SkyDow Posted May 29, 2020 Share Posted May 29, 2020 (edited) local SCREEN_X, SCREEN_Y = guiGetScreenSize() local resourceName = getResourceName( getThisResource( ) ) local ONE_HOUR = 3600 local SERVICES_SECTION = 1 --Places to offer services such as house cleaning or mechanics and whatnot local CARS_VEHICLES_SECTION = 2 --Offer to buy or sell a vehicle in this section local REAL_ESTATE_SECTION = 3 --Houses for sale go in this section local COMMUNITY_SECTION = 4 --Advertisements about communities can go here, for example, palomino creek. local JOBS_SECTION = 5 --Advertisements about hiring people or looking for work will go in this section local PERSONALS_SECTION = 6 --People looking for other people go in this section local sections = { "Servicii", "Vehicule", "Proprietăți", "Communitate", "Slujbe", "Personal" } local deleteAny = false local window = { } local viewad = {} local postad = {} function getTime( day, month, timestamp ) local months = { "Ianuarie", "Februarie", "Martie", "Aprile", "Mai", "Iunie", "Iulie", "August", "Septembrie", "Octobrie", "Niembrie", "Decembrie" } local days = { "Sâmbătă", "Luni", "Marți", "Miercuri", "Joi", "Vineri", "Duminică" } local time = nil local ts = nil if timestamp then time = getRealTime( timestamp ) else time = getRealTime( ) end ts = ( tonumber( time.hour ) >= 12 and tostring( tonumber( time.hour ) - 12 ) or time.hour ) .. ":"..("%02d"):format(time.minute)..( tonumber( time.hour ) >= 12 and " PM" or " AM" ) if month then ts = months[ time.month + 1 ] .. " ".. time.monthday .. ", " .. ts end if day then ts = days[ time.weekday + 1 ].. ", " .. ts end return ts end addEvent( resourceName .. ":ad_create_fail", true ) addEventHandler( resourceName .. ":ad_create_fail", root, function() local window = { } --Store all of our window elements local width = 230 -- The width of our window local height = 110 -- The height of our window local x = SCREEN_X / 2 - width / 2 --Where on the screen our window will be located local y = SCREEN_Y / 2 - height / 2 window.window = guiCreateWindow( x, y, width, height, "Eroare de creatie", false ) --Create the window. window.errorLabel = guiCreateLabel( 10, 30, width - 20, 20, "A fost o eroare la introducere.", false, window.window ) window.closeButton = guiCreateButton( 10, 60, width - 20, 40, "Ieși", false, window.window ) addEventHandler( "onClientGUIClick", window.closeButton, function () guiSetVisible( window.window, false ) destroyElement( window.window ) window = { } end ) end ) function createAdvertisement( ) closePostAd() if window and window.window and isElement(window.window) then guiSetEnabled(window.window, false) end guiSetInputEnabled ( true ) local window = { } -- Store all of our window elements local width = 400 -- The width of our window local height = 440 -- The height of our window local x = SCREEN_X / 2 - width / 2 --Where on the screen our window will be located local y = SCREEN_Y / 2 - height / 2 postad.window = guiCreateWindow( x, y, width, height, "Crează Reclamă", false ) --Create the postad. postad.label = { } --This will hold our label elements local labels = { "Telefon", "Nume", "Adresă", "Expiră", "Secțiune", "Reclamă" } --This holds all of the labels we will create here local y = 35 --We'll set y to 30, which is the y coordinate of where our first label will go. for label = 1, #labels do postad.label[ label ] = guiCreateLabel( 10, y * label, 100, 30, labels[ label ], false, postad.window ) end postad.input = { } -- Will hold all of our input elements. y = 30 -- We'll start y off at 25 here to stay even with the inputs. postad.input[ 1 ] = guiCreateEdit( 100, y, width - 120, 30, "", false, postad.window ) --Phone input y = y + 35 postad.input[ 2 ] = guiCreateEdit( 100, y, width - 120, 30, "", false, postad.window ) --Name Input y = y + 35 postad.input[ 3 ] = guiCreateEdit( 100, y, width - 120, 30, "", false, postad.window ) --Address input y = y + 40 postad.input[ 4 ] = guiCreateComboBox( 100, y, width - 120, 95, "", false, postad.window ) --Expiry guiComboBoxAddItem( postad.input[ 4 ], "1 oră" ) guiComboBoxAddItem( postad.input[ 4 ], "2 ore" ) guiComboBoxAddItem( postad.input[ 4 ], "6 ore" ) guiComboBoxAddItem( postad.input[ 4 ], "O zi" ) y = y + 34 postad.input[ 5 ] = guiCreateComboBox( 100, y, width - 120, 125, "", false, postad.window ) --Section for i = 1, #sections do --Loop through each of the 6 advertisement sections. guiComboBoxAddItem( postad.input[ 5 ], sections[ i ] ) end postad.input[ 6 ] = guiCreateMemo( 10, y + 60, width - 20, 90, "", false, postad.window ) --Advertisement for i = 1, 6 do addEventHandler(getElementType( postad.input[i] ) == 'gui-combobox' and 'onClientGUIComboBoxAccepted' or 'onClientGUIChanged', postad.input[i], function( ) for i = 1, 6 do if getElementType( postad.input[i] ) == 'gui-combobox' then if guiComboBoxGetSelected( postad.input[i] ) == -1 then guiSetEnabled( postad.postButton, false ) return end else local text = ( guiGetText( postad.input[i] ) or '' ):gsub("\n", ''):gsub("\r", '') if #text == 0 then guiSetEnabled( postad.postButton, false ) return end end end guiSetEnabled( postad.postButton, true ) end, false ) end postad.postButton = guiCreateButton( 10, height - 100, width - 20, 40, "Postează Reclamă", false, postad.window ) guiSetEnabled( postad.postButton, false ) addEventHandler( "onClientGUIClick", postad.postButton, function () local phone = guiGetText( postad.input[ 1 ] ) or "" local name = guiGetText( postad.input[ 2 ] ) or "" local address = guiGetText( postad.input[ 3 ] ) or "" local advertisement = guiGetText( postad.input[ 6 ] ) local expirySelected = guiComboBoxGetSelected( postad.input[ 4 ] ) local expires = nil if expirySelected == -1 or expirySelected == 0 then expires = ONE_HOUR elseif expirySelected == 1 then expires = ONE_HOUR * 2 elseif expirySelected == 2 then expires = ONE_HOUR * 6 else expires = ONE_HOUR * 24 end local section = tostring( guiComboBoxGetSelected( postad.input[ 5 ] ) + 1 ) closePostAd() triggerServerEvent( resourceName .. ":create_advertisement", getLocalPlayer(), phone, name, address, advertisement, expires, section ) end , false ) postad.closeButton = guiCreateButton( 10, height - 50, width - 20, 40, "Ieși", false, postad.window ) addEventHandler( "onClientGUIClick", postad.closeButton, function () if source == postad.closeButton then closePostAd() end end , false ) end addCommandHandler( "postad", createAdvertisement, false, false ) function closePostAd() if postad and postad.window and isElement(postad.window) then guiSetInputEnabled ( false ) destroyElement( postad.window ) postad = { } if window and window.window and isElement(window.window) then guiSetEnabled(window.window, true) else showCursor( false, false ) end end end function viewAdvertisement( advertisement ) closeViewAd() if window and window.window and isElement(window.window) then guiSetEnabled(window.window, false) end guiSetInputEnabled ( false ) local window = { } local width = 400 local height = 530 local x = SCREEN_X / 2 - width / 2 local y = SCREEN_Y / 2 - height / 2 viewad.window = guiCreateWindow( x, y, width, height, "Vezi reclamă", false ) viewad.label = { } local labels = { "Telefon", "Nume", "Adresă", "Start", "Expiră", "Secțiune", "Reclamă" } local y = 35 for label = 1, #labels do viewad.label[ label ] = guiCreateLabel( 10, y * label, 100, 30, labels[ label ], false, viewad.window ) end viewad.input = { } y = 30 viewad.input[ 1 ] = guiCreateEdit( 100, y, width - 120, 30,, false, viewad.window ) guiEditSetReadOnly( viewad.input[ 1 ], true ) y = y + 35 viewad.input[ 2 ] = guiCreateEdit( 100, y, width - 120, 30,, false, viewad.window ) guiEditSetReadOnly( viewad.input[ 2 ], true ) y = y + 35 viewad.input[ 3 ] = guiCreateEdit( 100, y, width - 120, 30, advertisement.address, false, viewad.window ) guiEditSetReadOnly( viewad.input[ 3 ], true ) y = y + 35 viewad.input[ 4 ] = guiCreateEdit( 100, y, width - 120, 30, getTime( true, true, advertisement.start ), false, viewad.window ) guiEditSetReadOnly( viewad.input[ 4 ], true ) y = y + 35 viewad.input[ 5 ] = guiCreateEdit( 100, y, width - 120, 30, getTime( true, true, advertisement.expiry ), false, viewad.window ) guiEditSetReadOnly( viewad.input[ 5 ], true ) y = y + 35 viewad.input[ 6 ] = guiCreateEdit( 100, y, width - 120, 30, sections[ tonumber( advertisement.section ) ], false, viewad.window ) guiEditSetReadOnly( viewad.input[ 6 ], true ) viewad.input[ 7 ] = guiCreateMemo( 10, y + 60, width - 20, 90, advertisement.advertisement, false, viewad.window ) guiMemoSetReadOnly( viewad.input[ 7 ], true ) if tonumber( getElementData( localPlayer, "dbid" ) ) == tonumber( advertisement.created_by ) or deleteAny then guiCreateLabel( 100, 245, 200, 25, "Creat de: " .."