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How to STOP Vehicle Respawns in Ganton?


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Hello guys. I just started a MTA SA Server to play with my brother on LAN. I used the NPC Traffic resource by CrystalMV to make it look more lively rather empty. But there is a probelm. All the PEDs walking is blocked by Vehicle Spawning on footpaths in Ganton. The Monsster Trucks, Sanchez are blocking their paths and they all get clumped in there. I moved the vehicles but they keep spawning. I dont want them to respawn. Please Help! Im kinda new to MTA SA to go easy on me!

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Are you talking about vehicles on Groove Street?

I think these are spawned by play resource.
You can find the code in server/mods/deathmatch/resources/[gamemodes]/[play]/play/broph.lua

Edited by Patrick
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4 hours ago, Patrick said:

Are you talking about vehicles on Groove Street?

I think these are spawned by play resource.
You can find the code in server/mods/deathmatch/resources/[gamemodes]/[play]/play/broph.lua

Thank you for responding. Yes im actually talking about them. They are annoying me as they come in the paths of my npc walking on the footpath (npcs aint perfect but still) and they get clumped in one spot and it looks really weird too. I just want to stop then from spawning there. How do i do it? Pls help

9 hours ago, Tut said:

Thread moved to the Scripting section for best results

Thanks mate

Edited by CYRIX77
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As was mentioned, the vehicles are spawned from broph.lua. Specifically from the table "vehiclestoSpawn". I can't check right now but going purely off memory I -think- the coordinates for the Grove Street vehicles were these lines.

	{469, 2526.2607421875, -1677.2861328125, 19.913991928101, 91.994018554688},
	{468, 2500.9921875, -1681.0166015625, 13.033525466919, 46.989013671875},
	{468, 2502.7431640625, -1678.8779296875, 13.043078422546, 48.0439453125},
	{468, 2504.5947265625, -1676.859375, 13.042449951172, 48.0439453125},
	{492, 2505.59375, -1661.69921875, 13.18674659729, 35.120880126953},

If you don't want to bother with specifics you can just delete the table entirely which will remove all "default" vehicles placed on the map. That way you can just use your own vehicle placements and not have to worry about peds getting stuck on the default ones.

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22 minutes ago, Lergen said:

As was mentioned, the vehicles are spawned from broph.lua. Specifically from the table "vehiclestoSpawn". I can't check right now but going purely off memory I -think- the coordinates for the Grove Street vehicles were these lines.

	{469, 2526.2607421875, -1677.2861328125, 19.913991928101, 91.994018554688},
	{468, 2500.9921875, -1681.0166015625, 13.033525466919, 46.989013671875},
	{468, 2502.7431640625, -1678.8779296875, 13.043078422546, 48.0439453125},
	{468, 2504.5947265625, -1676.859375, 13.042449951172, 48.0439453125},
	{492, 2505.59375, -1661.69921875, 13.18674659729, 35.120880126953},

If you don't want to bother with specifics you can just delete the table entirely which will remove all "default" vehicles placed on the map. That way you can just use your own vehicle placements and not have to worry about peds getting stuck on the default ones.

Alright bro i will check this out in my files and get back here

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