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Everything posted by Kidzonio

  1. Opa, não entendi direito sua dúvida. Sua dúvida é se é possível usar um if depois de um else? como algo assim? addCommandHandler('teste', function(player, _, state, arg) if state then if tonumber(arg) == 2 then print('Hello World') end else if tonumber(arg) == 2 then print('Hello') end end end )
  2. Heyo Bro, the best would be to use image or SVG. In case you need help understanding SVG, it's all in this thread Svg
  3. Kidzonio

    Nitro value

    Heyo bro, from what I understand, I think it would be this function getVehicleNitroCount
  4. Heyo Bro! You need to pass the localPlayer in the trigger, because the source does not exist on the server-side --Server Side function VoteSystem(title) outputChatBox("Ghor'e Keshi Shodu Shod! Ba Dasture [/sherkat] Dar Ghore Keshi Sherkat Konid!") end addEvent("ElameShorueGhore", true) addEventHandler("ElameShorueGhore", resourceRoot, VoteSystem) function getrp( source, commandName ) randomP = getRandomPlayer() triggerClientEvent(source, "getRandPlayer", source, randomP) end addEvent("StartRandom", true) addEventHandler("StartRandom", resourceRoot, getrp) -- Client Side function dxUI(randomP) ui["BG"] = dxDrawImage(x*741,0,x*619,y*487,"files/BG.png") ui["title"] = dxDrawText(title, 0, y*70, x*1340, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1, titleFont, "right") ui["playerWon"] = dxDrawText(tostring(getPlayerName(randomP)), x*860, y*242,0,0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1, playerFont) end addEvent("getRandPlayer", true) addEventHandler("getRandPlayer", root, dxUI) function ghore(CMD, ...) if (ghoreStatus == 0) then ghoreStatus = 1 local EnteredTitle = table.concat ( { ... }," " ) title = tostring(EnteredTitle) addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), dxUI) triggerServerEvent("ElameShorueGhore", root) triggerServerEvent("StartRandom", root, localPlayer) end end addCommandHandler("ghore", ghore) I redid the code, code below : --Server Side local rPlayer function getrp( source, commandName ) randomP = getRandomPlayer() rPlayer = randomP end addEvent("StartRandom", true) addEventHandler("StartRandom", root, getrp) addCommandHandler('ghore', function(player, cmd, ...) if ghoreStatus == 0 then ghoreStatus = 1 local EnteredTitle = table.concat ( { ... }," " ) title = tostring(EnteredTitle) triggerEvent("StartRandom", root, localPlayer) outputChatBox("Ghor'e Keshi Shodu Shod! Ba Dasture [/sherkat] Dar Ghore Keshi Sherkat Konid!") if rPlayer and title then triggerClientEvent(root, 'receptRender', root, rPlayer, title) end end end ) -- Client Side local randomP local title function dxUI() --dxDrawImage(741,0,619,487,"files/BG.png") dxDrawText(title, 0, 70, 1340, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1, 'default', "right") dxDrawText(tostring(getPlayerName(randomP)), 860, 242,0,0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1, 'default') end function receptRender(rp, tt) randomP = rp title = tt addEventHandler('onClientRender', root, dxUI) end addEvent('receptRender', true) addEventHandler('receptRender', root, receptRender)
  5. Heyo Bro, you will need to do calcs. I think the functions are these getGroundPosition and getElementPosition now, the functions i think are now, the functions i think ar
  6. Heyo Bro, you need to use isObjectInACLGroup function, the code would look something like this : function SkinReset(thePlayer) if isObjectInACLGroup('user.'..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer)), aclGetGroup('Console')) then outputChatBox('You reset the skin', thePlayer) setElementModel(thePlayer, 0) end end addCommandHandler('skin_booster', SkinReset) Change "Console" by the desired acl
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