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[News] Freeroam.map crashing by Kent747


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We have been analyzing reports of crashes ingame and have come to a conclusion about a vast majority of crashes. This crash is mostly caused in the freeroam.map file due to the large number of vehicle change pickups. After further investigation we realized that GTA has an internal limit only allowing 20 different vehicle types to be loaded at any point in time. What this means is if more than 20 players are all in different vehicles, then everyone will crash.

To avoid this, we suggest not using freeroam.map, or removing some of the vehicle change pickups. We will try to improve this limit in our next version, and will try to have a new freeroam.map available on our community center soon.

If your map requires more than 20 different vehicle types (not total vehicles), we suggest that you remove some of the vehicles or spawns from your maps in such a way that it is impossible for 20 different types of vehicles to exist at once.

To clarify: Your map can still have 32 different spawns. That is not an issue. The only issue is maps that have more than 20 different vehicle types.



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Or just make sure you don't have over 20 players in your server, right?

No need to enforce a lower max players limit. You could simply reduce the amount of spawns in freeroam to 20. If there's more peeps in your server it will be skipped, if there is 20 or less at the time it comes around it will play with no problems.

EDIT: Error404 removed his post above this that I was responding to, so now this one makes less sense, oh well :P

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huh...this is the first i've heard of this...and i run a freeroam server...the only bugs i've found so far are people getting randomly disconnected and in the map editor some objects will keep moving after you've released the shift button :P but as far as i know no ones said anything about an error msg :wink:

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