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Found 17 results

  1. Pocsai


    It seems i cant play on SeeMTA because my serial somehow linked to another already, dont even know why or how. I asked seemta support and they said that my basic serial is already linked to another account so they cant help me until i change my serial. (they suggested to buy another SSD to change it but i cant do that know. Its not fake i can show the emails and everything, if any MTA admin could help me i would really appreciate it.
  2. He creado una cuenta en un servidor hace algún tiempo y puse un correo que no existe (queria salir rápido del paso) eso se registró con mi serial y ahora a cada servidor que intento entrar y me creo una cuenta me dice que tengo que confirmar la cuenta con dicho serial . Sé que he cometido una gran estupidez pero no sabía que iba a escalar a tan gran problema necesito ayuda por favor si es posible borrar todo para yo comenzar de cero.
  3. For the Last 3 years MTA SA serial validation worked flawlessly on wine/linux via running the mta-server64 as root, but recently that confusingly broke. This happens on all my 4 systems all used to work for the Last 3 years and now they don't.
  4. English - Ingles: Greetings, I am new to MTA and I started playing MTA thanks to some friends who invited me to play, we played a first server and when I tried to create my account it told me that there was already an account created in this series, I didn't give it importance, I talked to the server administrators and they changed the gmail of the account they had for one of mine, after a few days we played on another server and it happened and they gave me the same message "there is already an account created in this series or something like that" so I talked to the server administrators were more strict and said that I couldn't do anything, that I needed to buy another storage for my PC and that my PC is new, it seemed strange to me and we went to another server and the same message came out 'there is already a account created in this serial'' so I came here to MTA technical support I created an account and here we are, I want you to help me here I leave my serial number that appears in F8: 3AB7D7403109925463BAF0536D7B96A1 Español - Spanish: Saludos, soy nuevo en MTA y empeze a jugar MTA gracias a unos amigos que me invitaron a jugar, jugamos un primer server y al intentar crear mi cuenta me decia que ya habia una cuenta creada en esta serial, no le di importancia hable con los adminsitradores del servidor y cambiaron el gmail de la cuenta que habia por una mia, luego de unos dias jugamos a otro server y sucedio y me dio el mismo mensaje ''ya hay una cuenta creada en esta serial o algo asi'' entonces hable con los administradores del server y eran mas estrictos y dijieron que no podria hacer nada, que necesitaba comprar otro almacenamiento para mi PC y eso que mi PC es nueva, me parecio raro y fuimos a otro server y salio el mismo mensaje ''ya hay una cuenta creada en esta serial'' asi que vine aca a soporte tecnico de MTA me cree una cuenta y aca estamos, quiero que me ayuden aca les dejo mi serial que aparece en F8: 3AB7D7403109925463BAF0536D7B96A1
  5. Здравствуйте, пишу лаунчер для своего проекта MTA и возникала проблема читерами, я сделал систему чтобы на сайте у меня показывало кто сейчас сидит в лаунчере ( Их серийники метеринских плат ) Я бы хочел чтобы так же можно было видеть их серийник MTA чтобы сразу блокировать читеров на своем сервере. Есть ли какая-то библиотека или API чтобы узнать этот серийник?
  6. Ola pessoal, sou novo no blog mas estou fazendo um server freeroam e queria uma ajuda para colocar um limite de contas registradas por serial ja tentei algumas funções mas ate agora nada, pfv me ajudem preciso muito dessa função funcionando no painel de login codigo server: addEvent("onRequestLogin",true) addEventHandler("onRequestLogin",resourceRoot, function(username,password,checksave) if not (username == "") then if not (password == "") then local account = getAccount ( username, password ) if ( account ~= false ) then logIn(client,account,password) triggerClientEvent (client,"onClientPlayerLogin",resourceRoot) if checksave and checksave == "1" then triggerClientEvent(client,"useLoginFile",resourceRoot,"set",username,password) else triggerClientEvent(client,"useLoginFile",resourceRoot,"remove",username,password) end else triggerClientEvent(client,"setNotification",resourceRoot,"Errado Nome De Usuário Ou Senha!") end else triggerClientEvent(client,"setNotification",resourceRoot,"Por Favor, Digite Sua Senha!") end else triggerClientEvent(client,"setNotification",resourceRoot,"Digite Seu Nome De Usuário!") end end ) addEvent("onRequestRegister",true) addEventHandler("onRequestRegister",resourceRoot, function(username,password,repassword,serial) if #getAccountsBySerial(serial) == 2 then triggerClientEvent(client,"setNotification",resourceRoot,"Voce Ja Tem 2 Contas Registradas Nesse Serial!") else addAccount() if not (username == "") then if not (password == "") then if not (repassword == "") then if password == repassword then local account = getAccount (username) if (account == false) then local accountAdded = addAccount(tostring(username),tostring(password)) if (accountAdded) then logIn(client,accountAdded,password) triggerClientEvent(client,"onClientPlayerLogin",resourceRoot) triggerClientEvent(client,"useLoginFile",resourceRoot,"set",username,password) outputChatBox("*Logado Com Sucesso! ( Nome de Usuário: #ee8a11" .. username .. " #FFFFFF| Senha: #ee8a11" .. password .. "#FFFFFF )",client,255,255,255,true) else triggerClientEvent(client,"setNotification",resourceRoot,"Por Favor, Escolha Uma Conta E/Ou Senha Diferente") end else triggerClientEvent(client,"setNotification",resourceRoot,"Uma Conta Com Esse Nome De Usuario Ja Existe!") end else triggerClientEvent(client,"setNotification",resourceRoot,"As Senhas Não Coincidem!") end else triggerClientEvent(client,"setNotification",resourceRoot,"Por Favor, Confirme Sua Senha!") end else triggerClientEvent(client,"setNotification",resourceRoot,"Por Favor, Insira Uma Senha Para Criar Sua Nova Conta!") end else triggerClientEvent(client,"setNotification",resourceRoot,"Por Favor, Insira Um Nome De Usuario Para Criar Sua Conta!") end end end ) Erro dado no console: https://imgur.com/a/JlBwzt9 PFV ME AJUDEM ESTOU CRIANDO UM SERVER DE FREEROAM!
  7. foi banido por serial recentemente em um servidor de mta fiz de todo para poder entra novamente ate aformarei o pc e não funcionou vi vários tutoriais e metados da net mais nem um funciona quero muito voltar a jogar nesse server vim pedir ajuda aqui se alguém pode me ajuda fico muito grato
  8. iLoveMTASa

