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murilo2929's Achievements


Busta (15/54)



  1. I'm using on my server abd it'd working all good. ass. Estrela
  2. i wanna buy this tô, can u sell just one more pls?
  3. I want to know if it is possible to exchange the "aiming animation" for a customized one, because when I try to do that and when aiming with the customized animation my character gets all buggy
  4. Srry for quote this RN, but i'm trying to find so hard for make this cop shooting animation work with "Colt 45" you found a way?
  5. Hey guys, i just want add new types of weapons for this script but don't know how, i tried to replicate the functions and change the parameters but no success. Can anyone help me? Obs: The system is set to M4 only. Client-side guns = { {"M4A1",2726}, -- Weapon, Object {"M4A3 CCO",1730}, {"AK-74",1851}, {"AKS Gold",1882}, {"PKP",1822}, {"M240",1769}, {"FN FAL",2644}, {"M4A1 CCO SD",1852}, } weapsIDs = {356} for i,weapID in pairs(weapsIDs)do txd = engineLoadTXD("models/None.txd",weapID) engineImportTXD(txd,weapID) dff = engineLoadDFF("models/None.dff",weapID) engineReplaceModel(dff,weapID) end for i,weaponData in pairs(guns) do file = weaponData[1]:gsub(' ','') if fileExists("models/"..file..".txd") and fileExists("models/"..file..".dff")then txd = engineLoadTXD("models/"..file..".txd",weaponData[2]) engineImportTXD(txd,weaponData[2]) dff = engineLoadDFF("models/"..file..".dff",weaponData[2]) engineReplaceModel(dff,weaponData[2]) else outputChatBox("ERROR: models/"..file) end end function playerJoined() local Variavel_1 = isWorldSoundEnabled ( 5 ) -- Colocamos esta variável aqui para verificar. setWorldSoundEnabled ( 5, not Variavel_1 ) -- E aqui a alternância acontece. end addEvent("playerJoined",true) addEventHandler("playerJoined",getRootElement(),playerJoined) function PlaySound(ID) wpn1 = getElementData(source,"cweapon") x,y,z = getPedWeaponMuzzlePosition(source) for _,weap in pairs(guns)do soundName = weap[1]:gsub(' ','') if wpn1 == weap[1] then if not fileExists("Sounds/Primary/"..soundName..".wav")then return end sound = playSound3D("Sounds/Primary/"..soundName..".wav",x,y,z, false) setSoundMaxDistance(sound,200) end end end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWeaponFire",root,PlaySound) -- GUI PART GUIEditor = { gridlist = {}, window = {} } GUIEditor.window[1] = guiCreateWindow(0.21, 0.36, 0.18, 0.36, "NEW WEAPONS", true) guiWindowSetSizable(GUIEditor.window[1], false) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor.window[1], false) GUIEditor.gridlist[1] = guiCreateGridList(0.06, 0.12, 0.87, 0.85, true, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiGridListAddColumn(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], "guns", 0.9) for data,item in pairs(guns) do for i = 0, data do guiGridListAddRow(GUIEditor.gridlist[1]) end guiGridListSetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], data, 1, item[1], false, false) end function guiOpen() if (guiGetVisible(GUIEditor.window[1]) == true) then guiSetVisible(GUIEditor.window[1], false) showCursor(false) else guiSetVisible(GUIEditor.window[1], true) showCursor(true) end end bindKey("F2", "down", guiOpen) function click ( button, state, sx, sy, x, y, z, elem, gui ) if ( guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( GUIEditor.gridlist[1] ) ) then local getwep = guiGridListGetSelectedItemText ( GUIEditor.gridlist[1] ) for data,item in ipairs(guns) do setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"cweapon",getwep) end end end addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", GUIEditor.gridlist[1], click ) function guiGridListGetSelectedItemText ( gridList, column ) local item = guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( gridList ) if item then return guiGridListGetItemText ( gridList, item, column or 1 ) end return false end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function () local currentWeapon = getElementData(localPlayer, "cweapon") dxDrawText("Current weapon: "..currentWeapon, 10, 200) end ) Server-side guns = { {"M4A1",2726}, -- Weapon, Object {"M4A3 CCO",1730}, {"AK-74",1851}, {"AKS Gold",1882}, {"PKP",1822}, {"M240",1769}, {"FN FAL",2644}, {"M4A1 CCO SD",1852}, } elementWeaponRaplace = {} function weaponReplace(previousWeaponID,currentWeaponID) local weapon = getElementData(source,"cweapon") if not weapon then return end local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) local rx,ry,rz = getElementRotation(source) local interior = getElementInterior(source) local dimension = getElementDimension(source) if previousWeaponID and getPedWeaponSlot(source) == 0 then if elementWeaponRaplace[source] then detachElementFromBone(elementWeaponRaplace[source]) destroyElement(elementWeaponRaplace[source]) elementWeaponRaplace[source] = false end for id,item in ipairs(guns)do if weapon == item[1] then elementWeaponRaplace[source] = createObject(item[2],x,y,z) setObjectScale(elementWeaponRaplace[source],0.825) setElementInterior(elementWeaponRaplace[source], interior) setElementDimension(elementWeaponRaplace[source], dimension) end end attachElementToBone(elementWeaponRaplace[source],source,12,0,0,0,0,270,0) elseif currentWeaponID and getPedWeaponSlot(source) == 5 or previousWeaponID and getPedWeaponSlot(source) == 2 then detachElementFromBone(elementWeaponRaplace[source]) if elementWeaponRaplace[source] then destroyElement(elementWeaponRaplace[source]) end elementWeaponRaplace[source] = false end end addEventHandler("onPlayerWeaponSwitch", getRootElement(), weaponReplace) function removeQuit() if elementWeaponRaplace[source] then detachElementFromBone(elementWeaponRaplace[source]) destroyElement(elementWeaponRaplace[source]) elementWeaponRaplace[source] = false end end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",getRootElement(),removeQuit) addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted",getRootElement(),removeQuit) function giveNewWeapon(player,wep) if not player or getElementType(player) ~= "player" then return false end local weapon = getElementData(player, "cweapon") if type(wep) == "string" then giveWeapon(player,31,9999) setElementData(player,"cweapon",wep) return true end end function loadweapon1(account) if account then local source = getAccountPlayer(account) local emp = getElementData ( source, "cweapon" ) or false setAccountData ( account, "cweapon", emp ) end end function loadweapon(account) if not (isGuestAccount (account)) then if (account) then local source = getAccountPlayer(account) local emp = getAccountData ( account, "cweapon" ) or false setElementData ( source, "cweapon", emp ) end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, function( _, acc ) setTimer(loadweapon,50,1,acc) end ) function sair ( quitType ) local acc = getPlayerAccount(source) if not (isGuestAccount (acc)) then if acc then loadweapon1(acc) end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), sair ) All credits to Furzy.
  6. This resource is amazing, just need to add more type of weapons like UZI, colt 45. Love it
  7. Já resolvi isso, mas estou com um outro problema tipo eu tenho um sistema de customização e ele salva as parada no DB, e ta salvando tudo certinho lá, o problema é que quando eu respawno o veiculo as parada que eu comprei no script de customização não estão ativas mesmo elas estando salvas no mysql
  8. se eu mudo o nome da tabela para "vehicle" ele funciona, mas se eu tento "vehicles" ele da esse error
  9. Gente eu estava testando um negocio e exportei a DB de veiculos do meu sql para o desktop e apaguei a db do mysql, agora to tentando importar a db devolta e não esta dando, fica aparecendo esse erro alguem me ajuda pff
  10. como posso fazer para invés de encerrar ele iniciar em outra pos?
  11. murilo2929


    so I was checking everything here and I realized that if I change "amount" to some number it works all but there is only that number. function formatNumber(amount, spacer) if not spacer then spacer = "," end amount = math.floor(100) --- I edited the amount to 100 and now it works but the prices are all 100 (aesthetically). local left, num, right = string.match(tostring(amount), "^([^%d]*%d)(%d*)(.-)$") return left .. (num:reverse():gsub("(%d%d%d)", "%1" .. spacer):reverse()) .. right end
  12. Funcionou muito obrigado, uma duvida tem como fazer que fique dando loop? pois quando ele chega ao ponto final a tela fica toda escura, e tambem ir de frente até ao final pois a camera esta indo de costas. OBS: Muito obrigado.
  13. murilo2929


    weird because looptable exist
  14. murilo2929


    148/5000 I have a car customization system, and when I enter the marker to customize some elements of the hud do not appear and these errors happen: Part of the code that contains error 867 addEventHandler("onClientKey", root, function(key, pressed) if panelState and enteredVehicle then if pressed then if key == "arrow_d" and not promptDialog["state"] and tuningCompleted then arrowFel = false --[[if szorzas <= maxRowsPerPage then szorzas = szorzas + 1 else szorzas = maxRowsPerPage end]] if #loopTable <= 4 then --- 867 line if szorzas ~= 4 then lastTick2 =getTickCount() end end if #loopTable > 4 then if szorzas ~= 8 then lastTick2 =getTickCount() end end if hoveredCategory > #loopTable or hoveredCategory == #loopTable then hoveredCategory = #loopTable else if hoveredCategory > maxRowsPerPage then currentPage = currentPage + 1 end hoveredCategory = hoveredCategory + 1 Function that appear the 1988 error function formatNumber(amount, spacer) if not spacer then spacer = "," end amount = math.floor(amount) --- 1988 error line local left, num, right = string.match(tostring(amount), "^([^%d]*%d)(%d*)(.-)$") return left .. (num:reverse():gsub("(%d%d%d)", "%1" .. spacer):reverse()) .. right end what can be?
