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Cant chat inside of the game (wtf :O)

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I were in the Party Server playin and the next second the "T" button didn't work, nither did the F10 / F11 / F12 work (have tryed). Then i was told to restart the computer i did that and i still could not chat. Then i reinstalled mta, start the game at a random server, woops and the screen crashes on the client startup, I re try cause i though it was a simple crash but no it happend again, and i tryed once more still another crash.

I tryed this:

Crash on client startup

This might be causes by being unable to download the welcome message. This should only happen if the MTA site is down, or you aren't connected to the internet. If this is the case, it should try to download it for about 15 seconds - before it gives the crash. It might be possible to fix this by adding "DontGetLatest=1" on the second line of your "mta.ini" in your MTA folder (under "[Main]"). Alternatively, try creating a blank file called "mtaclientwelcome.dat" in your MTA folder - this is probably only relevant if this is the first time you've run the MTA 0.5 client.

Update: We've managed to replicate, confirm and fix this bug. Whenever we release a general patch, this will be fixed. In the meantime, ensure mtaclient.exe can access the internet through your firewall, or for on a LAN you can change the following value in mta.ini .

First the write "DontGetLatest=1" on the second line in the mta.ini, well that didn't work. Then i made a empty "mtaclientwelcome.dat" well do you now what? That didn't work ither. yep..

I'm not saying anything but you should fixed all of the errors by now, with your big team and this is the 5fth version and still lots of crashes and stuff, Even 0.3 don't crash as much as 0.5, you made it backwards it should be less crashes on the newer versions! When i tryed 0.4 i though wtf so much crashes compared to 0.3 is this a joke?.

Hope you fix all of the crashes in Blue core, (and maybe make stubby alittle stonger :wink: ).

Where is the download-archive? i don't see it at the main site, how are people supposed to download mta 0.5? I searched in google when i was going to reinstall.

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I found another Client at google, still crash at startup, mta devs can you sort this problem out or are you to busy drinking coffe or somthing?

You can't expect us too take shitty crashes, errors from the client only cause this mod is free, then i rather pay. There is many mods out there making gta mods i hope they think more on their players than you do, maybe they also have bugs/errors atleast they post news, I havn't seen any news on the front page in days :roll: .

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lol you take this as a joke? can't you atleast post the download page with all of the sponsored MTAInstall05.exe's :?

Only devs can solve this problem, maybe others too but devs solve them better so it whould be wise if a dev can answer my thread, have waited almost 3 days now. I hope some dev answer soon with what i can do if he really cares :roll:

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click the big green button that says 'click here to download MTA'

Sorry but I cannot express how obvious this was. Just incase you're still lost, I've kindly put together this distinctive guide:


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I can't believe anyone would miss that lol.

I havn't missed out anything dear.

Sorry but I cannot express how obvious this was. Just incase you're still lost, I've kindly put together this distinctive guide:

Eh not the download now picture i didn't ask for that one stupido 8) , The download archive with all of the files there were one befor? Or you are to incompetent to answer that.

Btw i don't think download mta will work, i have tryed. But thanks jani for the trying to post the download archive 8) .

Last time i recall i downloaded it from the download archive that were on the site. Those ones were not "Infected" I have tryedout those at http://www.mtavc.com/mta05/download.php already i still get crash at startup, that's why i'm looking for the other archive.

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