Hi there,
So, before I got my new computer, I was running windows 7 and I would always use the 1920x1080x16 resolution option as using x32 resulted in lower frame rates. However, I've got a new one now and I'm running windows 10 instead. As such, there's only a bunch of x32 resolution settings showing in the options. To get around this, I changed the color mode of the MTA exe to x16, and the other resolutions were now showing. I changed it, restarted the game and it worked fine, however, every time I do this, mta automatically reverts my compatibility changes as if I'd never touched them, and I can't figure out why. I've tried running it as an admin, and I even have the "Run as Admin" box checked, and it reverts that back as well.
I'm capable of using x32 resolutions now, but I'd rather not because x16 is a lot more comfortable for me.
Any responses/ideas would be immensely appreciated.