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Guest cadrona

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Just wondering, will there be any changes made so that those without broadband could possibly get better ping? Like any support, or will those with dialup(like me), still get around the same pings as in the first release? thanks

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Gameplay speed will obviously decrease with dial-up connection, thinking about upgrading is perhaps a suggestion. Providing software for people who have dial-up might not be very valuable since most people do have broadband, though on the other hand it could be useful for players who do have dial-up in some cases.

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Maybe he can't get broadband where he lives due to him living in a rural area like where i live. I've had broadband for about two years since British telecom finally upgraded my telephone exchange so that it could cope with broadband. There are still amny areas I beleive without a sufficient Exchange.

Well, thats too bad for the people who have that issue, but MTA can't do anything about it.

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