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Found 4 results

  1. Disabling ReShade for security purposes while people are still hacking servers easily, like we've prevented something from happening... what security are you talking about? people like me don't play GTASA without a graphics mod, just like everyday people leave mta cuz they feel like it's too old. ENB is not a valid option for low end pc players or just people who want the best graphics. we don't have variety, Graphics we currently have (ENB) is such a limited option and lowers tons of FPS. Banning ReShade isn't a Solution for anything but a dilemma. Certainly if you make a vote of bringing back reshade it'll be more than 50% of the players want it back. either way, we as players want it back, so please give us what we want. thx :))
  2. Hello everyone, I got a problem, i have a monitor with size 1920 x 1080. So when i change the resolution (in game), then i have Blackbars.... I got a Nvidia Graphics card, i tried to change it in the Control Panel. But i still get Blackbars, In other games it works, its the first game where i get in every resolution except (1920: 1080) Blackbars. Thanks for the Help! Best regards, NaiiCe
  3. Hello everyone! I would like to try out some good and realistic Graphics Mode that is compatible with MTA and that I can use freely without being banned. Something like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8b4esMdWzP8
  4. As ps2 gta sa graphics fan as I am, I am really enjoying playing with SkyGFX mod in singleplayer. So I've tried to run it with MTA and ofcourse I can't cause of ASI scripts. Is there a way for porting at least a half of this mod like original orange color scheme I'll be happy, every pseudo ps2 timecyc mod and ENB's I have tried are nothing in comparison with original PS2 San Andreas post processing technique used in SkyGfx. Looking at how many players are enjoying original post-process effects in PC version, I think it will be very well received. Here is this mod, if you want to look at it: http://gtaforums.com/topic/750681-skygfx-ps2-and-xbox-graphics-for-pc/
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