  15. local screenX, screenY = guiGetScreenSize() local scaleFactor = screenX / screenX local tuningMarkers = {} local tuningMarkersCount = 0 local isBuyyedPainjob = false local markerImageMaxVisibleDistance = 30 local chargerElement = nil local totalUpgradeWidth = 0 local acceptedTuningCreate = false local tuningCompleted = true --[[ if fileExists("sourceC.Lua") then fileDelete("sourceC.Lua") end ]] local Roboto = dxCreateFont("files/fonts/Roboto.ttf", 26) local font = dxCreateFont(":sas_hud/files/fonts/RobotoB.ttf", 26) local Roboto2 = dxCreateFont("files/fonts/Roboto.ttf", 20) local RobotoL = dxCreateFont(":sas_hud/files/fonts/Roboto.ttf", 20) local availableTextures = { ["logo"] = dxCreateTexture("files/images/logo.png", "argb", true, "clamp"), ["hoveredrow"] = dxCreateTexture("files/images/hoveredrow.png", "argb", true, "clamp"), ["menunav"] = dxCreateTexture("files/images/menunav.png", "argb", true, "clamp"), ["mouse"] = dxCreateTexture("files/images/navbar/mouse.png", "argb", true, "clamp"), } local availableIcons = { ["wrench"] = "", ["long-arrow-up"] = "", ["long-arrow-down"] = "", ["info-circle"] = "", ["check"] = "", ["exclamation-triangle"] = "", } local panelState = false local enteredVehicle = false local availableFonts = nil local panelWidth, rowHeight = 395 * scaleFactor, 40 * scaleFactor local panelX, panelY = 32, 78 local logoHeight = 20 local s = {guiGetScreenSize()} local navX, navY = s[1]/2+380, s[2]-70 local hoveredCategory, selectedCategory, selectedSubCategory = 1, 0, 0 local maxRowsPerPage, currentPage = 7, 1 local compatibleOpticalUpgrades = {} local equippedTuning = 1 local navbarButtonHeight = 30 * scaleFactor local navigationBar = { {"", {"Enter"}, false}, {"", {"long-arrow-up", "long-arrow-down"}, true}, {"", {"Backspace"}, false}, {getLocalizedText("navbar.camera"), {"mouse"}, "image", 30} } local noticeData = { ["text"] = false, ["type"] = "info", ["tick"] = 0, ["state"] = "", ["height"] = 0, ["timer"] = nil } local cameraSettings = {} local promptDialog = { ["state"] = false, ["itemName"] = "", ["itemPrice"] = 0 } local availableOffroadAbilities = { ["dirt"] = {0x100000, 2}, ["sand"] = {0x200000, 3} } local availableWheelSizes = { ["front"] = { ["verynarrow"] = {0x100, 1}, ["narrow"] = {0x200, 2}, ["wide"] = {0x400, 4}, ["verywide"] = {0x800, 5} }, ["rear"] = { ["verynarrow"] = {0x1000, 1}, ["narrow"] = {0x2000, 2}, ["wide"] = {0x4000, 4}, ["verywide"] = {0x8000, 5} } } local savedVehicleColors = {["all"] = false, ["headlight"] = false} local moneyChangeTable = {["tick"] = 0, ["amount"] = 0} local vehicleNumberplate = "" addEvent("tuning->ShowMenu", true) addEvent("tuning->HideMenu", true) addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() for _, value in ipairs(getElementsByType("marker", root, true)) do if getElementData(value, "tuningMarkerSettings") then tuningMarkers[value] = true tuningMarkersCount = tuningMarkersCount + 1 end end actualPaintJob = 0 defaultPaintJob = actualPaintJob for i = 1, 4 do table.insert(tuningMenu[getMainCategoryIDByName(getLocalizedText("menu.color"))]["subMenu"], { ["categoryName"] = getLocalizedText("menu.color") .. " " .. i, ["tuningPrice"] = 15000, ["tuningData"] = "color" .. i }) end end) addEventHandler("onClientResourceStop", resourceRoot, function() if panelState and enteredVehicle then resetOpticalUpgrade() setVehicleColorsToDefault() triggerEvent("tuning->HideMenu", localPlayer) end end) addEventHandler("onClientElementStreamIn", root, function() if getElementType(source) == "marker" then if getElementData(source, "tuningMarkerSettings") then tuningMarkers[source] = true tuningMarkersCount = tuningMarkersCount + 1 end end end) addEventHandler("onClientElementStreamOut", root, function() if getElementType(source) == "marker" then if getElementData(source, "tuningMarkerSettings") then tuningMarkers[source] = nil tuningMarkersCount = tuningMarkersCount - 1 end end end) local moneyLoss = 0 local moneyLosing = false local ppLoss = 0 local ppLosing = false addEventHandler("onClientElementDataChange", localPlayer, function(dataName, oldValue) if not getElementData(localPlayer, "loggedin") then return end if dataName == "money" then local newMoney = exports.global:getMoney(localPlayer) moneyLoss = newMoney - (oldValue or 0) if moneyLoss < 0 then moneyLosing = true setTimer ( function() moneyLosing = false end, 3500, 1 ) end elseif dataName == "pp" then local newPP = getElementData(localPlayer,"pp") ppLoss = newPP - (oldValue or 0) if ppLoss < 0 then ppLosing = true setTimer ( function() ppLosing = false end, 3500, 1 ) end end end) function math.round(number) local _, decimals = math.modf(number) if decimals < 0.5 then return math.floor(number) end return math.ceil(number) end local selectR, selectG,selectB = 96,163,91 local lastTickLoading = 0 local tuningText = "Felszerelés..." local loadingSpeed = 2 local wantedMinutes = 6000 function putTuningOn() if acceptedTuningCreate and not tuningCompleted then local cTick = getTickCount () local progress = (cTick - lastTickLoading)/wantedMinutes totalUpgradeWidth,_,_ = interpolateBetween ( 0,0,0, 400,0,0, progress,"Linear" ) dxDrawRectangle(s[1]/2-200, s[2]-115, 400, 30, tocolor(0,0,0,180)) dxDrawRectangle(s[1]/2-200, s[2]-115, totalUpgradeWidth, 30, tocolor(96,163,91,255)) dxDrawText(tuningText, s[1]/2-200, s[2]-115, s[1]/2+200, s[2]-115+30, tocolor(255,255,255,255), 0.52, RobotoL, "center", "center") if math.round(totalUpgradeWidth) ~= 400 then totalUpgradeWidth = totalUpgradeWidth + loadingSpeed end if math.round(totalUpgradeWidth) >= 400 then -- totalUpgradeWidth = 400 tuningCompleted = true end end end addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), putTuningOn) local szorzas = 1 local lastTick2 = 0 local csuszas = false addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function() --** Tuning marker image local cameraX, cameraY, cameraZ = getCameraMatrix() -- ** Tuning menu if panelState and enteredVehicle then dxDrawRectangle(0,0,screenX,105,tocolor(0,0,0,180)) dxDrawRectangle(0,screenY-70,screenX,70,tocolor(0,0,0,180)) dxDrawImage(0,0,100,100,"files/images/logo.png") dxDrawText("#7cc576MTATESTE V3 #ffffff- Tuning", screenX/screenX+120, screenY/screenY+25, 0, 0, tocolor(255,255,255,255), 1.3, Roboto, nil,nil,false, false, true, true) --> Current Money local moneyWidth = dxGetTextWidth(formatNumber(exports.global:getMoney(localPlayer)):gsub(","," "), 0.5, Roboto2) if moneyLosing then dxDrawText("#d9534f(#d9534f" .. moneyLoss .. " #d9534f$)",panelX+screenX-200-200+moneyWidth+15, panelY+132-178, panelX + screenX + (panelX * 2), panelY-178 + screenY - (panelY * 2), tocolor(189, 227, 188, 255), 0.5, Roboto2, "left", "top", false, false, false, true) end local ppWidth = dxGetTextWidth(formatNumber(getElementData(localPlayer,"pp")):gsub(","," "), 0.5, Roboto2) if ppLosing then dxDrawText("#d9534f(#d9534f" .. ppLoss .. " #d9534fPP)",panelX+screenX-200-200+ppWidth+40, panelY+132-178+40, panelX + screenX + (panelX * 2), panelY-178 + screenY - (panelY * 2), tocolor(189, 227, 188, 255), 0.5, Roboto2, "left", "top", false, false, false, true) end dxDrawText("#7cc576Készpénz:",panelX+screenX-200-200, panelY-20+132-178, panelX-200 + screenX, panelY + screenY - (panelY * 2)-20-178, tocolor(189, 227, 188, 255), 0.5, Roboto2, "left", "top", false, false, false, true) dxDrawText("#ffffff" .. formatNumber(exports.global:getMoney(localPlayer)):gsub(","," ") .. " #7cc576$",panelX+screenX-200-200, panelY+132-178, panelX + screenX + (panelX * 2), panelY-178 + screenY - (panelY * 2), tocolor(189, 227, 188, 255), 0.5, Roboto2, "left", "top", false, false, false, true) dxDrawText("#3f8bb0Prémium Pont:", panelX+screenX-200-200, panelY+132-20+20+20-178, panelX-200 + screenX - (panelX * 2), panelY-178 + screenY - (panelY * 2)-20, tocolor(189, 227, 188, 255), 0.5, Roboto2, "left", "top", false, false, false, true) dxDrawText("#ffffff" .. formatNumber(getElementData(localPlayer,"pp")or 0) .. " #3f8bb0PP", panelX+screenX-200-200, panelY+40+132-178, panelX + screenX + (panelX * 2), panelY-178 + screenY - (panelY * 2), tocolor(189, 227, 188, 255),0.5, Roboto2, "left", "top", false, false, false, true) --> Notification if noticeData["text"] then if noticeData["state"] == "showNotice" then local animationProgress = (getTickCount() - noticeData["tick"]) / 300 local animationState = interpolateBetween(0, 0, 0, logoHeight * scaleFactor, 0, 0, animationProgress, "Linear") noticeData["height"] = animationState if animationProgress > 1 then noticeData["state"] = "fixNoticeJumping" noticeData["timer"] = setTimer(function() noticeData["tick"] = getTickCount() noticeData["state"] = "hideNotice" end, string.len(noticeData["text"]) * 