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Everything posted by jhxp

  1. jhxp

    MTA crash

    Check this article.
  2. It could be a firewall issue, try disabling it on the machine where the server is located (you can also disable it on connecting clients machines to be sure). If it fixes it, maybe you'll need to unlock some ports. Also, make sure that the machine you're trying to connect to is running a server.
  3. What was wrong with Christmas 2005 & 2007 ? In both cases, you've had a release of a totally NEW mod within a month (Race R1 and DM DP1, respectively), not to mention (semi-)public betas before these releases.
  4. Yes, it's possible to disable the serial validation in the dp3 server. There is a variable added in the server configuration file, which you can use to enable/disable the validation. On default settings it's 'enabled'.
  5. I don't think it's a good idea, some people just use different nicks ingame than the ones they've got on community.multitheftauto.com for various reasons (eg. due to original nick being already taken). Implementing such option would likely raise many concerns from our users. You can always identify a person on the server by checking their community.multitheftauto.com account they're using ingame (if you're an admin on the server). That should be possible in dp3 of course, when the updated serial system will be put on use.
  6. This question has been asked already, so like you can see in that topic, there is indeed a chance for the release before the end of the year. We're doing our bests in order to do so. As for bugs, it's not just as simple like those three bugs.. there are still some rather important and problematic bugs to fix in areas, which you weren't able to test or see (scripting, server, modules, editor) in pubtests. The progress IS being made towards them though.
  7. If the pc that's running the server has the lan ip , then it should be set up correctly. You might also want to check http://www.whatsmyip.org/ports/ and its Custom Port Test (just check the forwarded ports there one by one) if you want to be sure.
  8. You'll just have to wait for a bit (15-20 minutes, or longer) till it appears in there, if you've forwarded ports properly (22004 udp, 22005 tcp and 22127 udp in your case). Also, you might want to switch this <httpdownload>1</httpdownload> to <httpdownload>0</httpdownload> if you haven't specified the parameter.
  9. What is the problem that you're experiencing? If it's the 'Could not parse 'settings.xml' etc. ' warning, you can ignore it easily - it's a small bug that doesn't affect how the server works in any way.
  10. Another crash, just been driving around when the peds script was on (and some other players were nearby). ** -- Unhandled exception -- ** Time = Mon Sep 15 20:50:34 2008 Module = D:\GRY\GTA San Andreas\gta_sa.exe Code = 0xC0000005 Offset = 0x006B18B0 EAX=00000000 EBX=00000800 ECX=00000254 EDX=00B44874 ESI=086C9D10 EDI=00000000 EBP=7E37DEB2 ESP=0022FCB8 EIP=006B18B0 FLG=00210246 CS=001B DS=0023 SS=0023 ES=0023 FS=003B GS=0000 ** -- End of unhandled exception -- ** Edit: This one is from the 'first' beta build.
  11. Yeah, I've noticed it too. Maybe it's a flaw with car respawning in the mode, or cars improperly detected as non-blown?
  12. Post your crash dumps in this topic. Short FAQ on how to report these crashes properly - how to get them and what files we need exactly: If you crash while testing (and it's quite possible that you'll do as it's an unstable development build), a small dump file will be created on your hard drive in GTA San Andreas\MTA\dumps folder. MTA Developers can use these files to try to identify the problem which caused your game to crash, so that gives a possibility of fixing it and preventing it to happen in future builds. You can naturally help us with the development by submitting these crashes to developers by posting them in this topic. There are two groups of files we need: - dump files themselves, they can be found in GTA San Andreas\MTA\dumps folder which have been created during the public test you're submitting them for (you can spot the ones we need by checking their names - [they all have names similar to this example one: client_05262008_2318.dmp, which in this case means that game crashed on 26. of may, 2008 at 23:18 of your local time] so just submit these from a day on which the public test took place) - crash log file, named core.log, which is located in GTA San Andreas\MTA folder Once you collect all of the files mentioned above, compress them by using a zip, rar or 7z compressor, and then post here and upload the archive as an attachement to your post. Alternatively, upload it to some http or ftp server, and post the direct link to the archive. If you've got more details about any of the crashes (eg. why do you think it crashed or what could have caused it), feel free to post them with your report, and don't forget to include the crash dump filename that detailed information is about. Happy reporting ---- Game seems to crash if you press the disconnect button in menu. ** -- Unhandled exception -- ** Time = Mon Sep 15 20:16:36 2008 Module = C:\Program Files\MTA San Andreas\mods\deathmatch\client.dll Code = 0xC0000005 Offset = 0x12CCFBDF EAX=06B4DD48 EBX=06B4DD48 ECX=06BD7AE8 EDX=02750608 ESI=1329ABB8 EDI=00000000 EBP=00000000 ESP=0022F718 EIP=12CCFBDF FLG=00210206 CS=001B DS=0023 SS=0023 ES=0023 FS=003B GS=0000 ** -- End of unhandled exception -- ** ** -- Unhandled exception -- ** Time = Mon Sep 15 20:32:29 2008 Module = C:\Program Files\MTA San Andreas\mods\deathmatch\client.dll Code = 0xC0000005 Offset = 0x124AFBDF EAX=13079D38 EBX=13079D38 ECX=06BB1130 EDX=02750608 ESI=12BAF408 EDI=00000000 EBP=00000000 ESP=0022F718 EIP=124AFBDF FLG=00210206 CS=001B DS=0023 SS=0023 ES=0023 FS=003B GS=0000 ** -- End of unhandled exception -- ** Edit: Tried four times, and it crashed four times. Something must be wrong there.. Edit2: seems to be fixed in latest build
