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Everything posted by MouNiR.Dz

  1. شوف اول شي كفوو عليك يعني على الفكرة لآن نادرا ما واحد يحاول يسويها و ينشرها الطريقة يلي انت قفلت بيها التاب فعالة لكن عندها آثار آخرى فـ كذا انت طفيت اي تاب مش فقط حق التكتيك ( ماعدا مود التاب الأصلي يلي غالبا مايجي من الام تي اي ) انت ماوضحت لأي مبرمج من الممكن ان يستفيد من السكريبت حقك انو لازم يضيف أمر scoreboard لسكريبت التاب حقه لو يبي يصنع وشكرا <3
  2. MouNiR.Dz


    Regarding your code in the previous message pool = getPlayerMoney(source) if pool >= 50 then the variable name is 'pool' not 'pol' so replace 'pol' with 'pool' EDIT: the error said 'boolean' soo that's not the problem .. the problem is propably because u didn't replace 'theplayer' with 'source'
  3. MouNiR.Dz


    Yes and i think i have told you what is the solution Did you what i said?
  4. MouNiR.Dz


    *What is the problem* I guess that what we should ask you too .. because you didn't explain Regarding your code .. the problem is when you press 'CardPurchase1' : 1. there is a problem when triggering the event .. 'LocalPlayer' and 'localPlayer' are not the same , you should use 'localPlayer' .. [ THAT INCLUDES ANY TRIGGER SERVER EVENT ATTEMPT ] 2. In the server side event .. there is no global variable 'theplayer' .. just replace it with 'source' the source is the client/player who pressed the button that should fix your problem Additional : next time use 'debugscript 3' command to debug your script and when you have a problem you should see lines below the screen ( ERROR / WARNING ) explaining what caused the problem then you can try to fix it yourself or post about the problem in the forum attaching explanation and any errors/warnings.. if you have a problem and nothing shows up in the debug .. post about the problem with an EXPLANATION ! Good Luck.
  5. Hello there, I was thinking lately about some idea that for Multi Theft Auto aimed at boosting client performance. Instead of linking event handlers like 'onClientRender' to the root element, I'm curious if it's possible to attach it to 'localPlayer' instead, Does the event will work with no problems like that? , and does it *may* enhance the client's performance ? I would like to hear what do you think about that.
  6. MouNiR.Dz


    Well i see there is too 'gombl' dx draw in your screen shot Btw if u mean the first 'gombl' use sy,sy = guiGetScreenSize() if isInBox(sx*.40,sy*.47,sx*.06,sx*.05) then If u mean the second 'gombl' use sx,sy = guiGetScreenSize() if IsInBox(sx*.55,sy*.47,sx*.06,sy*.05) then That what i got after trying to understand
  7. MouNiR.Dz


    The event name you used is incorrect you used onClientCorsurMove You should use onClientCursorMove
  8. MouNiR.Dz


    This might be what are you looking for IsMouseInPosition
  9. MouNiR.Dz


    Tell me where is the problem , and next time you better copy & paste instead of screenshot
  10. MouNiR.Dz


    That's it , but if you suffer any other problems we are here to help?
  11. MouNiR.Dz


    function alert () local skin = getElementModel(localPlayer) if skin == 1 then local name = getPlayerName(localPlayer) local sound = playSound("alert.mp3") -- Play wasted.mp3 from the sounds folder setSoundVolume(sound, 1) -- Set the sound volume to 50% outputChatBox("HLR felhivás "..name.." megnyitotta váróját! Lehet jönni ha bármi segítség kell!") else outputChatBox("Nincs engedélyed hozzá") end end addCommandHandler("alert", alert, false, false) function duty () setElementModel(localPlayer, 266) end addCommandHandler("aduty", duty, false, false) I did the if statement for the skin , to your "alert" command And i corrected the aduty command fuction because you was using thePalyer and it does not mean anything you should use localPlayer because you are using client side
  12. MouNiR.Dz


    Try this function GetMyPosition() local skin = getElementModel(localPlayer) if skin == 1 then local x,y,z = getElementPosition(localPlayer) local int = getElementInterior(localPlayer) local dim = getElementDimension(localPlayer) setClipboard(x..", "..y..", "..z.." "..int..", "..dim) outputChatBox("Kordinátád sikeressen kimásolva a vágólapra ") else outputChatBox("Nincs engedélyed hozzá") end end addCommandHandler("GetMyPos", GetMyPosition, false, false)
  13. MouNiR.Dz


    Copy & Paste your code after editing
  14. MouNiR.Dz


    Yes i guess too because you used playSound , btw its the same solution just do what i told you
  15. MouNiR.Dz


    Try changing `getElementModel(skin)` to `skin` `skin` is the same as `getElementModel(localPlayer)` You can either put `getElementModel(localPlayer)` or just put `skin`
  16. MouNiR.Dz