50, 1) end elseif noticeData["state"] == "hideNotice" then local animationProgress = (getTickCount() - noticeData["tick"]) / 300 local animationState = interpolateBetween(logoHeight * scaleFactor, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, animationProgress, "Linear") noticeData["height"] = animationState if animationProgress > 1 then noticeData["text"] = false end elseif noticeData["state"] == "fixNoticeJumping" then noticeData["height"] = (logoHeight * scaleFactor) end fix = 0 if noticeData["text"] then fix = 20+ dxGetTextWidth(noticeData["text"], 0.5, availableFonts["chalet"])/2 roundedRectangle(s[1]/2 -fix, 30,40+ dxGetTextWidth(noticeData["text"], 0.5, availableFonts["chalet"]), noticeData["height"], tocolor(0, 0, 0, 120)) end if noticeData["height"] == (logoHeight * scaleFactor) then local noticeIcon, iconColor = "", {255, 255, 255} if noticeData["type"] == "info" then noticeIcon, iconColor = availableIcons["info-circle"], {85, 178, 243} elseif noticeData["type"] == "warning" then noticeIcon, iconColor = availableIcons["exclamation-triangle"], {220, 190, 120} elseif noticeData["type"] == "error" then noticeIcon, iconColor = availableIcons["exclamation-triangle"], {200, 80, 80} elseif noticeData["type"] == "success" then noticeIcon, iconColor = availableIcons["check"], {130, 220, 115} end dxDrawText(noticeIcon, s[1]/2+5 -fix, 30+5,0,0, tocolor(iconColor[1], iconColor[2], iconColor[3], 255), 1.0, availableFonts["icons"], "left", "top") dxDrawText(noticeData["text"], s[1]/2+35 -fix, 30+2, 0,0 , tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 0.5, availableFonts["chalet"], "left", "top", false, true) end end loopTable, categoryCount, categoryName = {}, 0, "N/A" if selectedCategory == 0 then loopTable = tuningMenu categoryName = "" navigationBar[1][1] = getLocalizedText("navbar.select") navigationBar[3][1] = getLocalizedText("navbar.exit") elseif selectedCategory ~= 0 and selectedSubCategory == 0 then loopTable = tuningMenu[selectedCategory]["subMenu"] categoryName = tuningMenu[selectedCategory]["categoryName"] if selectedCategory == getMainCategoryIDByName(getLocalizedText("menu.color")) then -- Color navigationBar[1][1] = getLocalizedText("navbar.buy") else navigationBar[1][1] = getLocalizedText("navbar.select") end navigationBar[3][1] = getLocalizedText("navbar.back") elseif selectedCategory ~= 0 and selectedSubCategory ~= 0 then if selectedCategory == getMainCategoryIDByName(getLocalizedText("menu.optical")) then -- Optical if isGTAUpgradeSlot(tuningMenu[selectedCategory]["subMenu"][selectedSubCategory]["upgradeSlot"]) then loopTable = tuningMenu[selectedCategory]["availableUpgrades"] categoryName = tuningMenu[selectedCategory]["categoryName"] else loopTable = tuningMenu[selectedCategory]["subMenu"][selectedSubCategory]["subMenu"] categoryName = tuningMenu[selectedCategory]["subMenu"][selectedSubCategory]["categoryName"] end else loopTable = tuningMenu[selectedCategory]["subMenu"][selectedSubCategory]["subMenu"] categoryName = tuningMenu[selectedCategory]["subMenu"][selectedSubCategory]["categoryName"] end navigationBar[1][1] = getLocalizedText("navbar.buy") navigationBar[3][1] = getLocalizedText("navbar.back") end --> Current category local panelY = panelY + (logoHeight * scaleFactor) --dxDrawRectangle(panelX, panelY, panelWidth, rowHeight, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255)) --dxDrawText(utf8.upper(categoryName), panelX + 10, panelY, panelX + 10 + panelWidth - 20, panelY + rowHeight, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 0.5, availableFonts["chalet"], "left", "center", false, false, false, true) --dxDrawText(hoveredCategory .. " / " .. #loopTable, panelX + 10, panelY, panelX + 10 + panelWidth - 20, panelY + rowHeight, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 0.5, availableFonts["chalet"], "right", "center", false, false, false, true) --> Menu rows local panelY = panelY + rowHeight for id, row in ipairs(loopTable) do if id >= currentPage and id <= currentPage + maxRowsPerPage then local rowX, rowY, rowWidth, rowHeight = panelX, panelY + (categoryCount * rowHeight), panelWidth, rowHeight if selectedCategory == 0 or selectedSubCategory == 0 then equippedUpgrade = -1 elseif selectedCategory == getMainCategoryIDByName(getLocalizedText("menu.optical")) then if isGTAUpgradeSlot(tuningMenu[selectedCategory]["subMenu"][selectedSubCategory]["upgradeSlot"]) then if row["upgradeID"] == equippedTuning then equippedUpgrade = id end else if id == equippedTuning then equippedUpgrade = id end end else if id == equippedTuning then equippedUpgrade = id end end local keretVariable = rowHeight*id if id > 8 then keretVariable = rowHeight*8 end exports.sas_system:radarKeret(panelX, panelY, panelWidth, keretVariable, 2, 255) if row["categoryName"] == "Teljesítmény" then kep = "teljesitmeny.png" elseif row["categoryName"] == "Optika" then kep = "optika.png" elseif row["categoryName"] == "Fényezés" then kep = "fenyezes.png" elseif row["categoryName"] == "Extrák" then kep = "extra.png" elseif row["categoryName"] == "Motor" then kep = "performance/motor.png" elseif row["categoryName"] == "Turbó" then kep = "performance/turbo.png" elseif row["categoryName"] == "ECU" then kep = "performance/ecu.png" elseif row["categoryName"] == "Váltó" then kep = "performance/valto.png" elseif row["categoryName"] == "Felfüggesztés" then kep = "performance/felfugg.png" elseif row["categoryName"] == "Fékek" then kep = "performance/fek.png" elseif row["categoryName"] == "Gumik" then kep = "performance/gumi.png" elseif row["categoryName"] == "Nitro" then kep = "performance/nitro.png" elseif row["categoryName"] == "25%" then kep = "performance/nitro.png" elseif row["categoryName"] == "50%" then kep = "performance/nitro.png" elseif row["categoryName"] == "75%" then kep = "performance/nitro.png" elseif row["categoryName"] == "100%" then kep = "performance/nitro.png" elseif row["categoryName"] == "Súlycsökkentés" then kep = "performance/sulycsokkentes.png" elseif row["categoryName"] == "Turbó" then kep = "performance/turbo.png" elseif row["categoryName"] == "Turbó" then kep = "performance/turbo.png" -- Fényezés elseif row["categoryName"] == "Fényezés 1" then kep = "fenyezes.png" elseif row["categoryName"] == "Fényezés 2" then kep = "fenyezes.png" elseif row["categoryName"] == "Fényezés 3" then kep = "fenyezes.png" elseif row["categoryName"] == "Fényezés 4" then kep = "fenyezes.png" --basic elseif equippedUpgrade == id then kep = "felszerelt.png" elseif row["categoryName"] == "Gyári" then kep = "free.png" elseif row["categoryName"] == "Alap csomag" or row["categoryName"] == "Profi csomag" or row["categoryName"] == "Verseny csomag" then kep = "dollar.png" elseif row["categoryName"] == "Venom csomag" then kep = "pp.png" --optical elseif row["categoryName"] == "Első lökhárító" then kep = "optical/elso.png" elseif row["categoryName"] == "Hátsó lökhárító" then kep = "optical/hatso.png" elseif row["categoryName"] == "Küszöb" then kep = "optical/kuszob.png" elseif row["categoryName"] == "Motorháztető" then kep = "optical/motorhaz.png" elseif row["categoryName"] == "Légterelő" then kep = "optical/legterelo.png" elseif row["categoryName"] == "Tetőlégterelő" then kep = "optical/tetolegterelo.png" elseif row["categoryName"] == "Kerekek" then kep = "optical/felni.png" elseif row["categoryName"] == "Kipufogó" then kep = "optical/kipufogo.png" elseif row["categoryName"] == "Hidraulika" then kep = "optical/hidra.png" elseif row["categoryName"] == "Air-Ride" then kep = "optical/airride.png" elseif row["categoryName"] == "Neon" then kep = "optical/neon.png" elseif row["categoryName"] == "Izzó szín" then kep = "optical/izzo.png" -- elseif row["categoryName"] == "Fehér" or row["categoryName"] == "Kék" or row["categoryName"] == "Zöld" or row["categoryName"] == "Piros" or row["categoryName"] == "Citromsárga" or row["categoryName"] == "Rózsaszín" or row["categoryName"] == "Narancssárga" or row["categoryName"] == "Világoskék" or row["categoryName"] == "Raszta" or row["categoryName"] == "Fehér + Világoskék" then elseif selectedCategory == getMainCategoryIDByName(getLocalizedText("menu.optical")) then if selectedSubCategory == 11 then kep = "optical/neon.png" elseif selectedSubCategory == 1 then kep = "optical/elso.png" elseif selectedSubCategory == 2 then kep = "optical/hatso.png" elseif selectedSubCategory == 3 then kep = "optical/kuszob.png" elseif selectedSubCategory == 4 then kep = "optical/motorhaz.png" elseif selectedSubCategory == 5 then kep = "optical/legterelo.png" elseif selectedSubCategory == 6 then kep = "optical/tetolegterelo.png" elseif selectedSubCategory == 7 then kep = "optical/felni.png" elseif selectedSubCategory == 8 then kep = "optical/kipufogo.png" elseif selectedSubCategory == 9 then kep = "optical/hidra.png" elseif selectedSubCategory == 12 then kep = "optical/airride.png" end elseif row["categoryName"] == "Első kerék szélessége" then kep = "optical/gumiszelesseg.png" elseif row["categoryName"] == "Hátsó kerék szélessége" then kep = "optical/gumiszelesseg.png" elseif row["categoryName"] == "Offroad optimalizáció" then kep = "optical/offroad.png" elseif row["categoryName"] == "Meghajtás" then kep = "optical/meghajtas.png" elseif row["categoryName"] == "Variáns" then kep = "variant.png" elseif row["categoryName"] == "Paintjob" then kep = "fenyezes.png" elseif row["categoryName"] == "LSD Ajtó" then kep = "optical/lsd.png" elseif row["categoryName"] == "Gyári rendszám" then kep = "free.png" elseif row["categoryName"] == "Egyedi rendszám" then kep = "pp.png" elseif row["categoryName"] == "Rendszám" then kep = "optical/plate.png" elseif row["categoryName"] == "Fordulási szög" then kep = "slock.png" elseif row["categoryName"] == "Traffipax radar" then kep = "speedo.png" elseif row["categoryName"] == "SeeGO navigációs rendszer" then kep = "gps.png" elseif selectedCategory == getMainCategoryIDByName(getLocalizedText("menu.extras")) then if selectedSubCategory == 1 then kep = "optical/gumiszelesseg.png" elseif selectedSubCategory == 2 then kep = "optical/gumiszelesseg.png" elseif selectedSubCategory == 3 then kep = "optical/offroad.png" elseif selectedSubCategory == 4 then kep = "optical/meghajtas.png" elseif selectedSubCategory == 5 then kep = "variant.png" elseif selectedSubCategory == 6 then kep = "pp.png" elseif selectedSubCategory == 7 then kep = "optical/lsd.png" elseif selectedSubCategory == 8 then kep = "slock.png" elseif selectedSubCategory == 10 then kep = "speedo.png" elseif selectedSubCategory == 11 then kep = "gps.png" end else kep = "misc.png" end -- if hoveredCategory ~= id then if categoryCount %2 == 0 then dxDrawRectangle(rowX, rowY, rowWidth, rowHeight, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 150)) dxDrawImage(rowX+2, rowY+2, 32,32, "files/icons/"..kep,0,0,0,tocolor(255,255,255,255),true) else dxDrawRectangle(rowX, rowY, rowWidth, rowHeight, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255)) dxDrawImage(rowX+2, rowY+2, 32,32, "files/icons/"..kep,0,0,0,tocolor(255,255,255,255),true) end -- end local cTick = getTickCount () local progress = (cTick - lastTick2)/300 szorzas = hoveredCategory if hoveredCategory >= 8 then szorzas = 8 end if not arrowFel and szorzas <= 8 then _,plusY,_ = interpolateBetween ( 0,panelY-80+(40*szorzas),0, 0,panelY-80+(40*szorzas)+40,0, progress,"Linear" ) end if arrowFel and szorzas < 8 then _,plusY,_ = interpolateBetween ( 0,panelY-80+(40*(szorzas+1))+40,0, 0,panelY-80+(40*szorzas)+40,0, progress,"Linear" ) end if arrowFel and szorzas >= 8 then _,plusY,_ = interpolateBetween ( 0,panelY-80+(40*(szorzas))+40,0, 0,panelY-80+(40*szorzas)+40,0, progress,"Linear" ) end --outputChatBox(hoveredCategory) --outputChatBox(#loopTable) dxDrawImage(panelX, plusY, panelWidth, 40, availableTextures["hoveredrow"],0,0,0,tocolor(selectR, selectG,selectB,255)) if hoveredCategory ~= id then --dxDrawText(row["categoryName"], rowX, rowY, rowX+rowWidth-15, rowY + rowHeight, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 0.5, availableFonts["chalet"], "right", "center", false, false, false, true) if equippedUpgrade ~= id then --if row["tuningPrice"] then -- if row["tuningPrice"] == 0 then --dxDrawText(getLocalizedText("tuningPrice.free"), rowX + 15, rowY, rowX , rowY + rowHeight, tocolor(198, 83, 82, 255), 0.5, availableFonts["chalet"], "left", "center", false, false, false, true) dxDrawText(row["categoryName"], rowX, rowY, rowX+rowWidth-15, rowY + rowHeight, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 0.5, availableFonts["chalet"], "right", "center", false, false, true, true) --dxDrawText("$ " .. formatNumber(row["tuningPrice"], ","), rowX+15 , rowY, rowX, rowY + rowHeight, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 200), 0.5, availableFonts["chalet"], "left", "center", false, false, false, true) --end --end else dxDrawText(row["categoryName"].." #3f8bb0(Felszerelve)", rowX, rowY, rowX+rowWidth-15, rowY + rowHeight, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 0.5, availableFonts["chalet"], "right", "center", false, false, true, true) --dxDrawText(getLocalizedText("tuning.active"), rowX + 15, rowY, rowX + 15 + rowWidth - 30 - dxGetTextWidth(availableIcons["wrench"], 1.0, availableFonts["icons"]) - 10, rowY + rowHeight, tocolor(150, 255, 150, 255), 0.5, availableFonts["chalet"], "left", "center", false, false, false, true) --dxDrawText(availableIcons["wrench"], rowX + 15, rowY, rowX + 15 + rowWidth - 30, rowY + rowHeight, tocolor(150, 255, 150, 255), 1.0, availableFonts["icons"], "left", "center", false, false, false, true) end else if kep == "pp.png" then selectR, selectG,selectB = 50,148,195 else --selectR, selectG,selectB = 50,148,195 selectR, selectG,selectB = 96,163,91 end if row["categoryName"] == "Gyári" then selectR, selectG,selectB = 217, 83, 79 end -- dxDrawImage(rowX, rowY, rowWidth, rowHeight, availableTextures["hoveredrow"],0,0,0,tocolor(selectR, selectG,selectB,255)) -- animchancge if equippedUpgrade ~= id then --if row["tuningPrice"] then -- if row["tuningPrice"] == 0 then --dxDrawText(getLocalizedText("tuningPrice.free"), rowX + 15, rowY, rowX , rowY + rowHeight, tocolor(198, 83, 82, 255), 0.5, availableFonts["chalet"], "left", "center", false, false, false, true) dxDrawText(row["categoryName"], rowX, rowY, rowX+rowWidth-15, rowY + rowHeight, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 0.5, availableFonts["chalet"], "right", "center", false, false, true, true) --dxDrawText("$ " .. formatNumber(row["tuningPrice"], ","), rowX+15 , rowY, rowX, rowY + rowHeight, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 200), 0.5, availableFonts["chalet"], "left", "center", false, false, false, true) --end dxDrawImage(rowX+2, rowY+2, 32,32, "files/icons/"..kep,0,0,0,tocolor(255,255,255,255),true) --end else dxDrawText(row["categoryName"].." #3f8bb0(Felszerelve)", rowX, rowY, rowX+rowWidth-15, rowY + rowHeight, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 0.5, availableFonts["chalet"], "right", "center", false, false, true, true) --dxDrawText(getLocalizedText("tuning.active"), rowX + 15, rowY, rowX + 15 + rowWidth - 30 - dxGetTextWidth(availableIcons["wrench"], 1.0, availableFonts["icons"]) - 10, rowY + rowHeight, tocolor(150, 255, 150, 255), 0.5, availableFonts["chalet"], "left", "center", false, false, false, true) dxDrawImage(rowX+2, rowY+2, 32,32, "files/icons/"..kep,0,0,0,tocolor(255,255,255,255),true) --dxDrawText(availableIcons["wrench"], rowX + 15, rowY, rowX + 15 + rowWidth - 30, rowY + rowHeight, tocolor(150, 255, 150, 255), 1.0, availableFonts["icons"], "left", "center", false, false, false, true) end -- if equippedUpgrade ~= id then if row["tuningPrice"] then if row["tuningPrice"] == 0 then dxDrawText("Ár: #d9534fIngyenes", 15, navY+5, 0,0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 0.45, Roboto, "left", "top", false, false, false, true) else if selectR == 50 and selectG == 148 and selectB == 195 and equippedUpgrade ~= id then dxDrawText("Ár: #3f8bb0" .. formatNumber(row["tuningPrice"], ",").." #3f8bb0PP", 15, navY+5, 0,0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 0.45, Roboto, "left", "top", false, false, false, true) else if equippedUpgrade ~= id then dxDrawText("Ár: #60a35b" .. formatNumber(row["tuningPrice"], ",").." #60a35b$", 15, navY+5, 0,0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 0.45, Roboto, "left", "top", false, false, false, true) end end end --end else --dxDrawText(getLocalizedText("tuning.active"), rowX + 15, rowY, rowX + 15 + rowWidth - 30 - dxGetTextWidth(availableIcons["wrench"], 1.0, availableFonts["icons"]) - 10, rowY + rowHeight, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 0.5, availableFonts["chalet"], "right", "center", false, false, false, true) --dxDrawText(availableIcons["wrench"], rowX + 15, rowY, rowX + 15 + rowWidth - 30, rowY + rowHeight, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 1.0, availableFonts["icons"], "right", "center", false, false, false, true) end end categoryCount = categoryCount + 1 end end --dxDrawImage(panelX, panelY + (categoryCount * rowHeight), panelWidth, rowHeight, availableTextures["menunav"]) for id, row in ipairs(loopTable) do if row["categoryName"] == "Kerekek 1" then row["categoryName"] = "Oxygen Eins" end if row["categoryName"] == "Kerekek 