ok I understand new core then other features, perfectly fine it makes bug testing easier since if you have a stable core and you add feature x and you have new bugs it's more then likely feature x and easier to track down.
for mta vc the only things I want are, the improved aiming (please god please they think I own them now! :: drools :, please switch out the slower unused vehicles such as the coach, packer & mule, with hopefully cuban hermes (love the flames), haitian voodoo (hydro's in multi what's not to love?), & a normal sabre, as for weapons please golf club (my absolute favorite melee weapon), katana. the minigun's not so important to me or the rocket launcher with the ammo glitches as they're.
ah and if anyone doesn't oppose I'd love to take part in the next step of testing if at all possible. = ) I can play well with others.
inclosing looking great, so much progress = ) oh can't wait for 0.5 to see the new interface being programmed as we type!