_", " "), false, viewad.window ) viewad.pushButton = guiCreateButton( 10, height - 150, width - 20, 40, "Trimite reclama ($100)", false, viewad.window ) if tonumber( getElementData( localPlayer, "dbid" ) ) ~= tonumber( advertisement.created_by ) then guiSetProperty( viewad.pushButton, 'NormalTextColour', 'FFFF0000' ) end addEventHandler( "onClientGUIClick", viewad.pushButton, function () triggerServerEvent( resourceName .. ":push_advertisement", localPlayer, ) end , false ) end if tonumber( getElementData( localPlayer, "dbid" ) ) == tonumber( advertisement.created_by ) or deleteAny then viewad.deleteButton = guiCreateButton( 10, height - 100, width - 20, 40, "Șterge Reclamă", false, viewad.window ) if tonumber( getElementData( localPlayer, "dbid" ) ) ~= tonumber( advertisement.created_by ) then guiSetProperty( viewad.deleteButton, 'NormalTextColour', 'FFFF0000' ) end addEventHandler( "onClientGUIClick", viewad.deleteButton, function () closeViewAd() triggerServerEvent( resourceName .. ":delete_advertisement", localPlayer, ) end , false ) end viewad.closeButton = guiCreateButton( 10, height - 50, width - 20, 40, "Ieși", false, viewad.window ) addEventHandler( "onClientGUIClick", viewad.closeButton, function () if source == viewad.closeButton then closeViewAd() end end , false ) end function closeViewAd() if viewad and viewad.window and isElement(viewad.window) then guiSetInputEnabled ( false ) guiSetVisible( viewad.window, false ) destroyElement( viewad.window ) viewad = { } if window and window.window and isElement(window.window) then guiSetEnabled(window.window, true) else showCursor( false, false ) end end end addEvent( resourceName .. ":display_all", true ) addEventHandler( resourceName .. ":display_all", root, function( advertisements, canDeleteAnyAd ) closeAds() deleteAny = canDeleteAnyAd showCursor( true, true ) local width = 500 local height = 500 local x = SCREEN_X / 2 - width / 2 local y = SCREEN_Y / 2 - height / 2 window.window = guiCreateWindow( x, y, width, height, "Reclame", false ) window.closeButton = guiCreateButton( 10, 30, width - 20, 40, "Creează Reclamă", false, window.window ) addEventHandler( "onClientGUIClick", window.closeButton, function () createAdvertisement( ) end , false ) window.mainPanel = guiCreateTabPanel ( 10, 90, width - 15, height - 150, false, window.window ) = { } window.table = { } window.colPhone = { } window.colName = { } window.colAd = { } for i = 1, #sections do[ i ] = guiCreateTab( sections[ i ], window.mainPanel ) window.table[ i ] = guiCreateGridList ( 10, 10, width - 35, height - 190, false,[ i ] ) window.colPhone[ i ]= guiGridListAddColumn( window.table[ i ], "Telefon", 0.2 ) window.colName[ i ] = guiGridListAddColumn( window.table[ i ], "Nume", 0.2 ) window.colAd[ i ] = guiGridListAddColumn( window.table[ i ], "Reclamă", 0.5 ) for ad = 1, #advertisements do if tonumber( advertisements[ ad ].section ) == i then local row = guiGridListAddRow ( window.table[ i ] ) guiGridListSetItemText( window.table[ i ], row, window.colPhone[ i ], advertisements[ ad ].phone, false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText( window.table[ i ], row, window.colName[ i ], advertisements[ ad ].name, false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText( window.table[ i ], row, window.colAd[ i ], advertisements[ ad ].advertisement, false, false ) guiGridListSetItemData( window.table[ i ], row, window.colPhone[ i ], ad ) addEventHandler( "onClientGUIDoubleClick", window.table[ i ], function ( button, state ) if button == 'left' and state == 'up' and window and window.table then local selectedRow, selectedCol = guiGridListGetSelectedItem( window.table[ i ] ) local key = guiGridListGetItemData( window.table[ i ], selectedRow, window.colPhone[ i ] ) if advertisements[ key ] then viewAdvertisement( advertisements[ key ] ) end end end , false ) end end if guiGridListGetRowCount( window.table[ i ] ) == 0 then local row = guiGridListAddRow ( window.table[ i ] ) guiGridListSetItemText ( window.table[ i ], row, window.colPhone[ i ], "Nici-o reclamă", false, false ) end end window.closeButton = guiCreateButton( 10, height - 50, width - 20, 40, "Ieși", false, window.window ) addEventHandler( "onClientGUIClick", window.closeButton, function () if source == window.closeButton then closeAds() end end , false ) end ) function closeAds() if window and window.window and isElement(window.window) then showCursor( false, false ) destroyElement( window.window ) window = { } closePostAd() end end local SERVICES_SECTION = 1 --Places to offer services such as house cleaning or mechanics and whatnot local CARS_VEHICLES_SECTION = 2 --Offer