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developer request

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Hi, I run a stuntmap server (no racing) so people basically join, then run around do jumps and fool around. problem is race setting doesent quite go together with it.

If possible, could you create a quick script to make the server automatically respawn players?

such as when they join the server, or die- they would instantly join the race. this would illeviate me having to do a restart every time someone dies or joins


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also possibly combining that and allowing servers to host more then 32 players?

that way I could host like a server capable of hosting like 300+ players.

so you could find plenty to do throughout the gtasa world

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I think a blanket approach like that would create more problems (or bad races at least) than not having respawn at all. Mainly because most maps won't be designed with it in mind, demolition derby and its ilk would never end for example, and creators of new maps wont know which to take into account - respawn or none.

Probably better not to add it at all if a serverside patch is the only option.

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The best way to go would be to have a setting for each spawnpoint/checkpoint on whether players can respawn at that point, a server option to disable all respawns, and an option for a timelimit on a map (for destruction derby maps, for example.) And if that were done, an option to vote for a time-limit extension would be good too..

An option to automatically respawn at the last checkpoint wouldn't work out on a lot of existing maps though, so it's important that all respawning is a map setting.. on a lot of maps there are checkpoints that are intended to be gone through at high speeds, for example, a checkpoint that transforms you into a plane over water..it wouldn't quite work out if you respawned there.

I'm done rambling now.. sounds like a lot of work, I'm glad I'm not a dev

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The best way to go would be to have a setting for each spawnpoint/checkpoint on whether players can respawn at that point

yes, this is good but if you had options inside the map file that offered 4 possibilities (or a combination), that mentioned above (selecting spawnable checpoints), respawn at certain distance (ie you could select an option that you respawn not on the last respawnable checkpoint but the one before it, to make the map fairer, its unfair to be able to respawn exactly where you died if you have just gone through a checkpoint),all checkpoints spawn and of course no spawns at all.

So if someone wanted you to respawn exactly 2 checkpoints back the would enable the all checkpoints spawn option (or create all checkpoints as 'spawning' checkpoints) and then set the distance option as one checkpoint back.

sorry if it's hard to understand

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yeah, could make it spawn at the normal spawn point on maps without checkpoints, and maps with checkpoints, you could have them spawn at the last checkpoint they checked

I agree. That would be very useful. Maps without any checkpoints would be "detected" as non-racing maps (stunt, or precurser to deathmatch) and auto respawn would be enabled.

Any way to reduce the "wait" as a spectator would be good. New players (I know I did) when they join a server usually they sit as a spectator for a while. I thought something was wrong at first, until I got to play. Unfortunately people have short attention spans, the quicker you can jump in the action the more fun it is!

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