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First of all, I want to excuse me if this wish already was announced. I didnt find it here though.

So I'd like to have weather changed on maps. Randomly would be perfect. But if this is difficult to make it random - chain also would be nice. :)

We already have under , if there is:






will it make weather changed?

If not, may be this tag could be somehow enchanced?

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Yes, I meant that the weather change should be written in tag inside the map config. The weather chain is good, but obviously predictable, thats not fun :)

After 3 or 4 times playing the map I'll be ready for the weather change. Smog, wind, thunder - that all can enchance the gameplay on the map when being random :)

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I'm sorry, but I dont see any solution there. I cant imagine how to implement PHP or other language scripts into .map file. There is no documentation on that yet. So if thats not difficult for you, can you show any example? I also prefer PHP.

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