iTaLiAnMaD Posted August 17, 2005 Share Posted August 17, 2005 plz tell me where to download funny script for mta:ma...KING OF HOUSE script...PLZ ANSWER ME hardestplayers thankx Link to comment
Niels Posted August 19, 2005 Share Posted August 19, 2005 A clan got that script... VCES i think, dont know Link to comment
iTaLiAnMaD Posted August 19, 2005 Author Share Posted August 19, 2005 What's VCEs to find king of the house script for MTA?? I want to download it or know the admin who use it..plz answer me Link to comment
[KFC]KungFu Posted August 19, 2005 Share Posted August 19, 2005 (edited) Written by UVA ZZZ aka Jax alias koth.password !return YOURPASSWORDHERE alias koth.hpick { var %a = $iif($$1) == GTA:3,AREA1,AREA2) !return $readini(,%a,$ini(,%a,$rand(1,$ini(,%a,0)))) } alias koth.owner { !hadd -m koth lastowner $hget(koth,owner) if ($mta.area($1,$mta.getid($1,$hget(koth,owner))) != $hget(koth,house2) || $hget(koth,owner) == No-one) { var %a = 0,%b,%c,%d while (%a < $mta.maxplayers($1)) { if ($$1,%a) != Unknown && $$1,%a) > 0) { if ($mta.area($1,%a) == $hget(koth,house2)) { if (%b) { if ($$1,%a) > %c) { %c = $$1,%a) %d = $$1,%a) } } %c = $$1,%a) %d = $$1,%a) !inc %b } } !inc %a } if (%d) koth.newown %d if (%b) { if (!$readini(koth.ini,clans,%d)) !return %d else !return $readini(koth.ini,clans,%d) %d } else !return No-one } elseif (!$readini(koth.ini,clans,$hget(koth,owner))) !return $hget(koth,owner) else !return $readini(koth.ini,clans,$hget(koth,owner)) $hget(koth,owner) } alias koth.nxtmember { var %a = 0 while (%a < $mta.maxplayers($1)) { if ($readini(koth.ini,clans,$$1,%a)) == $2 && $$1,%a) > 0 && %a != $3) { !hadd -m koth owner $$1,%a) !return %a } !inc %a } !return -1 } on *:UNLOAD:{ !.timerkoth off !.timerkothcheck off } on *:SIGNAL:mta.disconnect:{ !.timerkoth off !.timerkothcheck off } on *:SIGNAL:mta.quit:{ !.timerkoth off !.timerkothcheck off } on *:SIGNAL:mta.command:{ var %a = $iif($4,$iif($$1,$4) != Unknown,$4,$mta.getid($1,$4)),$2) if ($readini(koth.ini,login,$$1,$2))) { if ($3 == !checkdelay) { if ($4 isnum 1-20) { set %checkdelay $4 !.timerkothcheck off !.timerkothcheck 0 $4 koth.check $1 mta.say $1 Koth > Check-Delay set to: $4 seconds } else mta.say $1 Koth > Check-Delay currently set to: $iif(%checkdelay,%checkdelay,3) seconds } elseif ($3 == !koth) { if ($4 == on) { if ($hget(koth,status) != on) koth.start $1 else mta.say $1 Koth > Status: Online $chr(124) Duration: $iif(!$readini(koth.ini,data,start),Unknown,$duration($calc($ctime - $readini(koth.ini,data,start)))) } elseif ($4 == off) { if ($hget(koth,status) == on) koth.stop $1 else mta.say $1 Koth > Status: Offline $chr(124) Duration: $iif(!$readini(koth.ini,data,stop),Unknown,$duration($calc($ctime - $readini(koth.ini,data,stop)))) } else mta.say $1 Koth > Status: $iif($hget(koth,status) == on,Online,Offline) $chr(124) Duration: $iif(!