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Jean MTA

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  1. What is the function for displaying a Dx panel when clicking with the cursor on the player ??
  2. function MostrarBlip () login = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)) if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..login, aclGetGroup("Lixeiro")) == true then if setElementVisibleTo(Blip, root, false) == true then setElementVisibleTo(Blip, root, true) outputChatBox(" ", source) outputChatBox("#00ff00[Trabalho Lixeiro] #ffffffFoi marcado a localização em seu gps",source, 255,255,255, true) outputChatBox(" ", source) else setElementVisibleTo(Blip, root, false) outputChatBox(" ", source) outputChatBox("#00ff00[Trabalho Lixeiro] #ffffffFoi desmarcado a localização em seu gps",source, 255,255,255, true) outputChatBox(" ", source) end else outputChatBox(" ", source) outputChatBox("#00ff00[Trabalho Lixeiro] #ffffffVocê não trabalha no emprego de Lixeiro",source, 255,255,255, true) outputChatBox(" ", source) end end addCommandHandler("infolixeiro", MostrarBlip) Quando eu digito /infolixeiro no servidor aparece uma aviso no degubscript Print: https://prnt.sc/ri3u31
  3. I wonder what code causes an object to stick to the character, for example a money bag on the character's back. and what is the difference in using, player, thePlayer, source. And also the difference between server and client please!
  4. Help Me Please !! i'm making a script in some part of it, the character makes an animation but i don't know how i make the character stop the animation.
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