, I just ask for one more chance please I don't even know what else to say so I wish I could again, please make it happen again.


my serial: F6741D73B6E9F71608DE3484F5098A03


if you need photos or videos of when I played I a lot, I don't know if it helps but I have it, thanks in advance

banned from mta a few years ago and to this day I don't know the real reason, over the years I've already done about the ban and saw that a lot of people also happened the same, banned by RTK from clans, and people don't even know what that would be, I played a long time ago I met amazing people through these, people I had a lot of fun playing, and it was and still is very difficult because I played with friends and now I can't, and I've come here several times but you always say the same thing , and it never solves our problem, but I came here once again to ask you guys to take my ban because I really want to play again and meet my friends, you said you have proof that I did something, but I swear on everything I didn't I did, and if I did, I didn't know it was wrong, I ask you to give me a single chance to play and I promise you won't play, I just ask for one more chance please I don't even know what else to say so I wish I could again, please make it happen again.


my serial: F6741D73B6E9F71608DE3484F5098A03


if you need photos or videos of when I played I a lot, I don't know if it helps but I have it, thanks in advance
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