$readini(koth.ini,data,$iif($hget(koth,status) == on,start,stop)),Unknown,$duration($calc($ctime - $readini(koth.ini,data,$iif($hget(koth,status) == on,start,stop))))) } elseif ($3 == !sethouse) { if ($4) { var %a = 0,%b while (%a <= $ini(,$iif($$1) == GTA:3,AREA1,AREA2),0)) { if ($4 isin $readini(,$iif($$1) == GTA:3,AREA1,AREA2),$ini(,$iif($$1) == GTA:3,AREA1,AREA2),%a))) { !hadd -m koth house $gettok($readini(,$iif($$1) == GTA:3,AREA1,AREA2),$ini(,$iif($$1) == GTA:3,AREA1,AREA2),%a)),1,32) !hadd -m koth house2 $readini(,$iif($$1) == GTA:3,AREA1,AREA2),$ini(,$iif($$1) == GTA:3,AREA1,AREA2),%a)) %b = 1 !break } !inc %a } if (%b) { mta.say $1 Koth > House set to: $hget(koth,house) } else mta.say $1 $$1,$2) $+ , area: $+(',$4,') not found! } else mta.say $1 $$1,$2) $+ , Syntax: !sethouse } } elseif ($3 == !addclan) { if ($4) { if ($4 isin $$1,$2)) { if ($findtok($readini(koth.ini,data,clanlist),$4,1,44) == $null) { !writeini -n koth.ini clans $$1,$2) $4 !writeini -n koth.ini data clanlist $iif(!$readini(koth.ini,data,clanlist),$4,$addtok($readini(koth.ini,data,clanlist),$4,44)) mta.say $1 Koth > Clan: $4 Added $chr(124) By: $$1,$2) } else mta.say $1 $$1,$2) $+ , Clan: $4 already exists! } else mta.say $1 $$1,$2) $+ , $+(',$4,') isn't in your name! } else mta.say $1 $$1,$2) $+ , Syntax: !addclan } elseif ($3 == !join) { if ($4) { if ($findtok($readini(koth.ini,data,clanlist),$4,1,44) != $null) { if ($4 isin $$1,$2)) { !writeini -n koth.ini clans $$1,$2) $4 mta.say $1 Koth > $$1,$2) added to $4 clan } else mta.say $1 $$1,$2) $+ , $+(',$4,') isn't in your name! } else mta.say $1 $$1,$2) $+ , Clan: $4 doesn't exist! } else mta.say $1 $$1,$2) $+ , Syntax: !join } elseif ($3 == !leave) { if ($readini(koth.ini,clans,$$1,$2))) { mta.say $1 Koth > $$1,$2) has left $readini(koth.ini,clans,$$1,$2)) !remini koth.ini clans $$1,$2) } else mta.say $1 $$1,$2) $+ , you havn't joined a clan! } elseif ($3 == !house) mta.say $1 Koth > Current House: $hget(koth,house) elseif ($3 == !owner) mta.say $1 Koth > Current Owner: $iif($readini(koth.ini,clans,$hget(koth,owner)),$readini(koth.ini,clans,$hget(koth,owner)) $chr(124) Landlord: $hget(koth,owner),$hget(koth,owner)) $chr(124) Duration: $duration($calc($ctime - $iif($hget(koth,starttime),$hget(koth,starttime),0))) elseif ($3 == !clan) { if (%a != -1) mta.say $1 $iif($readini(koth.ini,clans,$$1,%a)),$$1,%a) $+ $chr(44) Clan: $readini(koth.ini,clans,$$1,%a)),$$1,%a) hasn't joined a clan!) else mta.say $1 $$1,$2) $+ , Error: ID not present } elseif ($3 == !kills) { if (%a != -1) mta.say $1 $$1,%a) has a total of $iif($readini(koth.ini,kills,$$1,%a)),$readini(koth.ini,kills,$$1,%a)),0) kills else mta.say $1 $$1,$2) $+ , Error: ID not present } elseif ($3 == !area) { if (%a != -1) mta.say $1 $$1,%a) is at: $mta.area($1,%a) else mta.say $1 $$1,$2) $+ , Error: ID not present } } on *{ if ($3 == kothlogin) { if ($4 == $koth.password) { if (!$readini(koth.ini,login,$$1,$2))) { mta.msg $1 $2 You have logged in to the KOTH script !writeini koth.ini login $$1,$2) 1 } else mta.msg $1 $2 You are already logged into the KOTH script! } else mta.msg $1 $2 KOTH Login: incorrect password } } on *:SIGNAL:mta.part:{ !remini koth.ini login $$1,$2) } on *:SIGNAL:mta.kill:{ var %a = $readini(koth.ini,clans,$$1,$3)) if ($hget(koth,owner) != No-one) { if ($mta.area($1,$2) == $hget(koth,house2) || $mta.area($1,$3) == $hget(koth,house2)) { if ($readini(koth.ini,clans,$hget(koth,owner))) { if ($$1,$2) == $hget(koth,owner)) { if ($$1,$3) != Unknown && $2 != $3) { koth.newown $$1,$3) if ($readini(koth.ini,clans,$$1,$2)) == %a) { mta.say $1 Koth > $$1,$3) is the new Landlord! } elseif ($koth.nxtmember($1,$readini(koth.ini,clans,$$1,$2)),$2) != -1) { mta.say $1 Koth > $hget(koth,owner) has become the new Landlord! } else mta.say $1 Koth > $iif($readini(koth.ini,clans,$$1,$3)),$$1,$3) $+($chr(40),$readini(koth.ini,clans,$$1,$3)),$chr(41)),$$1,$3)) has taken over: $hget(koth,house) } elseif ($koth.nxtmember($1,$readini(koth.ini,clans,$$1,$2)),$2) != -1) { mta.say $1 Koth > $hget(koth,owner) has become the new Landlord! } else { mta.say $1 Koth > $$1,$2) has lost control of the house! !hadd -m koth owner No-one !hadd -m koth starttime $ctime } } elseif ($$1,$3) == $hget(koth,owner) || %a == $readini(koth.ini,clans,$hget(koth,owner))) { if ($readini(koth.ini,clans,$$1,$2)) == %a) { mta.say $1 Koth > %a have killed one of their own! } else { !writeini -n koth.ini kills $$1,$3) $calc($readini(koth.ini,kills,$$1,$3)) + 1) !writeini -n koth.ini clankills %a $calc($readini(koth.ini,clankills,%a) + 1) mta.say $1 Koth > %a Killed an Intruder $chr(124) Total: $readini(koth.ini,clankills,$readini(koth.ini,clans,$$1,$3))) } } } elseif ($$1,$2) == $hget(koth,owner)) { if ($$1,$3) != Unknown && $2 != $3) { koth.newown $$1,$3) mta.say $1 Koth > $iif($readini(koth.ini,clans,$$1,$3)),$$1,$3) $+($chr(40),$readini(koth.ini,clans,$$1,$3)),$chr(41)),$$1,$3)) has taken over: $hget(koth,house) } else { mta.say $1 Koth > $$1,$2) has lost control of the house! !hdel koth owner !hadd -m koth starttime $ctime } } elseif ($$1,$3) == $hget(koth,owner)) { !writeini -n koth.ini kills $$1,$3) $calc($readini(koth.ini,kills,$$1,$3)) + 1) mta.say $1 Koth > $$1,$3) Killed an Intruder $chr(124) Total: $readini(koth.ini,kills,$$1,$3)) } } } } alias koth.start { !hadd -m koth status on !writeini -n koth.ini data start $ctime var %a = $koth.hpick($1) !hadd -m koth house $gettok(%a,1,32) !hadd -m koth house2 %a !hadd -m koth starttime $ctime !hadd -m koth owner No-one if ($hget(koth,house2) != Unknown) { var %a = $koth.owner($1),%b = $iif($numtok(%a,32) > 1,$gettok(%a,2,32),%a) mta.say $1 - Koth Activated - mta.say $1 Koth > House: $hget(koth,house) $chr(124) Owner: $gettok(%a,1,32) $iif($numtok(%a,32) > 1,$chr(124) Landlord: %b,) if (!%checkdelay) set %checkdelay 5 !.timerkothcheck 0 %checkdelay koth.check $1 !.timerkoth 0 60 koth.current $1 } else mta.say $1 House getin error! } alias koth.stop { !hdel koth status !writeini -n koth.ini data stop $ctime mta.say $1 - Koth Deactivated - !.timerkothcheck off !.timerkoth off } alias koth.check { var %a = $koth.owner($1),%b = $iif($numtok(%a,32) > 1,$gettok(%a,2,32),%a) if (%b != $hget(koth,lastowner)) { if (%b == No-one) { mta.say $1 Koth > $hget(koth,lastowner) has left the house! !hadd -m koth starttime $ctime !hadd -m koth owner No-one } else mta.say $1 Koth > %b has taken over: $hget(koth,house) } } alias koth.current { var %a = $koth.owner($1),%b = $iif($numtok(%a,32) > 1,$gettok(%a,2,32),%a) mta.say $1 Koth > Owner: $gettok(%a,1,32) $iif($numtok(%a,32) > 1,$chr(124) Landlord: %b,) has owned: $hget(koth,house) for $duration($calc($ctime - $hget(koth,starttime))) } alias koth.newown { !hadd -m koth owner $1 !hadd -m koth starttime $ctime } Edited August 20, 2005 by Guest Link to comment
Leviathan Posted August 19, 2005 Share Posted August 19, 2005 hmm nice, I'll try it... but instead of king of the house, I like king of the lighthouse more, becouse a lighthouse is allso high, like a hill. Link to comment
iTaLiAnMaD Posted August 19, 2005 Author Share Posted August 19, 2005 BRO tahnkx you so much I needed this and you gave me...thankx...but One yhing..can you tell me how yo set the house point and the other basical commands???? Thankx bro Link to comment
