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Pipe Maze

Big Smoke

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Hello all!

Last time I saw the map Climb or EXPLODE, and thta give me just this idea: a whole maze of pipes, full of boobytraps. Like, blowing yourself up! Or blow the way behind you so your enemies can't get further, to change in a car when you're in a dinghy!

The map itself is still in a WIP phase, I think around 30% now, because I want it to make ik really so big as possible. I have some screenies, so enjoy :) ! Also post some ideas if you have any, or comments, etc.


Above screen doesn't appear in Beta due the object limit.





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It looks a good map, maybe you can unse a wood walls of the structures section as a wood-destructible-bridge, also you can put fake barrels, and put inside the fake barrels another explosibe barrel ( I've used this in my map ''TrampasMortales'' you can make the players confuse and anything else.

I will wait this map.

Good Luck :wink:

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From my view the screenshots of the track is set up quite nicely.

El_Conde_Mafias idea of the barrels sounds good to use, if you want to give the players a challenging but fun experience on your map.

Perhaps adding a few high jumps onto the track, including a few traps or ways to give the driver some annoyonce into completing the map.

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2 New screenies:



The fisrt screen is in a sort of inside thing with barrels. The second thing is were you go with the boat and it will land in 3 pipes, those lead to different places. One to Death, One to drowning, and one proper way.

Map in %: 40%

@El Conde Mafias, how do I make those "fake" barrels :P ?

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Nice to see you have taken some ideas and put them into use.
One to Death, One to drowning, and one proper way

Ha, sounds quite good, adding that surprise is quite effective. ;D

Yes, I added 2 ideas from TrempasMortales into Pipe Maze, some you can see in the next screens. The map's almost finished due the object limit. Somebody know something to get behind that? It's very irritating.




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Hi again! i've just have an idea: Invisible platforms, its easy to do, go to Interior Objects/ Doors and windows section, then search a destructible window, then put it in horizontal but the invisible zone looking up, then you can make invisible shortcuts or invisible roads for make people confuse.

EDIT: I remember another idea of SuperBreak, go to Miscelaneous/ Trash

Then search a wood platform ( destructible ) and make a bridge with it, but careful, it can make you fall HEHE.

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Yes it is possible, and hey smoke. I go by name [sAS]Pinky nowadays, if you have time visit the SAS server :)

Sure, I wil think that I drop by in a minute. You can find me on the name [QB]Wish^ .

If this indeeds work, I'm going to try that out and I will soon place som nice screens (I hope :P ) .

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