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Posts posted by njr1489

  1. Yes, but as njr1489 pointed out, rocket launchers will be synced (hopefully in the first release) which should balance it out.

    You're absolutely right.

    Nailing a jet that's flying at 200 MPH a few hundred feet above you? Psh, I do that everyday! :roll:

    Hydra missles > Rocket launcher

    I thought they were the same. besides, its almost impossible to have a good locked on target at high speed. You have to be an expert to do that, and hydras only come at the end of the game.

  2. I agree, with blue, drive-by's should be possible :!:

    But you guys are only talking about cars...

    Wouldn't it be great if someone was flying a heli and a passenger can shoot with a "machine gun", you know like in the mission where you have to should down the little model planes :?:

    Now that would be crazy :!:


    Your talking about the RC baron in the supply lines mission. I think you need to go to a blip in order to activate it now. If the gun is synced, then yeah its possible, but the othere enemy has an advantage over you when he could just come up right behind you and kill you, since your flying the RC and won't know what is happening behind you.

  3. how many rockets does it take to take out a hydra then?

    Only about 1 or 2. If your lucky, the rocket would aim for one of the wings and the plane won't blow up yet. You have to know good evasion tricks just to miss one of those.

  4. Its not easy to kill on the hydra though. First of all how can a noob know how to fly the hydra? I prefer the term hydra lamer. The controls are hard to use in the first place, and to actually lock on targets, you have to be at a slow speed to home in on it. That gives an adavantage for a person to easily get a rocket launcher or ram it with a car somehow, since all the planes are very sensitive when you crash into things.

  5. yea thats pretty neat, though I'm getting really sick of the words evolution and revolution in regards to MTA.

    Why? Surely every release is an evolution?

    You could say that, but its more of a revolution since after 0.3 it got worse and things were changed.

  6. Yeah , I thought of that too , but then those spawns should be close to eachother. And not ,for example , one in Los Santos and another spawn in Las Venturas.

    And if you evel played other shooting games , you will notice that (with exeption of BF2 and UT2004) the areas are usualy quite tight and close. And this works well , usualy , in preventing the player from getting bored ,e ven on low populated servers...

    Most games like that have randomized spawning and they are close in a small area. If a spawnwar develops, then the spawn is changed, which is a smart idea.

  7. Nice job! It works cool, now you're able to lock the cam exactly where you want.

    Not sure at all about this but.. it dont rotates when cornering so you got to move the mouse to set it again?

    Great job anyways!! :wink:

    I noticed that, so you STILL have to move it with the mouse lol.

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