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reasonable price for this hardware?


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i need some new hw, basically for game cause thats what i use the pc the most


euros are about the same as us dollars and swiss franks (CHF) are about the same as australian dollars

i will probably get some discount, maybe 10 or 20%

should i get this or should i wait for something? (for example the new nvidia cards..)

heres more info on the cpu and the gfx card


my current specs: intel p4 2.4ghz, geforce 4ti 128mb, ram will stay the same as my current sticks are pretty good

im just wondering if a 2.2 ghz amd would make much difference compared to my current 2.4ghz intel, maybe i should go for a better cpu?

would i be able to run newest games on max settings?

would this setup last for a while or would i need to upgrade in no time..

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You wouldnt need a video card like that for the pc you are building. Go with something in the 7800 family since its cheaper and still gives great performance

why not? im getting new hw cause new games dont run anymore so how can that card be "too good"? i dont get it

a mac is a nogo, i cant stand em, thanks for the replies though :P

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