Leinad_Raiz Posted November 8, 2021 Share Posted November 8, 2021 Alguem pode me ajudar sobre um script de /nc que ativa/desativa o noclip so que este script ele utiliza uma forma de voar diferenciada eu queria utilizar a forma de voar com a mesmoa do editor de mapas do mta, Alguem pode me ajudar? ---- FLY ---- local flyingState = false local keys = {} keys.up = "up" keys.down = "up" keys.f = "up" keys.b = "up" keys.l = "up" keys.r = "up" keys.a = "up" keys.s = "up" keys.m = "up" addEvent("onClientFlyToggle",true) addEventHandler("onClientFlyToggle",getLocalPlayer(),function() flyingState = not flyingState if flyingState then addEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),flyingRender) bindKey("lshift","both",keyH) bindKey("rshift","both",keyH) bindKey("lctrl","both",keyH) bindKey("rctrl","both",keyH) bindKey("forwards","both",keyH) bindKey("backwards","both",keyH) bindKey("left","both",keyH) bindKey("right","both",keyH) bindKey("lalt","both",keyH) bindKey("space","both",keyH) bindKey("ralt","both",keyH) bindKey("mouse1","both",keyH) --setElementFrozen(getLocalPlayer(),true) setElementCollisionsEnabled(getLocalPlayer(),false) else removeEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),flyingRender) unbindKey("mouse1","both",keyH) unbindKey("lshift","both",keyH) unbindKey("rshift","both",keyH) unbindKey("lctrl","both",keyH) unbindKey("rctrl","both",keyH) unbindKey("forwards","both",keyH) unbindKey("backwards","both",keyH) unbindKey("left","both",keyH) unbindKey("right","both",keyH) unbindKey("space","both",keyH) keys.up = "up" keys.down = "up" keys.f = "up" keys.b = "up" keys.l = "up" keys.r = "up" keys.a = "up" keys.s = "up" --setElementFrozen(getLocalPlayer(),false) setElementCollisionsEnabled(getLocalPlayer(),true) end end) function flyingRender() local x,y,z = getElementPosition(getLocalPlayer()) local speed = 10 if keys.a=="down" then speed = 3 elseif keys.s=="down" then speed = 50 elseif keys.m=="down" then speed = 300 end if keys.f=="down" then local a = rotFromCam(0) setElementRotation(getLocalPlayer(),0,0,a) local ox,oy = dirMove(a) x = x + ox * 0.1 * speed y = y + oy * 0.1 * speed elseif keys.b=="down" then local a = rotFromCam(180) setElementRotation(getLocalPlayer(),0,0,a) local ox,oy = dirMove(a) x = x + ox * 0.1 * speed y = y + oy * 0.1 * speed end if keys.l=="down" then local a = rotFromCam(-90) setElementRotation(getLocalPlayer(),0,0,a) local ox,oy = dirMove(a) x = x + ox * 0.1 * speed y = y + oy * 0.1 * speed elseif keys.r=="down" then local a = rotFromCam(90) setElementRotation(getLocalPlayer(),0,0,a) local ox,oy = dirMove(a) x = x + ox * 0.1 * speed y = y + oy * 0.1 * speed end if keys.up=="down" then z = z + 0.1*speed elseif keys.down=="down" then z = z - 0.1*speed end setElementPosition(getLocalPlayer(),x,y,z) end function keyH(key,state) if key=="lshift" or key=="rshift" then keys.s = state end if key=="lctrl" or key=="rctrl" then keys.down = state end if key=="forwards" then keys.f = state end if key=="backwards" then keys.b = state end if key=="left" then keys.l = state end if key=="right" then keys.r = state end if key=="lalt" or key=="ralt" then keys.a = state end if key=="space" then keys.up = state end if key=="mouse1" then keys.m = state end end function rotFromCam(rzOffset) local cx,cy,_,fx,fy = getCameraMatrix(getLocalPlayer()) local deltaY,deltaX = fy-cy,fx-cx local rotZ = math.deg(math.atan((deltaY)/(deltaX))) if deltaY >= 0 and deltaX <= 0 then rotZ = rotZ+180 elseif deltaY <= 0 and deltaX <= 0 then rotZ = rotZ+180 end return -rotZ+90 + rzOffset end function dirMove(a) local x = math.sin(math.rad(a)) local y = math.cos(math.rad(a)) return x,y end function math.round(number, decimals, method) decimals = decimals or 0 local factor = 10 ^ decimals if (method == "ceil" or method == "floor") then return math[method](number * factor) / factor else return tonumber(("%."..decimals.."f"):format(number)) end end Link to comment
Moderators Vinyard Posted November 8, 2021 Moderators Share Posted November 8, 2021 Hi, welcome to the forums! Your thread has been moved to a more language-specific section so you can get better results in your native language. Link to comment
Other Languages Moderators Lord Henry Posted November 9, 2021 Other Languages Moderators Share Posted November 9, 2021 Não é necessário programar um resource novo para isso. Basta usar o resource nativo freecam. Ele fica na pasta [editor] Link to comment
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