    Is it client or server side? In the if statement , instead of Type skin And it should work now Btw there is some mistakes in your script , `setElementModel(*tehPalyer*,266)` instead of tehPalyer i think you mean thePlayer but thePlayer is nil here because you are client sided you should use localPlayer
  17. I guess you are in the wrong section because You are in the programming section where you can ask for help in programming Posting the resources are in the Resources Section , Request to the Moderators to move your post to the correct section?
  18. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته اليوم اقدم لكم نظام حماية من الاسماء المخفية من تصميمي وفكرة المود هي منع اي شخص مسوي اسم مخالف في اللعبة وملاحظة النظام بيتحقق مع اللاعب اول ما يحاول الاتصال واذا كان مخالف هـ يمنعه من دخول السيرفر : والحالات الممنوعة كـ التالي 1.ممنوع اي اسم قصير ( يحتوي على حرف واحد فقط ) 2.ممنوع اي اسم يحتوي على نقاط او علامة استفاهم فقط ( خالي من الحروف ) 3.ممنوع الحروف المتكررة ( AA,BB,CC) 4.ممنوع اسم يحتوي على ارقام فقط ( خالي من الحروف ) 5. ممنوع اسم يحتوي على اكواد الوان فقط ملاحظة : بـما اني ذكرت مع الاسماء التي تحتوي على اكواد الوان فقط هذا يعني ان الثغرة او الطريقة المشهورة عندنا نحن العرب ? التي تجعل اسمك مخفي اصبحت مخالفة يعني استعمالها هـ يمنعك من دخول السيرفر مميزات اخرى للمود : 1. يمكن تغيير اللغة التي النظام يستعملها ( ممنوع تغيير اسمك ، "Please Change your name ") وذلك من meta .xml setting name="@Language" وتبحث عن سطر وتعدل على ال value= واللغات المتوفرة حاليا هي الانجليزية او العربية للانجلزية عدل على الخيار و حطه "en" وللعربية حط : "ar" 2.يمكن إضافة سريال حقك عشان النظام يصير ما يفحصك ويخليك تدخل بأي اسم تبغاه وذلك من meta.xml setting name="@BypassSerial" وتبحث عن سطر وتعدل على ال value= و القيمة بتكون كالتالي : لو بدك تضيف بس سريالك انت بتكتب سريالك داخل "" مثال : "3EF081DD76D7FC468CD5ECA96ECFDDC2" لو بدك تضيف اكثر من سريال واحد بتحطهم داخل {} مثال : "{"سريال حقي","سريال خويي,"سريال النائب"}" ملاحظة : من المهم جدا انك تسوي ال علامات " في بداية السريال او بداية القائمة و في نهايتهم ولو ما بدك نظام تخطي السريالات تقدر تخليه false بدون علامات ال "" : رابط التحميل اضغط هنا للتحميل وفي الأخير احب اقول انو المود كلو من تصميمي مافي ولا سرقة من اي احد ، و المود مشفر والسبب انو ما في شي لازم تعدل عليه بس احب اقول انو اي شخص محتاج المود نسخة غير مشفرة لـ اسباب تعليمية او معرفة الاكواد يلي انا مستعملها يقدر يكلمني خاص ويوجد ميزة او شي سري انا ما ذكرتو اي شخص يلاحظو هـ ياخذ المود النسخة غير مشفرة و بحاول اساعدو في مود ثاني
  19. Wow thank u so much I really was searching a lot but didn't find this code Even when i saw ur reply first time i was like "He sayying some functions from his mind" then i found it on the wiki Anyways thank u so much
  20. Hi , i was developing and i wanted to teleport the player at the ammu nation ( Just as a Lobby ) where he can select skins and ... The problem is the announcer in the ammu nation ( idk if it is a radio or not ) i wanted to stop it but i didn't find any way i tried setWorldSoundEnabled and showsound with setDevelopmentMode(true) but i didn't get any Sound ID except my feets when cj is walking So my question is do there a way or a function to stop the announcer sound in the interior?
  21. MouNiR.Dz


    I am not sure but i think EDIT : if r is more than 0 so it could be 1 or 2 * if r > 0 then -- if r is less than 0 so for example if its 1 r = r - 3 -- sub 3 from 1 will get the result -2 so its a negative value i think you should use if r > 3 then instead And yes the same for the other colors like g and b
  22. Nice to meet you IIYAMA Thank you so much for your help and yes it wasn't a difficult solution but somehow i didn't think or try it Thanks again
  23. Hi again , i want a help in this if cr, cg, cb ~= 255, 0, 0 then so thats didn't work but that works without any errors in debug if ( cr ~= 255 and cg ~= 0 and cb ~= 0 ) then but what i want is to check if the player nametag is red or no but it's not happening sometimes if the player is yellow sometimes so i want help in checking if the player nametag is red or no EDIT: I found a solution so i used this local cr, cg, cb = getPlayerNametagColor(args[1]) local crcgcb = tostring(cr)..tostring(cg)..tostring(cb) if ( crcgcb ~= "25500" ) then i know it's pretty weird but that what i have found But of course if there is another solution tell me
  24. I didn't test urs but i used the same "If" like you previously and i got a error reported in Debug on "cr, cg, cb ~= 255, 0, 0" i think it should be "(cr ~= 255 and cg ~= 0 and cb ~= 0 ) then" Anyways thanks for your help and i think i can continue now , Soo Thanks again<3
  25. I Like your idea but can you help me in creating the event function my object is to create a blip attached to the player that has wanted levels and to remove the blip when the player wanted level are clear I want a help because i don't work with blips too much That's my idea right now: function checkCriminals() local cr,cg,cb = getPlayerNametagColor(source) if getPlayerWantedLevel(source) >= 1 and cr,cg,cb ~= 255,0,0 then setPlayerNametagColor(source,255,0,0) for index, element in ipairs ( getAttachedElements ( source ) ) do if ( getElementType ( element ) ~= "blip" ) then createBlipAttachedTo(source,0,25,255,0,0) end if not element then createBlipAttachedTo(source,0,25,255,0,0) end end end end addEvent("onPlayerWantedLevelChange",true) addEventHandler("onPlayerWantedLevelChange",root,checkCriminals)
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