2" then row["categoryName"] = "WedsSport TC105N" end if row["categoryName"] == "Kerekek 3" then row["categoryName"] = "Dare V2 Alloy" end if row["categoryName"] == "Kerekek 4" then row["categoryName"] = "Ronal Turbo" end if row["categoryName"] == "Kerekek 5" then row["categoryName"] = "Dayton 100 Spoke" end if row["categoryName"] == "Kerekek 6" then row["categoryName"] = "Hamann Edition Race" end if row["categoryName"] == "Kerekek 7" then row["categoryName"] = "Dunlop Drag" end if row["categoryName"] == "Kerekek 8" then row["categoryName"] = "Luxury Diamond" end if row["categoryName"] == "Kerekek 9" then row["categoryName"] = "Advan Racing RGII" end if row["categoryName"] == "Kerekek 10" then row["categoryName"] = "Classic" end if row["categoryName"] == "Kerekek 11" then row["categoryName"] = "Volk Racing TE37" end if row["categoryName"] == "Kerekek 12" then row["categoryName"] = "Luxury Racing" end if row["categoryName"] == "Kerekek 13" then row["categoryName"] = "Avenger G/T" end if row["categoryName"] == "Kerekek 14" then row["categoryName"] = "BBS RS Gold" end end --> Scrollbar if categoryCount >= (maxRowsPerPage + 1) and categoryCount ~= #loopTable then local rowVisible = math.max(0.05, math.min(1.0, (maxRowsPerPage + 1) / #loopTable)) local scrollbarHeight = ((maxRowsPerPage + 1) * rowHeight) * rowVisible local scrollbarPosition = math.min((currentPage - 1) / #loopTable, 1.0 - rowVisible) * ((maxRowsPerPage + 1) * rowHeight) dxDrawRectangle(panelX + panelWidth - 2+5, panelY + scrollbarPosition, 3, scrollbarHeight, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255)) end --dxDrawImage(0, 0, 1920, 1080, "t") --> Navigation Bar dxDrawImage(navX, navY, 128, 32, "files/nav/enter.png") dxDrawText("Vásárlás", navX+65, navY+5, 0, 0, tocolor(255,255,255,255), 0.5, availableFonts["chalet"]) dxDrawImage(navX+130, navY, 128, 32, "files/nav/backspace.png") dxDrawText("Kilépés", navX+65+128+24, navY+5, 0, 0, tocolor(255,255,255,255), 0.5, availableFonts["chalet"]) dxDrawImage(navX+130+130+8, navY, 32, 32, "files/nav/up.png") dxDrawImage(navX+130+130+40, navY, 32, 32, "files/nav/down.png") dxDrawText("Navigáció", navX+130+130+75, navY+5, 0, 0, tocolor(255,255,255,255), 0.5, availableFonts["chalet"]) dxDrawImage(navX+130+130+40+108, navY, 32, 32, "files/nav/mouse.png") dxDrawText("Kamera mozgatás", navX+130+130+40+108+34, navY+5, 0, 0, tocolor(255,255,255,255), 0.5, availableFonts["chalet"]) --> Prompt dialog if promptDialog["state"] then local promptWidth = dxGetTextWidth(getLocalizedText("prompt.text"), 0.5, availableFonts["chalet"]) + 20 local promptWidth, promptHeight = promptWidth, 120 * scaleFactor local promptX, promptY = (screenX / 2) - (promptWidth / 2), (screenY / 2) - (promptHeight / 2) dxDrawRectangle(screenX/2-300, screenY/2-100, 600, 200, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 150)) dxDrawText(getLocalizedText("prompt.text"), screenX/2-300, screenY/2-80+10, screenX/2+300, screenY/2+100, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 0.5, Roboto, "center", "top") --dxDrawText("#cccccc" .. getLocalizedText("prompt.info.1") ..": #ffffff" .. promptDialog["itemName"], promptX + 15, promptY + 30, promptX + 15 + promptWidth - 30, promptY + 30 + promptHeight - 60, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 0.45, font, "left", "top", false, false, false, true) if (selectR == 50 and selectG == 148 and selectB == 195) or promptDialog["itemPrice"] < 5000 then dxDrawText("#3f8bb0" .. getLocalizedText("prompt.info.2") .. ": " .. formatNumber(promptDialog["itemPrice"], " ").. " PP",screenX/2-300, screenY/2-80+35, screenX/2+300, screenY/2+100, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 0.5, Roboto, "center", "top", false, false, false, true) else dxDrawText("#7cc576" .. getLocalizedText("prompt.info.2") .. ": " .. formatNumber(promptDialog["itemPrice"], " ").. " $",screenX/2-300, screenY/2-80+35, screenX/2+300, screenY/2+100, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 0.5, Roboto, "center", "top", false, false, false, true) end dxDrawText("#7cc576MTATESTE - #ff7f00Tuning", screenX/2-300, screenY/2-100-20,0,0,tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 0.5, Roboto,"left","top",false,false,false,true) dxDrawRectangle(screenX/2-270, screenY/2+100-70,240,40, tocolor(217, 83, 79,200)) -- mégsem dxDrawRectangle(screenX/2+30, screenY/2+100-70,240,40, tocolor(96,163,91,200)) -- vásárlás dxDrawText(getLocalizedText("prompt.button.1"), screenX/2+30, screenY/2+100-70,screenX/2+30+240, screenY/2+100-70+40, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 0.45, font, "center", "center") dxDrawText(getLocalizedText("prompt.button.2"), screenX/2-270, screenY/2+100-70, screenX/2-270+240, screenY/2+100-70+40, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 0.45, font, "center", "center") end --> License Plate inputbox if selectedCategory == getMainCategoryIDByName(getLocalizedText("menu.extras")) then if selectedSubCategory == 9 and hoveredCategory == 2 then local boxX, boxY, boxWidth, boxHeight = panelX + 2, panelY + (categoryCount * rowHeight) + rowHeight, panelWidth - 4, rowHeight drawBorderedRectangle(boxX, boxY, boxWidth, boxHeight, 2, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), tocolor(30, 30, 30, 255)) dxDrawText(vehicleNumberplate, boxX, boxY, boxX + boxWidth, boxY + boxHeight, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 0.5, availableFonts["chalet"], "center", "center") end end else end end) addEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, function() if panelState and enteredVehicle then local _, _, _, _, _, _, roll, fov = getCameraMatrix() local cameraZoomProgress = (getTickCount() - cameraSettings["zoomTick"]) / 500 local cameraZoomAnimation = interpolateBetween(fov, 0, 0, cameraSettings["zoom"], 0, 0, cameraZoomProgress, "Linear") if cameraSettings["moveState"] == "moveToElement" then local currentCameraX, currentCameraY, currentCameraZ, currentCameraRotX, currentCameraRotY, currentCameraRotZ = getCameraMatrix() local cameraProgress = (getTickCount() - cameraSettings["moveTick"]) / 1000 local cameraX, cameraY, cameraZ, componentX, componentY, componentZ = _getCameraPosition("component") local newCameraX, newCameraY, newCameraZ = interpolateBetween(currentCameraX, currentCameraY, currentCameraZ, cameraX, cameraY, cameraZ, cameraProgress, "Linear") local newCameraRotX, newCameraRotY, newCameraRotZ = interpolateBetween(currentCameraRotX, currentCameraRotY, currentCameraRotZ, componentX, componentY, componentZ, cameraProgress, "Linear") local newCameraZoom = interpolateBetween(fov, 0, 0, 60, 0, 0, cameraProgress, "Linear") setCameraMatrix(newCameraX, newCameraY, newCameraZ, newCameraRotX, newCameraRotY, newCameraRotZ, roll, newCameraZoom) if cameraProgress > 0.5 then cameraSettings["moveState"] = "freeMode" cameraSettings["zoom"] = 60 end elseif cameraSettings["moveState"] == "backToVehicle" then local currentCameraX, currentCameraY, currentCameraZ, currentCameraRotX, currentCameraRotY, currentCameraRotZ = getCameraMatrix() local cameraProgress = (getTickCount() - cameraSettings["moveTick"]) / 1000 local cameraX, cameraY, cameraZ, vehicleX, vehicleY, vehicleZ = _getCameraPosition("vehicle") local newCameraX, newCameraY, newCameraZ = interpolateBetween(currentCameraX, currentCameraY, currentCameraZ, cameraX, cameraY, cameraZ, cameraProgress, "Linear") local newCameraRotX, newCameraRotY, newCameraRotZ = interpolateBetween(currentCameraRotX, currentCameraRotY, currentCameraRotZ, vehicleX, vehicleY, vehicleZ, cameraProgress, "Linear") local newCameraZoom = interpolateBetween(fov, 0, 0, 60, 0, 0, cameraProgress, "Linear") setCameraMatrix(newCameraX, newCameraY, newCameraZ, newCameraRotX, newCameraRotY, newCameraRotZ, roll, newCameraZoom) if cameraProgress > 0.5 then cameraSettings["moveState"] = "freeMode" cameraSettings["zoom"] = 60 end elseif cameraSettings["moveState"] == "freeMode" then local cameraX, cameraY, cameraZ, elementX, elementY, elementZ = _getCameraPosition("both") setCameraMatrix(cameraX, cameraY, cameraZ, elementX, elementY, elementZ, roll, cameraZoomAnimation) if getKeyState("mouse1") and not isCursorShowing() and not isMTAWindowActive() and not promptDialog["state"] then cameraSettings["freeModeActive"] = true else cameraSettings["freeModeActive"] = false end end end end) addEventHandler("onClientCursorMove", root, function(cursorX, cursorY) if panelState and enteredVehicle then if cameraSettings["freeModeActive"] then local differentX, differentY = cursorX - 0.5, cursorY - 0.5 local cameraX = cameraSettings["currentX"] - differentX * cameraSettings["movingSpeed"] local cameraY = cameraSettings["currentY"] - differentX * cameraSettings["movingSpeed"] local cameraZ = cameraSettings["currentZ"] + (differentY * cameraSettings["movingSpeed"]) / math.pi cameraZ = math.max(cameraSettings["minimumZ"], math.min(cameraSettings["maximumZ"], cameraZ)) cameraSettings["currentX"] = cameraX cameraSettings["currentY"] = cameraY cameraSettings["currentZ"] = cameraZ end end end) addEventHandler("onClientCharacter", root, function(character) if selectedCategory == getMainCategoryIDByName(getLocalizedText("menu.extras")) then if selectedSubCategory == 9 and hoveredCategory == 2 then if #vehicleNumberplate < 8 then local supportedCharacters = { ["q"] = true, ["w"] = true, ["x"] = true, ["4"] = true, ["e"] = true, ["r"] = true, ["c"] = true, ["5"] = true, ["t"] = true, ["z"] = true, ["v"] = true, ["6"] = true, ["u"] = true, ["i"] = true, ["b"] = true, ["7"] = true, ["o"] = true, ["p"] = true, ["n"] = true, ["8"] = true, ["a"] = true, ["s"] = true, ["m"] = true, ["9"] = true, ["d"] = true, ["f"] = true, ["0"] = true, ["-"] = true, ["g"] = true, ["h"] = true, ["1"] = true, [" "] = true, ["j"] = true, ["k"] = true, ["2"] = true, ["l"] = true, ["y"] = true, ["3"] = true, } if supportedCharacters[character] then vehicleNumberplate = vehicleNumberplate .. utf8.upper(character) setVehiclePlateText(enteredVehicle, vehicleNumberplate) end end end end end) function resetUpgrades(veh) if defaultPaintJob == 0 then actualPaintJob = 0 exports.sas_paintjob:destroyShaderCache(veh) else actualPaintJob = defaultPaintJob exports.sas_paintjob:addVehiclePaintJob(veh, getElementModel(veh), defaultPaintJob) end end addEventHandler("onClientKey", root, function(key, pressed) if panelState and enteredVehicle then if pressed then if key == "arrow_d" and not promptDialog["state"] and tuningCompleted then arrowFel = false --[[if szorzas <= maxRowsPerPage then szorzas = szorzas + 1 else szorzas = maxRowsPerPage end]] if #loopTable <= 4 then if szorzas ~= 4 then lastTick2 =getTickCount() end end if #loopTable > 4 then if szorzas ~= 8 then lastTick2 =getTickCount() end end if hoveredCategory > #loopTable or hoveredCategory == #loopTable then hoveredCategory = #loopTable else if hoveredCategory > maxRowsPerPage then currentPage = currentPage + 1 end hoveredCategory = hoveredCategory + 1 if selectedCategory == getMainCategoryIDByName(getLocalizedText("menu.optical")) then if selectedSubCategory ~= 0 then if isGTAUpgradeSlot(tuningMenu[selectedCategory]["subMenu"][selectedSubCategory]["upgradeSlot"]) then showNextOpticalUpgrade() else if selectedSubCategory == 11 then -- Neon addNeon(enteredVehicle, loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningData"]) end end end elseif selectedCategory == getMainCategoryIDByName(getLocalizedText("menu.extras")) then if selectedSubCategory == 1 then triggerServerEvent("tuning->WheelWidth", localPlayer, enteredVehicle, "front", loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningData"]) elseif selectedSubCategory == 2 then triggerServerEvent("tuning->WheelWidth", localPlayer, enteredVehicle, "rear", loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningData"]) elseif selectedSubCategory == 5 then --triggerServerEvent("tuning->WheelWidth", localPlayer, enteredVehicle, "rear", loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningData"]) triggerServerEvent("event->buyVariant", localPlayer, enteredVehicle, loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningData"]) elseif selectedSubCategory == 6 then --local model = getElementModel(enteredVehicle) --triggerEvent("addVehiclePaintJob", localPlayer, enteredVehicle, model, loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningData"]) --triggerServerEvent("event->buyPaintjob", localPlayer, enteredVehicle, getElementModel(enteredVehicle), loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningData"]) exports.sas_paintjob:addVehiclePaintJob(enteredVehicle, getElementModel(enteredVehicle), loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningData"]) end elseif selectedCategory == getMainCategoryIDByName(getLocalizedText("menu.color")) then setVehicleColorsToDefault() setPaletteType(loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningData"]) updatePaletteColor(enteredVehicle, loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningData"]) elseif selectedCategory == getMainCategoryIDByName(getLocalizedText("menu.performance")) then if selectedSubCategory == 2 then if hoveredCategory == 5 then if isCharger[getElementModel(enteredVehicle)] then if not isElement(chargerElement) then local x,y,z = getElementPosition(enteredVehicle) chargerElement = createObject(17697,x,y,z) local posX,posY,posZ,rotX,rotY,rotZ = isCharger[getElementModel(enteredVehicle)][1],isCharger[getElementModel(enteredVehicle)][2],isCharger[getElementModel(enteredVehicle)][3],isCharger[getElementModel(enteredVehicle)][4],isCharger[getElementModel(enteredVehicle)][5],isCharger[getElementModel(enteredVehicle)][6] attachElements(chargerElement,enteredVehicle,posX,posY,posZ,rotX,rotY,rotZ) setElementCollisionsEnabled(chargerElement, false) end end end end end playSoundEffect("menunavigate.mp3") end elseif key == "arrow_u" and not promptDialog["state"] and tuningCompleted then arrowFel = true --[[ if szorzas <= maxRowsPerPage then szorzas = szorzas - 1 else szorzas = maxRowsPerPage end]] -- if #loopTable <= 4 then if szorzas ~= 1 then lastTick2 = getTickCount() end --end if hoveredCategory < 1 or hoveredCategory == 1 then hoveredCategory = 1 if selectedCategory == getMainCategoryIDByName(getLocalizedText("menu.optical")) then if selectedSubCategory ~= 0 then if isGTAUpgradeSlot(tuningMenu[selectedCategory]["subMenu"][selectedSubCategory]["upgradeSlot"]) then showDefaultOpticalUpgrade() end end end else if currentPage - 1 >= 1 then currentPage = currentPage - 1 end hoveredCategory = hoveredCategory - 1 if selectedCategory == getMainCategoryIDByName(getLocalizedText("menu.optical")) then if selectedSubCategory ~= 0 then if isGTAUpgradeSlot(tuningMenu[selectedCategory]["subMenu"][selectedSubCategory]["upgradeSlot"]) then if hoveredCategory == 1 then -- Default upgrade removeVehicleUpgrade(enteredVehicle, compatibleOpticalUpgrades[hoveredCategory]) else showNextOpticalUpgrade() end else if selectedSubCategory == 11 then -- Neon if hoveredCategory == 1 then removeNeon(enteredVehicle, true) else addNeon(enteredVehicle, loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningData"]) end end end end elseif selectedCategory == getMainCategoryIDByName(getLocalizedText("menu.extras")) then if selectedSubCategory == 1 then triggerServerEvent("tuning->WheelWidth", localPlayer, enteredVehicle, "front", loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningData"]) elseif selectedSubCategory == 2 then triggerServerEvent("tuning->WheelWidth", localPlayer, enteredVehicle, "rear", loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningData"]) elseif selectedSubCategory == 5 then --triggerServerEvent("tuning->WheelWidth", localPlayer, enteredVehicle, "rear", loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningData"]) triggerServerEvent("event->buyVariant", localPlayer, enteredVehicle, loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningData"]) elseif selectedSubCategory == 6 then --local model = getElementModel(enteredVehicle) --triggerEvent("addVehiclePaintJob", localPlayer, enteredVehicle, model, loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningData"]) --triggerServerEvent("event->buyPaintjob", localPlayer, enteredVehicle, getElementModel(enteredVehicle), loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningData"]) exports.sas_paintjob:addVehiclePaintJob(enteredVehicle, getElementModel(enteredVehicle), loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningData"]) elseif selectedSubCategory == 9 then if equippedTuning ~= vehicleNumberplate then setVehiclePlateText(enteredVehicle, equippedTuning) vehicleNumberplate = equippedTuning end end elseif selectedCategory == getMainCategoryIDByName(getLocalizedText("menu.color")) then setVehicleColorsToDefault() setPaletteType(loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningData"]) updatePaletteColor(enteredVehicle, loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningData"]) elseif selectedCategory == getMainCategoryIDByName(getLocalizedText("menu.performance")) then if selectedSubCategory == 2 then if hoveredCategory == 4 then if isCharger[getElementModel(enteredVehicle)] then if isElement(chargerElement) then destroyElement(chargerElement) end end end end end playSoundEffect("menunavigate.mp3") end elseif key == "backspace" and tuningCompleted then