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[HELP] password based gate system

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I maked a Password based gate script with dx and normal gui 

pic :/



This resource is working properly but i have a problem 

iwant to setup close butten and gui visible set to marker 

pls help me 

this is client side

GUIEditor = {
    button = {},
    edit = {}
addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot,
        GUIEditor.button[1] = guiCreateButton(534, 370, 265, 54, "OPEN THE GATE", false)

        GUIEditor.button[2] = guiCreateButton(872, 429, 62, 37, "Close", false)

        GUIEditor.edit[1] = guiCreateEdit(463, 269, 250, 43, "", false)    

        addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", GUIEditor.button[1], checkPassword )
        guiEditSetMasked ( GUIEditor.edit[1], true )

password = "1234"
function checkPassword ()
        local text = guiGetText ( GUIEditor.edit[1] )     
        if text == password then                
                triggerServerEvent ( "openGate", resourceRoot)
                outputChatBox ( "Password Incorrect!" )


this is the server side 

local gate = createObject(980,-2423.94385, -609.48846, 132.56250, 0, 0, 0)

function open()
	moveObject(gate, 980,-2414.95703, -603.12976, 132.56250, 0, 0, 0)
addEvent( "openGate", true )
addEventHandler( "openGate", resourceRoot, open )



    <info  type="script" name="psswd based gate" author="heshan" version="1.0.0"></info>
    <script src="my2.lua" type="client" ></script>
    <script src="my2s.lua" type="server" ></script>

pls help 

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2 hours ago, #Heshan||eUNLOCK|| said:

I maked a Password based gate script with dx and normal gui 

pic :/



This resource is working properly but i have a problem 

iwant to setup close butten and gui visible set to marker 

pls help me 

this is client side

GUIEditor = {
    button = {},
    edit = {}
addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot,
        GUIEditor.button[1] = guiCreateButton(534, 370, 265, 54, "OPEN THE GATE", false)

        GUIEditor.button[2] = guiCreateButton(872, 429, 62, 37, "Close", false)

        GUIEditor.edit[1] = guiCreateEdit(463, 269, 250, 43, "", false)    

        addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", GUIEditor.button[1], checkPassword )
        guiEditSetMasked ( GUIEditor.edit[1], true )

password = "1234"
function checkPassword ()
        local text = guiGetText ( GUIEditor.edit[1] )     
        if text == password then                
                triggerServerEvent ( "openGate", resourceRoot)
                outputChatBox ( "Password Incorrect!" )


this is the server side 

local gate = createObject(980,-2423.94385, -609.48846, 132.56250, 0, 0, 0)

function open()
	moveObject(gate, 980,-2414.95703, -603.12976, 132.56250, 0, 0, 0)
addEvent( "openGate", true )
addEventHandler( "openGate", resourceRoot, open )



    <info  type="script" name="psswd based gate" author="heshan" version="1.0.0"></info>
    <script src="my2.lua" type="client" ></script>
    <script src="my2s.lua" type="server" ></script>

pls help 



you help me with my topics and i will help you!

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local password = "1234"
function checkPassword ()
        local text = guiGetText ( GUIEditor.edit[1] )     
        if text == password then                
                triggerServerEvent ( "openGate", resourceRoot)
    			outputChatBox ( "Password Correct!" )
                outputChatBox ( "Password Incorrect!" )

Client side.

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13 hours ago, Mohamed Nightmare said:

local password = "1234"
function checkPassword ()
        local text = guiGetText ( GUIEditor.edit[1] )     
        if text == password then                
                triggerServerEvent ( "openGate", resourceRoot)
    			outputChatBox ( "Password Correct!" )
                outputChatBox ( "Password Incorrect!" )

Client side.

i knwo but i want to setup close butten function

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addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",GUIEditor.button[2],replace button with your ones 
        guiSetVisible ( GUIEditor.window[1], false ),
      Replace window  with yours window name

For close funcrion Add the above code in your client.lua ,and replace names as I shown in code 

Edited by KINGKHAN
  • Thanks 1
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