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A help forum...

Any questions, instead of just filling up the other forums, would be placed in the help forum, and there would be a sticky with all asked questions, and all answers, so there's as little duplication of topics possible...

I'm just tired of searching through all the forums to reply to the same kind of message 40 times... :roll:

what the... why am I capable of posting this as a sticky? :o:o:o:o:o

I'm scared now. :shock:

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you need to alt-tab out of gta3, and go to the console, on there there's a button that says send request, press it and go back in to gta3 and it should bring you to a tall building, on that building there's 2 models, mafia and diablo, pick the diable, mafia dosn't work right, and then well, your in :)

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