iTaLiAnMaD Posted August 19, 2005 Author Share Posted August 19, 2005 KFC thankx for your reply but I don't know the Commands to start that script..If you can tell me all commands I can understand to use it..plz help me I can't udnerstand mirc scripts!!! Thankx p.s. I cant login in KOTH how must I do? Link to comment
iTaLiAnMaD Posted August 19, 2005 Author Share Posted August 19, 2005 another thing see other post of this this script works right with vice city?? I play with vice city MTA and no GTA:3 mta..tell me commands to login and start game..becuase I inserted my password in the specific field on the script but what kind of password is it=??admin+?? then tell me why if I type !koth on it doesn't start thankx KFC Link to comment
zerb Posted August 19, 2005 Share Posted August 19, 2005 Triple Post , Yes the script does work with VC Link to comment
iTaLiAnMaD Posted August 19, 2005 Author Share Posted August 19, 2005 but where can I find all commands to use into it? Link to comment
Guru(RP)* Posted August 20, 2005 Share Posted August 20, 2005 but where can I find all commands to use into it? lol? look on *:SIGNAL:mta.command: rotfl Link to comment
Slothman Posted August 20, 2005 Share Posted August 20, 2005 2 things: why bother asking for a script if you have absolutely no clue as to how to use it? and please, use the edit button. double posts are deeply discouraged here. Link to comment
iTaLiAnMaD Posted August 20, 2005 Author Share Posted August 20, 2005 bro help me I don't know how to use that script and I can't find something on the web so I can only post in the forum...plz tell me all commands into this script!!! Link to comment
[KFC]KungFu Posted August 20, 2005 Share Posted August 20, 2005 Yep, done this one this morning for ya ..::Commands::.. !koth [on/off] !checkdelay (area detection - can get cpu intensive) !sethouse !addclan !join !leave !house !owner !clan !kills !area ....have fun (thanx to XcR for hosting ) for password type /msg kothlogin Link to comment
iTaLiAnMaD Posted August 20, 2005 Author Share Posted August 20, 2005 KFCkungfu you are an hardplayer thankx a lot!!!! BRo if you want to seign my contact msn [email protected] maybe I need an expert teacher lol thankx Link to comment
iTaLiAnMaD Posted August 20, 2005 Author Share Posted August 20, 2005 sorry for sekond question...another thing bro KFCkungfu...How can set like House ammunation roof?? How can I type? plz let me see your sentence about set a place like house...thankx Link to comment
[KFC]KungFu Posted August 20, 2005 Share Posted August 20, 2005 Just edit posts instead of posting new ones... If you are using the latest GRS all of the locations are there already... you just go to the ammunation roof and type !area whatever it says you type !sethouse or part of the loc name Link to comment
iTaLiAnMaD Posted August 20, 2005 Author Share Posted August 20, 2005 kfckungfu sorry but when I type an area wrote in the message !loc or !area it says me: not found I type a sentence like this: !sethouse downtown, or !sethouse ocean beach or !sethouse says always... not found!!!! I would like to know how save other place with mta.area skript, I think it's possible,so BRO plz help me to set this fucking place:) THnkx for your quite for me and I learn many thing read your post:) Thankx Link to comment
