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Hello everyone. Before anything else, this script works client-side and it will not disrupt the server-side balance and it will NOT cause lag. It's a showcase, download is not available yet but there is a test server you can join. Explanation: This is a script we've been working on. It introduces peds all around the map with custom attitudes of their own. All killed peds will drop some amount of cash, and their weapon if they have one. When you alt tab, the "game" will pause like the single player. The bullets and the peds will freeze. When you alt-tab back on, everything will continue from the last second you left it on. Peds: Peds will be minding their own business and they are not hostile unles provoked. They will react to world events such as someone walking past them, gunshots, explosions, vehicles near them and obstacles. They will put their hands up when threathened and start running or fight back. Some of them will defend when attacked,ome of them will run. Some of them will even defend others from trouble. A few of them have some custom behaviors but I won't spoil that. Most of them will be unarmed but some of them will carry weapons. They prefer melee weapons such as a bat or a knife, but there are some paranoid nutjobs who can't go outside without a gun. Cops: If the police is near, commiting a crime will alert them and your wanted level will increase. As your wanted level goes up, more dangerous cops will start chasing you. You can stay away the police in order to reduce your wanted level, or find bail pickup I put around the map. All of them can be found in their original San Andreas locations, as well ass some I have added to suit the gamemode. That's not all though! If a ped kills another ped, the police will be agressive towards them instead. If a ped punches another, they will respond back. Some of them will defend their friends, some of them will bail etc.- This makes the world feel alive. Military/Swat: They will be introduced when your wanted level is above 4 stars. They will carry more dangerous weapons such as Deagle, M4 and MP5. They will reward you with really good EXP when killed, but they are really challenging. Gangs: In suitable ares, gang members will spawn as groups. They will all carry weapons and they will defend their group when one of them is attacked. Mafia: The mafia will spawn in certain areas, mostly being San Fierro. They are not agressive unless provoked, and they are REALLY dangerous. They will grant good loot and experience if you have the balls to mess with them. There are more features I couldn't show off because I don't want to make the video too long to sit through. Check the description in the video if you want to play-test the script. Have a good one! Screenshots:
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- san andreas npc ped ai peds gangs cops wanted mafia
- cops
- (and 6 more)
Entra a Dystopia: The Incident, un servidor post-apocaliptico de zombies y accion-RPG original, unico en MTA! Test server: mtasa:// Join our Discord channel: Current version: 0.75, check out details here QUE ES? Esto no es un servidor survival estandar de MTA sino uno completamente desarrollado, lleno de encuentros interesantes, la comida es escasa y tienes que moverte para sobrevivir. El tamaño del inventario es limitado, forzandote a priorizar elementos. Los vehiculos requieren un mantenimiento constante. Hay facciones con campamentos y bases dispersados por toda San Andreas. Explorar es recompenzado. El mundo esta densamente habitado y a quien elijes matar importa. El ambiente es duro y castiga a los debiles y tontos. Hay decisiones morales que hacer. Diseñado para poder disfrutarlo como un jugador CARACTERISTICAS Explora un detallado mapa post-apocaliptico. Mas de 2000 NPCs, amigos y enemigos. Sistema de facciones y punto de aparicion dinamicos. Un inventario detallado con mas de 100 objetos para ser encontrados y usados. Necesidades basicas, cansancio, infeccion, otros modificadores varios como dolor, sangrado, etc. Mecanica de