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  1. VF #33 Server blocks NetLimiter software (anti-lagswitch) На какой бы сервер я не заходил, везде выкидывает с этой причиной. MTADiag: https://pastebin.mtasa.com/6839811676 Я уже просмотрел несколько решений, ни одно не помогло. У меня стояла программа NetLimiter, я ее удалил, перезагрузил компьютер - не помогло. Пытался найти cFosSpeed, KillerNet и т.д., но такой программы не нашел. Может есть еще какие-нибудь способы решения проблемы?
  2. VF #33 Server blocks NetLimiter software (anti-lagswitch) Whichever server I do not go, everywhere kicks out with this reason. MTADiag: https://pastebin.mtasa.com/6839811676 I've already looked at several solutions, none have helped. I had the program NetLimiter, I uninstalled it, restarted the computer - did not help. I tried to find cFosSpeed, KillerNet, etc., but I could not find any such program. Any other ways to solve it?
  3. Can I create a variable in the variable name? Timer{playerName} = setTimer ( function(), 1000, 0 ) If the player has the nickname "Palm", then the variable "TimerPalm" should be created If the player has the nickname "Nick", then the variable "TimerNick" should be created
  4. Does the event exist? There is an event that is called before loading the map - "onGamemodeMapStart ( resource started Map )" And I need an event that is called after the map is loaded
  5. try change givePlayerMoney( killer, 1 ) to setPlayerMoney(killer, getPlayerMoney(killer) + 1) Edit: Event "onZombieGetsKilled" doesn't exists! New event - onZombieWasted addEventHandler( "onZombieWasted", getRootElement(), function( attacker, weapon, bodypart ) givePlayerMoney( attacker, 1 ); end )
  6. Is it possible to create two (or more) functions with the same name, but different number of arguments? Personally, it didn't work for me, maybe there are some hidden stones (Perhaps this is due to the fact that I did this for exports)? Something like this: functionOutput (text) end function Output (text, player) end function Output (text, player, colorR, colorG, colorB) end
  7. Можно ли создать две (и более) функции с одинаковым именем, но разным кол-вом аргументов? Лично у меня это не получилось, может есть какие-то скрытые камни(Возможно это из-за того, что я делал это для exports)? Что-то наподобие этого: function Output(text) end function Output(text, player) end function Output(text, player, colorR, colorG, colorB) end
  8. VortDyn

    Server protection

    I want to know the ways by which you can protect the server from file theft / hacking, cheating and other unpleasant ..
  9. how to increase the height for TABs? https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/CustomTabPanel:addTab https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/File:TabPanelExample.png
  10. function motor_fonskiyon() local arac = getPedOccupiedVehicle(source) if arac then local aracadi = getVehicleName(arac) if getVehicleEngineState(arac) == false then setVehicleEngineState(arac, true) outputChatBox("Engine on. Car: ["..aracadi.."]", source, 0, 153, 51, true) startSound = playSound("files/starter.mp3", false) elseif getVehicleEngineState(arac) == true then setVehicleEngineState(arac, false) outputChatBox("Engine off. Car: ["..aracadi.."]", source, 0, 153, 51, true) end end end end addEvent("motor_event", true) addEventHandler("motor_event", getRootElement(), motor_fonskiyon) Take away one "end" Try function motor_fonskiyon() local arac = getPedOccupiedVehicle(source) if arac then local aracadi = getVehicleName(arac) if getVehicleEngineState(arac) == false then setVehicleEngineState(arac, true) outputChatBox("Engine on. Car: ["..aracadi.."]", source, 0, 153, 51, true) startSound = playSound("files/starter.mp3", false) elseif getVehicleEngineState(arac) == true then setVehicleEngineState(arac, false) outputChatBox("Engine off. Car: ["..aracadi.."]", source, 0, 153, 51, true) end end end addEvent("motor_event", true) addEventHandler("motor_event", getRootElement(), motor_fonskiyon)
  11. How to do in lua script Juggernaut class, HP, Armor, AK47 (200 rounds), Deagle (50 rounds), Sniper rifle (10 rounds), ID skin So that I can get a class, take HP and Armor from this class Take all weapons and ammo
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