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Vic (3/54)



  1. O my god, thank y'all very much, I connected with the database successfully, thanks for all the help I got from here.
  2. Hi, first of all thank you very much for your answer, I didn’t set up any password manually, if I fill that “” after the root with “password”, it does the same thing, maybe this is not the default password, where can I reset the password? I never did before this database connection, and I’m really lost. thank you in advance.
  3. Database Problems Hello, I'm a beginner in this type of development, and I never used before any database, but I want to learn how to connect the database and the server, I'm just really struggling with databases, and I didn't found anything helpful for beginners, and I definitely don't know how to make my own script, so I downloaded a database system from MTA Community, and I tried to figure it out by myself, but no matter what I did, I couldn't connect the database and the server together, here is a picture of my problem: The steps I did to make a connection to the database I tried to do the exact same steps as the Script Author wrote it down in points but I failed in the first step, which is to configure my database configurations in server.lua I Successfully made a database via xampp, and exported the sql file into the database. I added the resource to my ACL's admin group I did these steps, and the connection was still unsuccessful, what did I do wrong? I really don't understand and I really appreciate any help, or suggestions to where to start to learn about these more, or just how to make a connection between the server and the database, thank y'all in advance!
  4. Hi! I'm a beginner, so I don't really know what goes wrong in this scirpt, if someone can help me out here I would be very happy. So, as I said I'm a beginner and I tried to get an account system, I think I connected to the MySQL successfully. But here is the Problem! [Open the Spoiler to see the picture.] I used Debugscript to know what is the problem . This was the original row. execute("UPDATE accounts SET x=?,y=?,z=?,interior=?,dimension=,health=?,armor=?,money=?,rotation=?,team=?,skin=?,weapons=? WHERE id=?",x,y,z,int,dim,health,armor,money,rotation,team,skin,weaponsStr,id) I tought the question mark was the problem, so I changed the money to '0' and I changed the life and the armor to '100' as well, by the way I'll insert here the edited row as well, so you can see what i did. execute("UPDATE accounts SET x=?,y=?,z=?,interior=?,dimension=?,health=100,armor=100,money=0,rotation=?,team=?,skin=?,weapons=? WHERE id=?",x,y,z,int,dim,health,armor,money,rotation,team,skin,weaponsStr,id) And here is the whole script, so you see more details. addEvent("onPlayerAttemptLogin",true) addEventHandler("onPlayerAttemptLogin",root, function(username,password) if (singleQuery("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE username=? LIMIT 1",string.lower(username))) then local accData = singleQuery("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE username=? AND password=? LIMIT 1",string.lower(username),sha256(password)) if (accData) then outputChatBox("Welcome back "..getPlayerName(source),source,0,255,0) setElementData(source,"accountID",accData.id) setElementData(source,"accountUsername",accData.username) fadeCamera(source,false,1.0,0,0,0) setTimer(fadeCamera,2000,1,source,true,1.0,0,0,0) setCameraTarget(source,source) showChat(source,true) showPlayerHudComponent(source,"radar",true) showPlayerHudComponent(source,"area_name",true) spawnPlayer(source,accData.x,accData.y,accData.z+1,accData.rotation,accData.skin,accData.interior,accData.dimension,accData.team) local weapons = fromJSON(accData.weapons) if (weapons) then for k,v in pairs(weapons) do giveWeapon(source,tonumber(k),tonumber(v)) end end if (accData.health == 0) then killPed(source) else setElementHealth(source,tonumber(accData.health)) end setPedArmor(source,tonumber(accData.armor)) setPlayerMoney(source,tonumber(accData.money)) setElementData(source,"isGuestAccount",false) triggerClientEvent(source,"closeLoginWindow",source) triggerEvent("onAccountPlayerLogin",source,accData.id,accData.username) log(source) --store the login data. else outputChatBox("Your username and/or password is incorrect!",source,255,0,0) end else outputChatBox("This username doesn't exist!",source,255,0,0) end end) addEvent("onPlayerAttemptRegister",true) addEventHandler("onPlayerAttemptRegister",root, function(username,password1,password2,email) if (singleQuery("SELECT username FROM accounts WHERE username=? LIMIT 1",string.lower(username))) then outputChatBox("This username is taken! please choose another!",source,255,0,0) else local x,y,z = 1450.32421875, -2287.287109375, 13.546875 if (execute("INSERT INTO accounts (username,password,email,serial,x,y,z,interior,dimension,skin,health) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",string.lower(username),sha256(password1),email,getPlayerSerial(source),x,y,z+1,0,0,0,100)) then outputChatBox("Your account was registered successfully!",source,0,255,0) triggerClientEvent(source,"switchToLogin",source) end end end) function log(player) if (player) then local serial = getPlayerSerial(player) local ip = getPlayerIP(player) local name = getPlayerName(player) local username = getElementData(player,"accountUsername") local timestamp = getRealTime().timestamp execute("INSERT INTO logs (username,playerName,serial,ip,timestamp) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)",username,name,serial,ip,timestamp) end end function prepair() setElementData(source,"isGuestAccount",true) outputChatBox("Welcome to the server.",source,0,255,0) end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",root,prepair) function saveData() if not (getElementData(source,"isGuestAccount") == true) then x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) int,dim = getElementInterior(source),getElementDimension(source) health,armor = getElementHealth(source),getPedArmor(source) money = getPlayerMoney(source) rotation = getElementRotation(source) team = getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(soure)) skin = getElementModel(source) weapons = {} for i=0,12 do local wep = getPedWeapon(source,i) if (wep > 0) then local ammo = getPedTotalAmmo(source,i) if (ammo > 0) then table.insert(weapons,{wep,ammo}) end end end weaponsStr = toJSON(weapons) id = getElementData(source,"accountID") execute("UPDATE accounts SET x=?,y=?,z=?,interior=?,dimension=?,health=100,armor=100,money=0,rotation=?,team=?,skin=?,weapons=? WHERE id=?",x,y,z,int,dim,health,armor,money,rotation,team,skin,weaponsStr,id) else return false end end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",root,saveData) addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted",root,saveData) Thank you If you read this, I hope I didn't make this too long.
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