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Found 8 results

  1. Hi I want to ensure that certain group of players experience better ping compared to others. I will be happy to tell you your ideas hello I want to ensure that certain group of players experience better ping compared to others. I will be happy to tell me your ideas.
  2. Hi I want to ensure that a specific group of players experience better ping compared to others. I would appreciate any ideas or solutions you have for implementing this system.
  3. Hi, I set up an mta server on a virtual server, but all players ping over 100. I pinged my virtual server using the speed test site and the result was 11. And I also tested my own ping and got ping 8 What should I do, the firewall and antivirus server are also turned on. Virtual server information 16 GB RAM 4 CORE
  4. Hello, when i just open MTA and join any server i have ping spikes from 30 to 250 for example... But after some minutes (10/15 minutes) my ping becomes normal. How can i fix this? It's really frustrating.. Thanks,
  5. Hola. ¿Alguien conoce algún host con baja latencia para LATAM en general? He probado varios host ubicados en distintos lugares y siempre pasan de extremo a extremo, por ejemplo: - Canadá: va "bien" con países como Colombia, Perú, México, Rep. Dominicana, etc (PING: 80-105). Pero va mal con Argentina, Chile y Uruguay (PING: 180-240). - Brasil: solo da bajas latencias con ARG, URU y el mismo BR (PING: 30-60). En los demás países va +170ms - USA: lo mismo que Canadá, varía muy poco y no es notorio. ¿Habrá algún host (no sé dónde podría alojarse) que brinde una latencia "intermedia" y no exista tanta diferencia de ping entre estos países? (entre " " porque no sé el término correcto). Gracias ?.
  6. Olá, Tenho um Local host com as Seguientes configurações : Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU 230 @ 1.60Ghz 2 GB de Ram Sistema Operacional Windows 7 Ultimamente x32(tema do windows xp para ficar lite) e Gostaria de Saber quantos Players Simultâneos eu Poderia Por nele sem ter Algum Problema Tipo : "200 Player Ping Subiu." Vale Lembrar que eu tenho uma Internet de 30MB de download e 15MB de Upload, mais são exatamente 30mb que não abaixa mais varia de 30 a 35mb de internet (Cabeado viu RJ45) e de 15 a 21 mb de upload.
  7. TheClerut


    Hello, I have a problem, since I updated my Mta, all the servers usually go with more ping than before, I have checked the speed of my internet and it is normal, I can load HD videos, play other games online normally, it only happens with the mta , the ping is very high on all servers, when entering a server my character's actions take time to execute, please, I need help.
  8. Greetings, fellow gamers! I recently started having this really annoying issue with MTA:SA 1.5. Basically, servers that should give me two-digits ping give me three-digits. These servers are close by (in my country). When I say recently, it means that it wasn't like this before. In the following list (screenshot) the first 5 servers had around two-digits ping. https://imgur.com/a/WUAWi Discarding the obvious: -My PC runs GTA:SA perfectly fine, with an average of 40fps in highest graphics. No problem on that. -No applications - those that connect to the internet - are opened in the background while playing the game. -Anti-virus not running scans, nor updating. Updated mind information: Now that I think about it, I did modify a few things when I tried to host my own server, a couple of weeks ago. Gave up after finding no way to enter my router's settings to foward ports. I remember modifying IPv4 and IPv6 to find a way into my router. I can't quite remember which were the defaults. At the moment, both are in "Obtain IP automatically". I also used a program called "Port Foward Utilities" that the MTA Wiki recommended. I will try modifying a few things, see if that changes anything. If I do find a solution, I'll edit this post. If no updates are seen, anyone is free to lend a hand. Thanks in advanced! Moony -
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