    Serial Problem

    Hello MTA Sa STAFF I Need Your Help I Have Problem In My Serial i want join in a servers when i want creat account it's saying you alreadly have account the problem that i don't have account yet so i can't play in the server i hope you change my server because the 90% of servers i can't play in it because the say you areadly have account my old serial : CAC8AC94A7799C062CA8F7FC131789A1
  9. -- Server-side addCommandHandler('vip',function() if getElementData(localPlayer,'isVIP') == 1 then triggerClientEvent(source,'PainelVIP',source) -- Para abrir o painel end end) addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",getRootElement(),function() local account = getPlayerSerial(source) if account then setAccountData(account,'isVIP',getElementData(source,'isVIP')) -- Erro Aqui << end setElementData(source,"logedin",false) end) addEventHandler("onResourceStop",getRootElement(),function() for i,player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local account = getPlayerSerial(player) if account then setAccountData(account,'isVIP',getElementData(player,'isVIP')) -- Erro Aqui << end end end) -- Client-side addEvent('PainelVIP',true) addEventHandler('PainelVIP',root,function() if getElementData(localPlayer,"logedin") then if guiGetVisible(SistemaVIP) then guiSetVisible(SistemaVIP,false) showCursor(false) else guiSetVisible(SistemaVIP,true) showCursor(true) end end end) To tentando fazer essa função " if getElementData(localPlayer,'isVIP') == 1 then " salvar no serial do jogador problema que esta dando erro
  10. السلام عليكم ابي اسوي زر ينسخ سريال الاعب @#Bad_Boy, @NX_CI @KillerX @TOUNSI | ا̍ڸــڛۣــ؏ــٰٱ̍دہ
  11. Muy buenas noches a todos espero y la esten pasando de maravilla :3 Ya escribi el topico en ingles pero me expreso mejor en mi idioma asi que igual lo hare aqui Mi problema es este: Conoci mta hace recien dos semanas a lo mucho y me encanto, entonces le empeze a comentar a mis amigos para que lo descarguen y podamos jugar y asi, ninguno de nosotros lo conocia, el caso es que uno de ellos al querer entrar al server al que empece a jugar que es SAES RPG, no podia y decia que su serial esta baneado, empece a preguntar a los administradores y todo y me comentaron que era rarisimo pero que apele al ban en la pagina del server, como no quedaba de otra lo hicimos, explique que era nuestra primera vez y que por favor le quitara el ban para que mi amigo pueda entrar, el adm se nego diciendo que obviamente fuimos nosotros, que no es ningun tonto y bla bla bla, yo le empece a rogar y al final lo volvio a negar. Ni siquiera fue capaz de probar que mi amigo fue, solo dijo no y ya. Lo unico que me falto fue ponerme de rodillas, alabarlo y bueno, ustedes saben... El asunto es que no se pudo por ese lado y queria saber si hay alguna manera de que le puedan cambiar el serial o alguna cosa asi, ya llevo mas de 3 dias en esto y estoy empezando a darme por vencido. He descartado opciones como que la computadora de el sea usada o que alguien mas haya jugado sin que el se haya enterado, el esta totalmente limpio. Por favor les pido que me ayuden, realmente queremos jugar y esto enserio me esta estresando un poquito, no se me hace justo que nosotros tengamos que pagar las consecuencias de algun menso que no siguió las reglas y lo banearon. Gracias por su atencion y espero y puedan ayudarme.
  12. Good evening friends, I hope you are well. I have a problem that happened to me with a friend a few days ago that is the following: It turns out that I met MTA just two weeks ago, and I started to tell my friends to play with each other on a server called SAES RPG, all normal until one of them, when trying to enter the server, told him that his serial is banned, which is super weird because as we already commented we just started playing. Well the thing is that we tried to appeal to the ban on the page of the same server but we were denied because the admin is an idiot and thinks that it was us that caused the ban. And I do not know what to do, the only thing that I lacked aside from begging the admin was to get on my knees, praise him and, well, you know ... So I do not know if there is any way to change the serial or something like that, because we want to play together but thanks to this problem we can not. Thank you in advance for your attention and I hope you can help me.
  13. 100pudov(-)

