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  1. شوف اول شي كفوو عليك يعني على الفكرة لآن نادرا ما واحد يحاول يسويها و ينشرها الطريقة يلي انت قفلت بيها التاب فعالة لكن عندها آثار آخرى فـ كذا انت طفيت اي تاب مش فقط حق التكتيك ( ماعدا مود التاب الأصلي يلي غالبا مايجي من الام تي اي ) انت ماوضحت لأي مبرمج من الممكن ان يستفيد من السكريبت حقك انو لازم يضيف أمر scoreboard لسكريبت التاب حقه لو يبي يصنع وشكرا <3
  2. MouNiR.Dz


    Regarding your code in the previous message pool = getPlayerMoney(source) if pool >= 50 then the variable name is 'pool' not 'pol' so replace 'pol' with 'pool' EDIT: the error said 'boolean' soo that's not the problem .. the problem is propably because u didn't replace 'theplayer' with 'source'
  3. MouNiR.Dz


    Yes and i think i have told you what is the solution Did you what i said?
  4. MouNiR.Dz


    *What is the problem* I guess that what we should ask you too .. because you didn't explain Regarding your code .. the problem is when you press 'CardPurchase1' : 1. there is a problem when triggering the event .. 'LocalPlayer' and 'localPlayer' are not the same , you should use 'localPlayer' .. [ THAT INCLUDES ANY TRIGGER SERVER EVENT ATTEMPT ] 2. In the server side event .. there is no global variable 'theplayer' .. just replace it with 'source' the source is the client/player who pressed the button that should fix your problem Additional : next time use 'debugscript 3' command to debug your script and when you have a problem you should see lines below the screen ( ERROR / WARNING ) explaining what caused the problem then you can try to fix it yourself or post about the problem in the forum attaching explanation and any errors/warnings.. if you have a problem and nothing shows up in the debug .. post about the problem with an EXPLANATION ! Good Luck.
  5. Hello there, I was thinking lately about some idea that for Multi Theft Auto aimed at boosting client performance. Instead of linking event handlers like 'onClientRender' to the root element, I'm curious if it's possible to attach it to 'localPlayer' instead, Does the event will work with no problems like that? , and does it *may* enhance the client's performance ? I would like to hear what do you think about that.
  6. MouNiR.Dz


    Well i see there is too 'gombl' dx draw in your screen shot Btw if u mean the first 'gombl' use sy,sy = guiGetScreenSize() if isInBox(sx*.40,sy*.47,sx*.06,sx*.05) then If u mean the second 'gombl' use sx,sy = guiGetScreenSize() if IsInBox(sx*.55,sy*.47,sx*.06,sy*.05) then That what i got after trying to understand
  7. MouNiR.Dz


    The event name you used is incorrect you used onClientCorsurMove You should use onClientCursorMove
  8. MouNiR.Dz


    This might be what are you looking for IsMouseInPosition
  9. MouNiR.Dz


    Tell me where is the problem , and next time you better copy & paste instead of screenshot
  10. MouNiR.Dz


    That's it , but if you suffer any other problems we are here to help?
  11. MouNiR.Dz


    function alert () local skin = getElementModel(localPlayer) if skin == 1 then local name = getPlayerName(localPlayer) local sound = playSound("alert.mp3") -- Play wasted.mp3 from the sounds folder setSoundVolume(sound, 1) -- Set the sound volume to 50% outputChatBox("HLR felhivás "..name.." megnyitotta váróját! Lehet jönni ha bármi segítség kell!") else outputChatBox("Nincs engedélyed hozzá") end end addCommandHandler("alert", alert, false, false) function duty () setElementModel(localPlayer, 266) end addCommandHandler("aduty", duty, false, false) I did the if statement for the skin , to your "alert" command And i corrected the aduty command fuction because you was using thePalyer and it does not mean anything you should use localPlayer because you are using client side
  12. MouNiR.Dz


    Try this function GetMyPosition() local skin = getElementModel(localPlayer) if skin == 1 then local x,y,z = getElementPosition(localPlayer) local int = getElementInterior(localPlayer) local dim = getElementDimension(localPlayer) setClipboard(x..", "..y..", "..z.." "..int..", "..dim) outputChatBox("Kordinátád sikeressen kimásolva a vágólapra ") else outputChatBox("Nincs engedélyed hozzá") end end addCommandHandler("GetMyPos", GetMyPosition, false, false)
  13. MouNiR.Dz


    Copy & Paste your code after editing
  14. MouNiR.Dz


    Yes i guess too because you used playSound , btw its the same solution just do what i told you
  15. MouNiR.Dz


    Try changing `getElementModel(skin)` to `skin` `skin` is the same as `getElementModel(localPlayer)` You can either put `getElementModel(localPlayer)` or just put `skin`
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