  13. On today's test, I was plagued by massive fps lags - game slowing down to avg 6-7 fps, making it barely playable. I believe that these lags could be related with fmj dm gamemode or map, combined with a high number of people ingame. This happened for me on the previous test too. I've also seen effects of some desync issue (grenades appearing out of nowhere, being unable to damage people), haven't seen any people sliding though. Scoreboard was broken at most times too (didn't show all people on the server properly, or pings/scores). I haven't experienced any crashes aside from the one when the test has ended and I was kicked out of the server, so there's some improvement here since the last test
  14. Not much of crashes this time luckily. ** -- Unhandled exception -- ** Time = Tue Sep 09 21:14:40 2008 Code = 0xC0000005 Offset = 0x00000000 EAX=137937E8 EBX=137933D0 ECX=132C3258 EDX=132C1138 ESI=029DF860 EDI=132C3258 EBP=1379CE70 ESP=0022F648 EIP=00000000 FLG=00210246 CS=001B DS=0023 SS=0023 ES=0023 FS=003B GS=0000 ** -- End of unhandled exception -- ** ^ Happened most likely when I've got kicked out of the server at the end of the test.
  15. In my opinion a lot depends on how the gta4's mp will look on pc. If it's going to be a modern style (with a standalone dedicated server application for various platforms) stable, properly synced, lag less (as much as possible of course) and netcode-wise optimised game with a good multiplayer experience, I would love to see MTA in the role of a serverside mod (eg. enhancements for the competitive gaming, new gamemodes or features, anything that's requested by players). If such mod would receive some support from Rockstar, this could give gta undoubtly the best multiplayer mode ever, the one that it should have in the first place. However if gta4's mp had some major design flaws, it's kinda hard for me to imagine the Team cracking it in order to get their own third-party multiplayer mode going.. Time will tell, there are only three months left till the pc release.
  16. http://www.jhxp.net/personal/dumps-test3.rar crash no.1 - on connect (iirc) crash no.2 and 3 - on changing mode crash no.4, 5 and 6 - been just driving around
  17. Post your crash dumps in this topic. Short FAQ on how to report these crashes properly - how to get them and what files we need exactly: If you crash while testing (and it's quite possible that you'll do as it's an unstable development build), a small dump file will be created on your hard drive in GTA San Andreas\MTA\dumps folder. MTA Developers can use these files to try to identify the problem which caused your game to crash, so that gives a possibility of fixing it and preventing it to happen in future builds. You can naturally help us with the development by submitting these crashes to developers by posting them in this topic. There are two groups of files we need: - dump files themselves, they can be found in GTA San Andreas\MTA\dumps folder which have been created during the public test you're submitting them for (you can spot the ones we need by checking their names - [they all have names similar to this example one: client_05262008_2318.dmp, which in this case means that game crashed on 26. of may, 2008 at 23:18 of your local time] so just submit these from a day on which the public test took place) - crash log file, named core.log, which is located in GTA San Andreas\MTA folder Once you collect all of the files mentioned above, compress them by using a zip, rar or 7z compressor, and then post here and upload the archive as an attachement to your post. Alternatively, upload it to some http or ftp server, and post the direct link to the archive. If you've got more details about any of the crashes (eg. why do you think it crashed or what could have caused it), feel free to post them with your report, and don't forget to include the crash dump filename that detailed information is about. Happy reporting
  18. All of these have been processed and submitted to the bugtracker (if not duplicate/no modded files were used). Thanks for reporting.
  19. You can find them in your GTA San Andreas\MTA\dumps folder. Upload them somewhere and post links here [23:33:01] dumps and log: http://la.gg/upl/dumps.zip [23:34:08] http://cazomino05.com/client_05262008_2231.dmp [23:34:48] http://badeend.sa-mp.nl/mta/dump.rar http://cazomino05.com/MTA.rar http://mabako.net/dumps.rar
  20. See http://development.mtasa.com/index.php? ... ash_screen and http://development.mtasa.com/index.php? ... ash_screen for possible solutions.
  21. See http://development.mtasa.com/index.php? ... ash_screen and http://development.mtasa.com/index.php? ... ash_screen for possible solutions.
  22. Read the updated newspost: http://www.multitheftauto.com/96.html and try the first solution. If it doesn't work, try the second one.
  23. Read the updated newspost: http://www.multitheftauto.com/96.html and try the first solution. If it doesn't work, try the second one.
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