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Everything posted by FileEX

  1. Aby móc poprawnie pozycjonować kulkę, ten biały pasek powinien być osobną grafiką https://imgur.com/xMErJtY Wyślij jak możesz grafikę tego paska oraz kulki jako osobne grafiki. Reszty zegara nie potrzebuję
  2. Skoro przeglądarka przetłumaczyła tekst na polski to domyślam się, że jesteś Polakiem (tak jak i ja), a zatem odpowiem po polsku. Rozumiem, że chcesz aby kulka przesuwała się w lewo lub prawo w zależności od nachylenia się samolotu. Możemy obliczać położenie kulki na podstawie rotacji samolotu. Utwórzmy offset, który będzie dodawany/odejmowany do aktualnej pozycji piłeczki i będzie on 100% w przypadku maksymalnego wychylenia. local ballX, ballY = -- pozycja kulki na środku paska local offset local maxAngle = 90 -- maksymalne wychylenie przy którym kulka będzie na końcu paska -- pobieramy rotację samolotu local rx,ry,rz = getElementRotation(plane) -- nie wiem teraz z pamięci która oś odpowiada za przechył na boki, więc zakładam, że X if (rx < 0) then -- przechylenie w lewo offset = -(szerokoscPaska / 2 + rozmiarKulki/ 2) elseif (rx > 0) then offset = szerokoscPaska / 2 + rozmiarKulki end offset = offset * (math.abs(rx) / maxAngle) Coś w ten sposób mniej więcej i teraz do kulki po prostu dodajesz ten offset. Zakładam, że offset to po prostu połowa paska bo kulka jest na jego środku. Do pełni szczęścia musisz jeszcze zrobic to samo dla osi Y.
  3. I do not understand what's going on. What exactly is the problem now? Something isn't working or is there an error? These code snippets say nothing about the problem
  4. Opis jest trochę nie jasny, tak samo jak zdjęcia. Na czym dokładnie polega problem? Czym jest ta "piłka"? PS: Jeśli piszesz po polsku to zakładaj temat w polskim dziale.
  5. addEventHandler("TurfSistem:onPlayerEnterTurf",root,function(id) addEventHandler("onPlayerCommand",source,komutEngel) setElementData(source,"Turf",tostring(id)) toggleControl(source,"vehicle_fire",false) toggleControl(source,"vehicle_secondary_fire",false) toggleControl(source,"ozellik1",false) addEventHandler(source, ozellik1, D_Modu, false) -- Remove this end) addEventHandler("TurfSistem:onPlayerExitTurf",root,function(id) removeEventHandler("onPlayerCommand",source,komutEngel) setElementData(source,"Turf",nil) toggleControl(source,"vehicle_fire",true) toggleControl(source,"vehicle_secondary_fire",true) toggleControl(source,"ozellik1",true) addEventHandler(source, ozellik1, D_Modu, true) -- Remove this end) From this code, simply remove these lines with addEventHandler. They are wrong and are not needed anywhere from what I see
  6. So your source is the player. For addEventHandler the first argument is the event name, but you use the source (player which entering into the colshape)
  7. Show the code where the TurfSistem:onPlayerEnterTurf and TurfSistem:onPlayerExitTurf events are triggered
  8. It is possible, but then you have to make your own parser for such map files.
  9. FileEX

    Error Dbquery

    Show your code from "rp_mysql" resource
  10. If you don't want the files to be saved on the players disk, set the cache to false in meta.xml. <script src="client.lua" type="client" cache="false" />
  11. You need to make loop with getElementsByType for the blips and display them. Remember to make appropriate calculations as with player blips
  12. You can do the loading of the vehicles.ide file as done at Handling Loader by fileOpen, fileRead functioons
  13. There is no property called "Rotated" in CEGUI. The properties related to rotation are: "Rotation" or "XRotation", "YRotation", "ZRotation". Try using one of them http://static.cegui.org.uk/static/WindowsLookProperties.html#StaticImage
  14. Just use negative height and rectangle will be rendered from bottom to top
  15. You will need it: dxDrawMaterialLine3D - For display image/icon in 3D space getPedBonePosition - For get the player head position onClientRender - For rendering material line 3D getTickCount - For count visibility time for the material line isPedInVehicle onClientMarkerHit You can also use getScreenFromWorldPosition with dxDrawImage instead of material line 3D but the final effect will be less neat.
  16. Try getWorldFromScreenPosition to get the world position from the crosshair 2D position
  17. FileEX


    If this is client side code you should make something like this outputChatBox("#F70000[Info] #FFFFFFThe time has been set to #96FF2714:00 #FFFFFFby a #0093FF"..getPlayerName(localPlayer), 247, 0, 0, true) This message will be shown only for the player which use command "moon", not for everyone. If you want show this message and set time to the same value for everyone player your should make it on server side.
  18. I have this code, but it is not endless. It comes to the end of the graphics and jumps to the beginning, it's not the effect I wanted to get local x = 0 local ecgSpeed = 1; addEventHandler('onClientRender', root, function() x = x - ecgSpeed if (x <= -388) then x = 0; end dxDrawImageSection(pulseX, pulseY, pulseW, pulseH, x, 0, 388, 77, pulse) end);
  19. How can I do such endless sliding? This is my old script, but unfortunately I don't have it and I don't remember completely how I did it then. I know it's about dxDrawImageSection, but I can't remember what exactly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoIjcwZ8Gqg
  20. Use dxCreateTexture instead of image path, and use destroyElement when do you want remove image from memory
  21. If you don't use ACL accounts, use table with getPlayerSerial
  22. Hi i want make circle progress bar with dxDrawImageSection and i do it, but i have weird bug and i don't know how can i fix it. My progress bar with 1% https://imgur.com/o7uCKPX My progress bar with 59% https://imgur.com/JAhOUdA I know about width is wrong, but i don't know how can i fix it My code local a = 59; addEventHandler('onClientRender', root, function() if (a <= 60) then local div = a / 60; dxDrawImageSection(rend['rpm'][1], rend['rpm'][2], rend['rpm'][3] * div, rend['rpm'][3]*0.6, 0, 0, 268 * div, 268*0.6, tex[9], 0,0,0, 0xFFFFFFFF); else dxDrawImageSection(rend['rpm'][1], rend['rpm'][2], rend['rpm'][3], rend['rpm'][3] * (a / 100), 0, 0, 268, 268 * (a / 100), tex[9], 0,0,0, 0xFFFFFFFF); end end); addCommandHandler('setpr', function(cmd,b) a = tonumber(b); end);
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