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Everything posted by WWW

  1. Use this function: sha256(password)
  2. Contact the author, I don't know where is the problem.
  3. Set both conditions to false, and then enter again in the server.
  4. toggleAllControls(thePlayer, false, false, false);
  5. Search in the code this function: setElementFrozen
  6. Add this code on notepad "duel\server\joiner.slua". addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", root, function() if isPlayerInMode(source) then return end triggerEvent("onPlayerRequestGamemode", source, "PVP/TDM") end)
  7. The script has 3 parties so you need to start engines first, then infobox and then duel.
  8. Type these commands on server console: start duel start tdmutils start tdminfobox
  9. addEventHandler("onClientSoundStopped", resourceRoot, function(reason) local soundtrack = playlist[math.random(#playlist)] if reason == "destroyed" then playSound(soundtrack[1], false) elseif reason == "finished" then playSound(soundtrack[1], false) elseif reason == "paused" then playSound(soundtrack[1], false) end outputChatBox("Agora você está escutando: " .. soundtrack[2]) end)
  10. This crash is caused when you collide two players at the respawn. You should avoid collisions or use another skin.
  11. local sound = playSound("https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0d/Hino-Nacional-Brasil-instrumental-mec.ogg", false) addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function() for i, v in pairs(getElementsByType("sound", resourceRoot)) do if getSoundPosition(v) >= getSoundLength(v) - 10 then setSoundVolume(v, getSoundVolume(v) - 0.005) end end end)
  12. You have to calculate the position considering the object edges. The coordinate arrow is located at the center of the object.
  13. addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(), function() end) addEventHandler("onClientSoundBeat", getResourceRootElement(), function() end) addEventHandler("onClientSoundStopped", getResourceRootElement(), function() end)
  14. O mais certo é criar o grupo "Corp" pelo painel de administrador.
  15. aclGroup = aclGetGroup("Corp") or aclCreateGroup("Corp")
  16. if aclGroup and not isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)), aclGroup) then outputChatBox("Você não tem permissão para usar esse comando!", player, 255, 0, 0) return end
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