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My Small Wishlist


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This is for MTA:SA

1) As an admin or even just PM'ing people, it would be really useful to type in partial names (4 or 5 consecutive letters of the person's name).

ie. full name is: BigChickenBigMammaThrasher

ie. in console, type: /pm chick hello world

ie. in console, type: /kick chick

I find it rather cumbersome to type out the entire name especially when there are obscure characters and they're long.

2) While voting for races, listing the maps by number and number selections would be nice too.

ie. typing: /races

ie. viewing:

1. H8 Crime

2. Break

3. OJinSF

ie. typing: /vote race 1

ie. typing: /rcon startrace 1

That's all I can think of a the moment; otherwise great job MTA Team!

Thanks, NazcaC2.

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Another thing...

Just found this out now.

If you type in the map:

ie. /rcon startrace sfpd 2

It will fail to start and say that the map has errors; instead it will show a vote of 5 maps.

However, if you type (case sensitive):

ie. /rcon startrace SFPD 2

The map will start without any problems.

Case insensitivity should be integrated.



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The other better workaround would be my 2) in my first post which I'm sure we'd all love.

The MTA Center should also check for duplicates; no matter the case sensitivity.

PS - Oh, and Talidan - I looked to see if there were ID's beside the names when I pressed TAB, and there's only the name and the ping. No ID's; is it a serverside setting or something?

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