Slothman Posted August 20, 2005 Share Posted August 20, 2005 you are amazingly patient kung. iTaLiAnMaD: it would be a good idea to read the grs and mtama info that is pllentiful and try and fiue it out from those before bobarding people with questions. all the info is available Link to comment
Gamefreek Posted August 20, 2005 Share Posted August 20, 2005 Make sure you have admin+ running so the scripts can find your location on the map. Link to comment
zerb Posted August 20, 2005 Share Posted August 20, 2005 Surely there must be a tutorial somewhere about how to script if he dosnt really know how to use them. Link to comment
iTaLiAnMaD Posted August 20, 2005 Author Share Posted August 20, 2005 I tried like KFCkungfu told me but it say always not FOUND...for example when I'm at airport I write !loc to know my says me.. Terminal Escobar-International Vice-City-Mainland' ....if I try to type !sethouse terminal escobar or all loc position it says me (that area)NOT FOUND, can KFCkungfu help me? Plz all harderplayers help me..I'm from italy and I'm sorry that I post many reply but I can't understand many english words so if you can explayn me..i'm sorry Thankx Link to comment
[KFC]KungFu Posted August 20, 2005 Share Posted August 20, 2005 If you don't have the area's set up you can use this script. I got this from It's best to use a heli when you set your area... The instructions are in the top of this script. Basically you type !c when you get there and then !p at the corners of the place to set the border. When you are done type !s Sloth: I just remember how bad I wanted to get KOTH running when Jax helped me... guess Im paying it forward ;Area-setup script ;This scripts makes costum area that are not defined yet. ;Steps to set a area: ;Clear the buffer, type: !c ;Stand in every corner of the area and type: !p ;Save the area with: !s ;Name the area as followed: on *:SIGNAL:mta.command: { ;!c clears the buffer with pointers if (!c == $3) { !unset %area mta.say $1 Area cleared. } ;!p sets a area point if (!p == $3) { %area = %area $+ $chr(44) $+ $round($mta.location($1,$2,x),4) $+ $chr(44) $+ $round($mta.location($1,$2,y),4) mta.say $1 $calc($count(%area,$chr(44)) /2) point(s) set } ;!s saves the area to if (!s == $3) { var %a if ($did(mta,$1 $+ 33) == GTA:3) !writeini " $+ $" AREA1 $right(%area,-1) $4- elseif ($did(mta,$1 $+ 22) == Stunt) !writeini " $+ $" AREA2 $right(%area,-1) $4- else { !writeini " $+ $" AREA2 $right(%area,-1) $4- !writeini " $+ $" AREA3 $right(%area,-1) $4- } !unset %area mta.say $1 Area saved as " $+ $4-" } ;!a Tells you in which area you are if (!a == $3) { mta.say $1 $mta.area($1,$2) } } Link to comment
iTaLiAnMaD Posted August 20, 2005 Author Share Posted August 20, 2005 thankx KFCkungfu for your patient...I'm sorry but I use your script and It work right, but I don't know where it put my saved place,when I type !sethouse it says NOT FOUND!!!!!!! for example: I spawn robber, after spawned I type 1)!c 2)!p 3)!s says me saved robber...ok...then I login my koth and i type !sethouse says me tobber not found!!!! Where my save is place when DO I type !s robber?????? THnkx bro for your quite for me.... Link to comment
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