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Nicolas Henriquee

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    Ser staff do mta

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Vic (3/54)



  1. I will study more about .lua and the Mta repositories, thank you very much!
  2. Hello, my name is Nicolas Henrique, I'm 15 years old, I'm Brazilian and I want to join the MTA Sa staff. I have maturity and commitment. My main reason for wanting to join the staff team is to help look for bugs in the codes and help members who don't understand much. I know how to work with .lua, I'm intermediate/medium in that part and I know I'll be able to discover bugs that exist on the Mta platform. I don't know how to work with hosts/3D Modeling/Animation, I want to take a course in the future to understand more about animations. I intend to open a youtube channel to teach people how to solve Mta problems/errors. And I think that's it! Sincerely Nicolas Henrique! My discord: nego_mta
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