Yeah I like to use two screens aswell, but if not you could always go over to the add-ons forum here and get an mtama script so you can do the admin functions from within the game.
from memory, the way I like to use to convert *.txt to *.mrc is by simply renaming the file to that but first you have to unhide the extentions which I believe is done by clicking on tools > Folder Options > Advanced tab then look in the list for "Hide file extentions" or summit like that and untick the box > click ok button, then it'll show extentions for everything. *.mrc is used for mIRC scripts / mtama so thats what needs to be loaded.
Also, heres code for your command
on *:SIGNAL:mta.command: {
if (!test1 == $3) {
mta.text $1 testesttest???
Admin vote enable? like a one off vote menu which will appear when an admin feels appropriate (such as when all the alive players are afk or just "freeroaming".)
Yes, the MTA Remote Admin.exe has a entry box which requires the same password used in the config to connect successfully for that server.
Change myadminpassword to whatever you like (and its best for public servers), then run the server again and it should have taken affect.
Once connected with that tool, you should see the chat from within the game, and also a listing of players with other controls.
Theres a good documentation for it all
Assuming you have editted the script,
Have a quick ctrl+f on the script for the text " mta.kick $1 $2 " , and compare it, and the code around it with the original script.
Repeat untill theres no more instances which is only two by default I believe. Script probably thinks he is posing as admin or something.
Good good.
Nice blog post there, unfortunate about data loss if any, I myself must have had two hard drives blow up on me the past few months, one recently, the other, litterally went up into white smoke!