if promptDialog["state"] then promptDialog["state"] = false else if selectedCategory == getMainCategoryIDByName(getLocalizedText("menu.extras")) and selectedSubCategory == 9 then if hoveredCategory == 2 then if #vehicleNumberplate - 1 > 0 then vehicleNumberplate = string.sub(vehicleNumberplate, 1, #vehicleNumberplate - 1) setVehiclePlateText(enteredVehicle, vehicleNumberplate) else setVehiclePlateText(enteredVehicle, "-") vehicleNumberplate = "" end return else if equippedTuning ~= vehicleNumberplate then setVehiclePlateText(enteredVehicle, equippedTuning) vehicleNumberplate = equippedTuning end end end if selectedCategory == 0 and selectedSubCategory == 0 then triggerEvent("tuning->HideMenu", localPlayer) isBuyyedPainjob = false elseif selectedCategory ~= 0 and selectedSubCategory == 0 then if selectedCategory == getMainCategoryIDByName(getLocalizedText("menu.color")) then -- Color destroyColorPicker() setVehicleColorsToDefault() showCursor(false) end selectedCategory, hoveredCategory, currentPage = 0, 1, 1 elseif selectedCategory ~= 0 and selectedSubCategory ~= 0 then moveCameraToDefaultPosition() if selectedCategory == getMainCategoryIDByName(getLocalizedText("menu.optical")) then -- Optical if selectedSubCategory ~= 0 then if isGTAUpgradeSlot(tuningMenu[selectedCategory]["subMenu"][selectedSubCategory]["upgradeSlot"]) then resetOpticalUpgrade() -- reset to equipped upgrade tuningMenu[selectedCategory]["availableUpgrades"] = {} equippedTuning = 1 else if selectedSubCategory == 10 then -- Lamp color destroyColorPicker() setVehicleColorsToDefault() showCursor(false) setVehicleOverrideLights(enteredVehicle, 1) elseif selectedSubCategory == 11 then -- Neon restoreOldNeon(enteredVehicle) end end end elseif selectedCategory == getMainCategoryIDByName(getLocalizedText("menu.extras")) then -- Extras if selectedSubCategory == 1 then local defaultWheelSize = (equippedTuning == 1 and "verynarrow") or (equippedTuning == 2 and "narrow") or (equippedTuning == 3 and "default") or (equippedTuning == 4 and "wide") or (equippedTuning == 5 and "verywide") triggerServerEvent("tuning->WheelWidth", localPlayer, enteredVehicle, "front", defaultWheelSize) elseif selectedSubCategory == 2 then local defaultWheelSize = (equippedTuning == 1 and "verynarrow") or (equippedTuning == 2 and "narrow") or (equippedTuning == 3 and "default") or (equippedTuning == 4 and "wide") or (equippedTuning == 5 and "verywide") triggerServerEvent("tuning->WheelWidth", localPlayer, enteredVehicle, "rear", defaultWheelSize) elseif selectedSubCategory == 5 then --setVehicleVariant(enteredVehicle, 255, 255) local defaultVariant = getElementData(enteredVehicle, "tuning.variant") or 255 triggerServerEvent("event->buyVariant", localPlayer, enteredVehicle, defaultVariant) elseif selectedSubCategory == 6 then local defaultPaintjob = tonumber(getElementData(enteredVehicle, "PaintJob")) or 0 if isBuyyedPainjob == true then --outputChatBox("te vettél") --triggerServerEvent("event->buyPaintjob", localPlayer, enteredVehicle, getElementModel(enteredVehicle), defaultPaintJob) exports.sas_paintjob:addVehiclePaintJob(enteredVehicle, getElementModel(enteredVehicle), defaultPaintJob) else if getElementData(enteredVehicle, "PaintJob") and getElementData(enteredVehicle, "PaintJob") > 0 then exports.sas_paintjob:addVehiclePaintJob(enteredVehicle, getElementModel(enteredVehicle), getElementData(enteredVehicle, "PaintJob")) else exports.sas_paintjob:destroyShaderCache(enteredVehicle) end end tuningMenu[4]["subMenu"][6]["subMenu"] ={ [1] = {["categoryName"] = getLocalizedText("tuningPack.0"), ["tuningPrice"] = 0, ["tuningData"] = 0}, } elseif selectedSubCategory == 7 then setVehicleDoorOpenRatio(enteredVehicle, 2, 0, 500) setVehicleDoorOpenRatio(enteredVehicle, 3, 0, 500) setVehicleDoorToLSD(enteredVehicle, ((equippedTuning == 1 and false) or (equippedTuning == 2 and true))) end elseif selectedCategory == getMainCategoryIDByName(getLocalizedText("menu.performance")) then if selectedSubCategory == 2 then if hoveredCategory == 5 then if isCharger[getElementModel(enteredVehicle)] then if isElement(chargerElement) then destroyElement(chargerElement) end end end end end selectedSubCategory, hoveredCategory, currentPage = 0, 1, 1 end playSoundEffect("menuback.mp3") if enteredVehicle then for component in pairs(getVehicleComponents(enteredVehicle)) do if component ~= "wheel_type" and component ~= "lamps" and component ~= "calipers" and component ~= "display" and component ~= "skyline" and component ~= "motor" and component ~= "LFA11_engine" then setVehicleComponentVisible(enteredVehicle, component, true) end end end end elseif key == "enter" and tuningCompleted then if not promptDialog["state"] then if selectedCategory == 0 then selectedCategory, currentPage, hoveredCategory = hoveredCategory, 1, 1 if selectedCategory == getMainCategoryIDByName(getLocalizedText("menu.color")) then savedVehicleColors["all"] = {getVehicleColor(enteredVehicle, true)} savedVehicleColors["headlight"] = {getVehicleHeadLightColor(enteredVehicle)} createColorPicker(enteredVehicle, panelX, (panelY + (logoHeight * scaleFactor) + rowHeight + (categoryCount * rowHeight) + rowHeight)-35, panelWidth - 4+4, (panelWidth / 2) * scaleFactor, "color1") showCursor(true) end playSoundEffect("menuenter.mp3") elseif selectedCategory ~= 0 and selectedSubCategory == 0 then if selectedCategory == getMainCategoryIDByName(getLocalizedText("menu.performance")) then local componentCompatible = false if isComponentCompatible(enteredVehicle, {"Automobile", "Monster Truck", "Quad", "Bike"}) then local tuningDataName = loopTable[hoveredCategory]["upgradeData"] local equippedTuningID = getElementData(enteredVehicle, "vehicle.tuning." .. tuningDataName) or 1 if tuningDataName ~= "nitro" then equippedTuning = equippedTuningID componentCompatible = true else if isComponentCompatible(enteredVehicle, {"Automobile", "Monster Truck"}) then equippedTuning = -1 componentCompatible = true end end end if componentCompatible then setCameraAndComponentVisible() selectedSubCategory, hoveredCategory, currentPage = hoveredCategory, 1, 1 end elseif selectedCategory == getMainCategoryIDByName(getLocalizedText("menu.optical")) then if isGTAUpgradeSlot(loopTable[hoveredCategory]["upgradeSlot"]) then local upgradeSlot = loopTable[hoveredCategory]["upgradeSlot"] local compatibleUpgrades = getVehicleCompatibleUpgrades(enteredVehicle, upgradeSlot) if compatibleUpgrades[1] == nil then exports.hud:addNotification(getLocalizedText("notification.error.notCompatible"), "error") --outputDebugString("asd") else setCameraAndComponentVisible() compatibleOpticalUpgrades = compatibleUpgrades equippedTuning = getVehicleUpgradeOnSlot(enteredVehicle, upgradeSlot) table.insert(tuningMenu[selectedCategory]["availableUpgrades"], { ["categoryName"] = getLocalizedText("tuningPack.0"), ["tuningPrice"] = 0, ["upgradeID"] = 0 }) for id, upgrade in pairs(compatibleOpticalUpgrades) do table.insert(tuningMenu[selectedCategory]["availableUpgrades"], { ["categoryName"] = tuningMenu[selectedCategory]["subMenu"][hoveredCategory]["categoryName"] .. " " .. id, ["tuningPrice"] = tuningMenu[selectedCategory]["subMenu"][hoveredCategory]["tuningPrice"], ["upgradeID"] = upgrade }) end selectedSubCategory, hoveredCategory, currentPage = hoveredCategory, 1, 1 showDefaultOpticalUpgrade() end else -- Customs optical elements (Neon, Air-Ride etc..) local componentCompatible = false if hoveredCategory == 12 then -- Air-Ride if isComponentCompatible(enteredVehicle, "Automobile") then equippedTuning = (getElementData(enteredVehicle, "tuning.airRide") and 2) or 1 componentCompatible = true end elseif hoveredCategory == 10 then -- Lamp color if isComponentCompatible(enteredVehicle, {"Automobile", "Monster Truck", "Quad", "Bike"}) then equippedTuning = -1 setVehicleOverrideLights(enteredVehicle, 2) savedVehicleColors["all"] = {getVehicleColor(enteredVehicle, true)} savedVehicleColors["headlight"] = {getVehicleHeadLightColor(enteredVehicle)} createColorPicker(enteredVehicle, panelX + 2, (panelY + (logoHeight * scaleFactor) + (rowHeight * 2) + rowHeight)-35, panelWidth - 4, (panelWidth / 2) * scaleFactor, "headlight") showCursor(true) componentCompatible = true end elseif hoveredCategory == 11 then -- Neon if isComponentCompatible(enteredVehicle, "Automobile") then local currentNeon = getElementData(enteredVehicle, "tuning.neon") or false if currentNeon == "white" then currentNeon = 2 elseif currentNeon == "blue" then currentNeon = 3 elseif currentNeon == "green" then currentNeon = 4 elseif currentNeon == "red" then currentNeon = 5 elseif currentNeon == "yellow" then currentNeon = 6 elseif