to buy or sell a vehicle in this section local REAL_ESTATE_SECTION = 3 --Houses for sale go in this section local COMMUNITY_SECTION = 4 --Advertisements about communities can go here, for example, palomino creek. local JOBS_SECTION = 5 --Advertisements about hiring people or looking for work will go in this section local PERSONALS_SECTION = 6 --People looking for other people go in this section local COOLDOWN_MINUTES = 5 --Number of minutes between push alerts being sent by players local resourceName = getResourceName( getThisResource( ) ) local sections = { "Servicii", "Vehicule", "Proprietăți", "Communitate", "Slujbe", "Personal" } function escape( value ) return exports.mysql:escape_string( value ) end function now( ) return tonumber( getRealTime().timestamp ) end addEvent( resourceName .. ":create_advertisement", true ) addEventHandler( resourceName .. ":create_advertisement", root, function( phone, name, address, advertisement, expires, section ) --Check if all fields have been entered by the user. if not ( phone == nil or name == nil or address == nil or advertisement == nil ) then --Fetch the created by local createdBy = tostring( getElementData( source, "dbid" ) ) --Get the current server time to store as our start time local start = getRealTime().timestamp --Add the time until expiry to the start time to get the actual time it will expire. local expiry = start + expires --Check if our query went into the database successfully. if exports.mysql:insert( 'advertisements', { phone = phone, name = name, address = address, advertisement = advertisement, start = start, expiry = expiry, section = section, created_by = createdBy } ) then --We'll send something to the client side so they can close the add form and reopen the main advertisements form. --openAdvertisements( source, nil ) else --If the database query was unsucessful, alert the end user. outputChatBox( "SQL Error.", source ) triggerClientEvent( source, resourceName .. ":ad_create_fail", root ) end else --If all fields were not entered, alert the user. outputChatBox( "Field Error.", source ) triggerClientEvent( source, resourceName .. ":ad_create_fail", root ) end end ) local coolDown = {} addEvent( resourceName .. ":push_advertisement", true ) addEventHandler( resourceName .. ":push_advertisement", root, function( id ) local advertisement = exports.mysql:select_one( "advertisements", { id = id } ) = exports.mysql:select_one( "characters", { id = advertisement.created_by } ).charactername if not coolDown[ id ] or ( coolDown[ id ] < now() - ( 60 * COOLDOWN_MINUTES ) ) then if client, 100 ) then coolDown[ id ] = now() for i, k in pairs( getElementsByType( 'player' ) ) do if exports.integration:isPlayerTrialAdmin( k ) then outputChatBox( "ADVERT: " .. advertisement.advertisement .. " | Ph: " .. .. " | Cat: " .. sections[ tonumber( advertisement.section ) ] .. " (( " .."_", " ") .." )) .", k, 0, 255, 0 ) else outputChatBox( "ADVERT: " .. advertisement.advertisement .. " | Ph: " .. .. " | Cat: " .. sections[ tonumber( advertisement.section ) ] .. ".", k, 0, 255, 0 ) end end else outputChatBox( "Nu ai destui bani în bancă să trimiți această reclamă.", client, 255, 155, 155 ) end else outputChatBox( "Poți trimite o reclamă o dată la " .. COOLDOWN_MINUTES .. " minute.", client, 255, 155, 155 ) end end ) function deleteAdvertisement( id ) return exports.mysql:delete('advertisements', {id = id}) end addEvent( "advertisements:delete_advertisement", true ) addEventHandler( "advertisements:delete_advertisement", getRootElement(), function( id ) if deleteAdvertisement( id ) then --openAdvertisements( source ) else outputChatBox( "An error occured with deleting that ad.", source, 255, 100, 100 ) end end ) function openAdvertisements( player, command ) local advertisements = { } --These will hold our advertisements to send to the client and populate our advertisement tables. if not player then player = source end for _, ad in ipairs( exports.mysql:select('advertisements') ) do if tonumber( ad.expiry ) >= tonumber( getRealTime().timestamp ) then --Check if the advertisement has expired, delete it if so. = exports.mysql:select_one( "characters", { id = ad.created_by } ).charactername table.insert( advertisements, ad ) else deleteAdvertisement( ) end end triggerClientEvent( player, resourceName .. ":display_all", root, advertisements, exports.integration:isPlayerAdmin( player ) ) --Send the advertisements to the client to create