    identity serial

    I have identityserial with my friend , what i need to do ? I reinstaled mta. We was have 1 my drive on two pc...
  14. Hi. I made a script, which is save player serial when they register to the server. I want to create script, for admins can change player serial when they reinstalled the windows and can't login their accounts. What i need? I saving the serial with setAccountData(getPlayerAccount(player),"account:protect",serial) Maybe what i need is looks like this: function changeserial(player,command,account, ...) local newSerial = table.concat({ ... }, " ") setAccountData(getPlayerAccount(account),"account:protect",newSerial) outputChatBox("You succesfully changed "..account.." serial to: "..newSerial,player,255,255,255,true) end addCommandHandler("changeserial",changeserial) Anybody can give me any example ? Fixed! function setAccountSerial(thePlayer,key,key,...) local account = getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) local newSerial = table.concat({ ... }, " ") if account and #newSerial > 0 then setAccountData(account,"account:protect",newSerial) end end addCommandHandler("changeserial",setAccountSerial)
  15. Hi. I'm trying to create script which doing outputChatBox when GUY from name/serial will say smth on chat box. My code: serialhaza = { ["2B2BEE3C8B7C95BA25F714E7867557F2"] = true } function nahaza(thePlayer) local hazik = string.find(getPlayerName(thePlayer), "Haze", 1, true) if hazik or serialhaza[getPlayerSerial(thePlayer)]then outputChatBox("haz ciapaty pedal",thePlayer) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerChat",root,nahaza)
  16. Hello! Here is my script: function serialCheck(thePlayer) local check = getPlayerSerial (thePlayer) if check == "CFCE0566CABAED4FDC72BD453130F5F4" or "295814D56EC67407443BFEA3D29D9193" then outputChatBox ("Hello!", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0, true) else outputChatBox ("Error!", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0, true) --or return nil (if possible do not do anything here) end end addCommandHandler ("check", serialCheck) Every time i type in check, it outputs the error message. My serial is the first, the second is my friend's one. If it would work, after hello, it would do mutch more. What i tried to do: 1) gets player serial, and checks if the player's serial is in the list 2) if it is in the list, it will output "hello" 3) if the player's serial is not in the list, it will output the message, "error" What is the problem?
  17. Всем привет, возможно ли сменить серийный номер?
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