Loot. Sistema de dañar/reparar vehiculos. Tres tipos de zombies, con distinto comportamiento. Explora el mundo en busca de materiales, sistema sensillo para fabricar objetos y cocinar. Escapa del caos de San Andreas y gana el juego consiguiendo un vehiculo de escape adecuado. Maneja a traves del desastre en vehiculos viejos y oxidados. Descubre destellos de la historia hablando con los NPCs. Contiene humor negro y temas fuertes: lo califico como +16. Todo esta envuelto en una interfaz y estilo grafico consistente. MEDIA Más de 100 capturas de pantalla de desarrollo aquí Publicación original del foro con más detalles (en inglés)
Dystopia: The Incident este un proiect survival RPG original si 100% romanesc pe care nu ar trebui sa il ratezi! Alpha server: mtasa:// Discord: Versiunea curenta: 0.73, detaliile aici (in engleza) CE TREBUIE SA STII: Dystopia: The Incident e mai mult decat un gamemode MTA standard de survival. Ti-a placut DayZ? Uita tot ce ai invatat acolo! Dystopia este o lume complet diferita, in care te asteapta aventuri cum nu ai mai intalnit inca in MTA. Mancarea si apa sunt greu de gasit si trebuie sa stai in miscare ca sa ramai in viata. Capacitatea inventarului e limitata, fortandu-te sa prioritizezi. Vehiculele au nevoie de intretinere permanenta pentru a ramane in stare de functionare. O sa gasesti tabere ale factiunilor, baze si alte zone populate la fiecare pas. Jocul stimuleaza si rasplateste explorarea, nu 'stocarea' de itemuri. Lumea e dens populata si daca nu iti alegi cu atentie dusmanii viata ta va deveni foarte repede dificila. Mediul este aspru si ii pedepseste pe cei slabi si pe cei prosti. Gameplay-ul are un scop final: evadarea din San Andreas-ul aflat in carantina si guvernat de legea martiala. Harta e potrivita pentru roleplay si acesta e incurajat, insa nu este obligatoriu. Gamemode-ul a fost din start gandit pentru a fi accesibil si ca o experienta single-player, dar bineinteles ca nimic nu se compara cu distractia in multiplayer, Co-op sau PVP. CE POTI FACE IN JOC: Exploreaza o harta post-apocaliptica detaliata, plina cu intalniri neprevazute. Peste 2000 de NPC-uri: aliati, inamici, zombie si animale care asteapta sa le vanezi. Cinci factiuni carora te poti alatura si sistem de spawn dinamic. Un inventar detaliat, cu peste 100 de itemuri care asteapta sa fie gasite si folosite. Asigura-ti nevoile primare ca foamea si setea, conserva-ti stamina, evita infectia zombie (in doua stadii), socul, hemoragia, radiatiile, epuizarea si fracturile. Mecanica de loot este inovatoare pentru MTA - gasesti loot-ul spargand cutiile si lazile ramase intacte dupa apocalipsa. Sistem complet nou de damage si reparatii pentru vehicule. Trei tipuri de zombie, cu comportament si caracteristici diferite. Aduna materiale de constructie si ingrediente si foloseste-le pentru crafting sau cooking. Descopera franturi din poveste prin dialogurile personajelor si explorand harta. Experimenteaza umor negru si cateva elemente mai 'dure' de gameplay (de exemplu, canibalismul e o optiune deschisa pentru cei flamanzi). MEDIA: Screenshots: Un videoclip realizat de unul din jucatorii nostri, in care puteti vedea multe elemente de gameplay: Vrei sa afli mai multe? Aici gasesti postarea originala, cu mult mai multe detalii (in engleza). De retinut: serverul este international, si limba oficiala e engleza, atat pe Discord cat si in joc; desi GTA: San Andreas este un joc oldschool, ca sa joci Dystopia la rezolutie buna cu fps decent o sa ai nevoie de un computer modern; gamemode-ul este inca in alpha, versiunea e 0.73; te poti astepta la bug-uri si glitch-uri; apasa F1 in joc pentru un splash-screen cu toate informatiile esentiale; crezi ca ai rabdare sa citesti manualul complet de instructiuni? atunci apasa F9 ; development-ul este activ; comunitatea raporteaza bug-uri si ofera sugestii in timp real pe Discord. Atat deocamdata - mi-ar placea sa vad cat mai multi romani jucand Dystopia, asa ca... ne vedem pe server!
Eu queria saber como fasso pra coloca um bot pra anda uma certa cordenada que eu quiser,como fasso um NPC's ?