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  1. Hello, I come to expose an impostor and ask that you ban low style [ip] by copying the server, stealing resources and using hack and command on other servers to gain rank to steal our resources




    1. Vinyard


      In regards to the server being copied accusation, you can file a complaint in this section: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/188-server-list-abuse-help/

  2. Good afternoon, I ask for the reason for the blacklist server name Cordoba Al piso ip It does not appear on the internet, I only enter via IP, I await your response, thank you



  3. Hola buenas le presento el servidor Argentina limando asfalto 100% argentino Con evento día por medio Autos/motos y mapeos de marcas conocidas script que no te vas a encontrar en otro lugar Te invitamos a que la pases bien y que lo disfrutes Te dejamos nuestras redes e IP del servidor Los esperamos mtasa:// Ig https://www.instagram.com/mta.ala?igsh=YXNwc2JoaXhucTlt https://www.atom.bio/argentina_laminado_asfalto?fbclid=PAAaahP5_-pG7bQfzQhQU6tWSMx7WjGXd23gOxxIfkEvG7sXouQePsOwn4u4g
  4. Hello, good afternoon, I want to patent Argentina. Limando Asflato opened it three days ago. I want it to be my brand and my unique name. They told me that they had selling my resources throughout the platform and before they open another service with my name I want to put it under my name Agustin Alamda ID 46567024 My server's IP is: istagram server is mta.ala I await your reply of approval, thank you very much. @Tut


    Hello, I ask for an explanation why my server does not appear in the internet list, if you would help me by Vafor, the name of the server Argentina Low Life


    @Gesto de desaprobación


  6. Hello, I ask for the appeal again to remove my server Argentina low life from the black list mtasa:// - Argentina Low Life Abusive server address ("fake") and, if possible, their domain names. and I want to patent the name Low Life so that there are no more errors and they don't clone it for me anymore

    @Gesto de desaprobación 

    I wait for your answer and if you can help me


    thank you very much for your attention

  7. hello, to remove the Low Life server from the blacklist, maybe?



  8. hello, to remove the Low Life server from the blacklist, maybe?


  9. Thank you very much for answering as soon as possible, now I'm going to figure it out
  10. LLT-Lexa1 posted a topic in Ban appeals

    Hello, I was banned for copying the server. I didn't know anything because one of the previous owners had bought it and they put me on the blacklist and I never received an email about what happened and I already have been banned for a year and I formally request my unbanning and I'm waiting for responses to this appeal serial 5F49EC18178E5C97F981DFD67F4C1124 user LLT.Lexa 
  11. Hello, I was banned for copying the server. I didn't know anything because one of the previous owners had bought it and they put me on the blacklist and I never received an email about what happened and I already have been banned for a year and I formally request my unbanning and I'm waiting for responses to this appeal serial 5F49EC18178E5C97F981DFD67F4C1124 user LLT.Lexa
  12. Hello, I was banned for copying the server. I didn't know anything because one of the previous owners had bought it and they put me on the blacklist and I never received an email about what happened and I already have been banned for a year and I formally request my unbanning and I'm waiting for responses to this appeal serial 5F49EC18178E5C97F981DFD67F4C1124 user LLT.Lexa
  13. Hello, I was banned for copying the server. I didn't know anything because one of the previous owners had bought it and they put me on the blacklist and I never received an email about what happened and I already have been banned for a year and I formally request my unbanning and I'm waiting for responses to this appeal serial 5F49EC18178E5C97F981DFD67F4C1124 user LLT.Lexa
  14. hola vengo a pedir un desban del serial 5F49EC18178E5C97F981DFD67F4C1124 

    del user LLT-Lexa

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