the GUI. end addCommandHandler( "advertisements", openAdvertisements, false, false ) addCommandHandler( "ads", openAdvertisements, false, false ) addCommandHandler( "classifieds", openAdvertisements, false, false ) addEvent( resourceName .. ":open_ads", true ) addEventHandler( resourceName .. ":open_ads", root, openAdvertisements ) Hello guys I just wanna know what I messed up in my script I'm facing this error for hours!! ERROR: advertisements\advertisements.Lua:187: call: failed to call 'mysql:select' [string "?"] ERROR: advertisements\advertisements.Lua:187: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got boolean) Edited May 29, 2020 by SparkySky Link to comment
Tekken Posted May 30, 2020 Share Posted May 30, 2020 There is no 187 line in the code you posted, but I assume there is a problem with your MySQL database. Link to comment
SkyDow Posted May 31, 2020 Author Share Posted May 31, 2020 (edited) On 30/05/2020 at 10:18, Tekken said: There is no 187 line in the code you posted, but I assume there is a problem with your MySQL database. I found out that in the database to work /ads you have to enter the following codes ! -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Structura de tabel pentru tabelul `advertisements` -- CREATE TABLE `advertisements` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `phone` varchar(10) NOT NULL, `name` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `address` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `advertisement` text NOT NULL, `start` int(11) NOT NULL, `expiry` int(11) NOT NULL, `created_by` int(11) NOT NULL, `section` int(11) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- -- Salvarea datelor din tabel `advertisements` -- INSERT INTO `advertisements` (`id`, `phone`, `name`, `address`, `advertisement`, `start`, `expiry`, `created_by`, `section`) VALUES -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Indexes for table `advertisements` -- ALTER TABLE `advertisements` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `advertisements` -- ALTER TABLE `advertisements` MODIFY `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, AUTO_INCREMENT=697; I put it in and when I gave /ads it tells me to wait 2 hours to place an ad! I gave /forcepaydayall to have 2 hours and when I give /ads again I get this error in the console ?! ERROR: advertisements\advertisements.Lua:187: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got boolean) ERROR: advertisements\advertisements.Lua:187: call: failed to call 'mysql:select' [string "?"] how can i solve ?! please help me ! Edited May 31, 2020 by SparkySky Link to comment
Tekken Posted June 1, 2020 Share Posted June 1, 2020 There is an error within your mysql resource as instead of a table it returns boolean otherwise said 'false' that means the resource could not connect or check for whatever you may check in the database, so you should check the function select in resource mysql. good luck! SQL it's not exactly my thing, so I can only tell you there is a problem there, as also I only worked with SQLite witch it's the same thing basically but SQLite it's offline. Link to comment
SkyDow Posted June 1, 2020 Author Share Posted June 1, 2020 17 minutes ago, Tekken said: There is an error within your mysql resource as instead of a table it returns boolean otherwise said 'false' that means the resource could not connect or check for whatever you may check in the database, so you should check the function select in resource mysql. good luck! SQL it's not exactly my thing, so I can only tell you there is a problem there, as also I only worked with SQLite witch it's the same thing basically but SQLite it's offline. Thanks anyway, I'll see what I can do! Link to comment
IAN21 Posted August 19, 2020 Share Posted August 19, 2020 Yo, wait. This is a leaked resource. Please, don't ask for help with leaked scripts. Link to comment
gaghaufgy Posted August 19, 2020 Share Posted August 19, 2020 9 minutes ago, IAN21 said: Yo, wait. This is a leaked resource. Please, don't ask for help with leaked scripts. Let the kids make servers I agree the script is leaked. If you really wanna start a MTASA server you need to build it from nothing. I see lots and lots of posts with the old Owlgaming gamemode , come on guys , i'm tired of seeing every server in my country with the same gamemode , build something original! 1 Link to comment
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