currentNeon == "pink" then currentNeon = 7 elseif currentNeon == "orange" then currentNeon = 8 elseif currentNeon == "lightblue" then currentNeon = 9 elseif currentNeon == "rasta" then currentNeon = 10 elseif currentNeon == "ice" then currentNeon = 11 else currentNeon = 1 end equippedTuning = currentNeon removeNeon(enteredVehicle, true) componentCompatible = true end end if componentCompatible then setCameraAndComponentVisible() selectedSubCategory, hoveredCategory, currentPage = hoveredCategory, 1, 1 end end elseif selectedCategory == getMainCategoryIDByName(getLocalizedText("menu.extras")) then local componentCompatible = false if hoveredCategory == 1 then if isComponentCompatible(enteredVehicle, "Automobile") then equippedTuning = getVehicleWheelSize(enteredVehicle, "front") triggerServerEvent("tuning->WheelWidth", localPlayer, enteredVehicle, "front", loopTable[hoveredCategory]["subMenu"][1]["tuningData"]) componentCompatible = true end elseif hoveredCategory == 2 then if isComponentCompatible(enteredVehicle, "Automobile") then equippedTuning = getVehicleWheelSize(enteredVehicle, "rear") triggerServerEvent("tuning->WheelWidth", localPlayer, enteredVehicle, "rear", loopTable[hoveredCategory]["subMenu"][1]["tuningData"]) componentCompatible = true end elseif hoveredCategory == 3 then if isComponentCompatible(enteredVehicle, {"Automobile", "Monster Truck", "Quad", "Bike"}) then equippedTuning = getVehicleOffroadAbility(enteredVehicle) componentCompatible = true end elseif hoveredCategory == 4 then if isComponentCompatible(enteredVehicle, {"Automobile", "Monster Truck", "Quad"}) then local driveType = getVehicleHandling(enteredVehicle)["driveType"] equippedTuning = (driveType == "fwd" and 1) or (driveType == "awd" and 2) or (driveType == "rwd" and 3) componentCompatible = true end elseif hoveredCategory == 5 then if isComponentCompatible(enteredVehicle, {"Automobile", "Monster Truck", "Quad", "Bike"}) then equippedTuning = (getElementData(enteredVehicle, "tuning.variant")) triggerServerEvent("event->buyVariant", localPlayer, enteredVehicle, loopTable[hoveredCategory]["subMenu"][1]["tuningData"]) componentCompatible = true end elseif hoveredCategory == 6 then if isComponentCompatible(enteredVehicle, {"Automobile", "Monster Truck"}) then equippedTuning = (getElementData(enteredVehicle, "PaintJob")) allowedPaintjobs = exports.sas_paintjob:getVehiclePaintJobs(getElementModel(enteredVehicle)) outputDebugString(tuningMenu[4]["subMenu"][6]["categoryName"]) for i=1, allowedPaintjobs do table.insert(tuningMenu[4]["subMenu"][6]["subMenu"], {["categoryName"] = "Paintjob "..i, ["tuningPrice"] = 1800, ["tuningData"] = i}) end --local model = getElementModel(enteredVehicle) --triggerServerEvent("addVehiclePaintJob", localPlayer, enteredVehicle, model, equippedTuning) --triggerServerEvent("event->buyPaintjob", localPlayer, enteredVehicle, model, loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningData"]) exports.sas_paintjob:addVehiclePaintJob(enteredVehicle, getElementModel(enteredVehicle), equippedTuning) componentCompatible = true end elseif hoveredCategory == 7 then if isComponentCompatible(enteredVehicle, {"Automobile", "Monster Truck"}) then equippedTuning = (getElementData(enteredVehicle, "tuning.lsdDoor") and 2) or 1 setVehicleDoorOpenRatio(enteredVehicle, 2, 1, 500) setVehicleDoorOpenRatio(enteredVehicle, 3, 1, 500) setVehicleDoorToLSD(enteredVehicle, true) componentCompatible = true end elseif hoveredCategory == 8 then if isComponentCompatible(enteredVehicle, {"Automobile", "Monster Truck", "Quad", "Bike", "BMX"}) then local steeringLock = getVehicleHandling(enteredVehicle)["steeringLock"] equippedTuning = (steeringLock == 30 and 2) or (steeringLock == 40 and 3) or (steeringLock == 50 and 4) or (steeringLock == 60 and 5) or 1 componentCompatible = true end elseif hoveredCategory == 9 then if isComponentCompatible(enteredVehicle, {"Automobile", "Monster Truck", "Quad", "Bike"}) then equippedTuning = getVehiclePlateText(enteredVehicle) vehicleNumberplate = equippedTuning componentCompatible = true end elseif hoveredCategory == 10 then -- TRAFIRADAR componentCompatible = true equippedTuning = getElementData(enteredVehicle, "vehicle.tuning.traffiradar") or 2 elseif hoveredCategory == 11 then -- SEEGOOO componentCompatible = true equippedTuning = getElementData(enteredVehicle, "vehicle.tuning.seeGO") or 2 end if componentCompatible then setCameraAndComponentVisible() selectedSubCategory, hoveredCategory, currentPage = hoveredCategory, 1, 1 end elseif selectedCategory == getMainCategoryIDByName(getLocalizedText("menu.color")) then promptDialog = { ["state"] = true, ["itemName"] = categoryName .. " (" .. loopTable[hoveredCategory]["categoryName"] .. ")", ["itemPrice"] = loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningPrice"] } end playSoundEffect("menuenter.mp3") elseif selectedCategory ~= 0 and selectedSubCategory ~= 0 then promptDialog = { ["state"] = true, ["itemName"] = categoryName .. " (" .. loopTable[hoveredCategory]["categoryName"] .. ")", ["itemPrice"] = loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningPrice"] } end else -- Buying item after accepted prompt if selectedCategory == getMainCategoryIDByName(getLocalizedText("menu.performance")) then if hoveredCategory == equippedTuning then exports.hud:addNotification(getLocalizedText("A kiválasztott csomag ("..loopTable[hoveredCategory]["categoryName"])..") már megtalálható a járművedben.", "error") promptDialog["state"] = false return else if hasPlayerMoney(loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningPrice"]) then local tuningName = tuningMenu[selectedCategory]["subMenu"][selectedSubCategory]["upgradeData"] setElementData(enteredVehicle, "vehicle.tuning." .. tuningName, hoveredCategory, true) if selectedSubCategory == 2 then if hoveredCategory == 5 then if isElement(chargerElement) then destroyElement(chargerElement) end else triggerServerEvent("destroyChargerToClient",localPlayer,enteredVehicle) end end if tuningName ~= "nitro" then triggerServerEvent("tuning->performanceUpgrade", localPlayer, enteredVehicle, loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningData"]) equippedTuning = hoveredCategory else if loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningData"] == 0 then triggerServerEvent("tuning->OpticalUpgrade", localPlayer, enteredVehicle, "remove", 1010) else triggerServerEvent("tuning->OpticalUpgrade", localPlayer, enteredVehicle, "add", 1010) end setElementData(enteredVehicle, "tuning.nitroLevel", loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningData"]) refreshVehicleNitroLevel(enteredVehicle, loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningData"]) end moneyChange(loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningPrice"]) promptDialog["state"] = false else exports.hud:addNotification(getLocalizedText("notification.error.notEnoughMoney"), "error") promptDialog["state"] = false end end elseif selectedCategory == getMainCategoryIDByName(getLocalizedText("menu.optical")) then if isGTAUpgradeSlot(tuningMenu[selectedCategory]["subMenu"][selectedSubCategory]["upgradeSlot"]) then if equippedTuning == loopTable[hoveredCategory]["upgradeID"] then exports.hud:addNotification("A kiválasztott elem ("..loopTable[hoveredCategory]["categoryName"].."már megtalálható a járművedben.", "error") promptDialog["state"] = false else if hasPlayerMoney(loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningPrice"]) then if getElementData(enteredVehicle, "tuning.airRide") and selectedSubCategory == 8 then exports.hud:addNotification(getLocalizedText("notification.warning.airRideInstalled")) else if loopTable[hoveredCategory]["upgradeID"] == 0 then triggerServerEvent("tuning->OpticalUpgrade", localPlayer, enteredVehicle, "remove", equippedTuning) equippedTuning = 0 else triggerServerEvent("tuning->OpticalUpgrade", localPlayer, enteredVehicle, "add", loopTable[hoveredCategory]["upgradeID"]) equippedTuning = loopTable[hoveredCategory]["upgradeID"] end moneyChange(loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningPrice"]) end promptDialog["state"] = false else exports.hud:addNotification(getLocalizedText("notification.error.notEnoughMoney")) promptDialog["state"] = false end end else if selectedSubCategory == 12 then -- Air-Ride if hoveredCategory == equippedTuning then exports.hud:addNotification("A kiválasztott elem ("..loopTable[hoveredCategory]["categoryName"]..") már megtalálható a járművedben.", "error") promptDialog["state"] = false else if hasPlayerMoney(loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningPrice"]) then setElementData(enteredVehicle, "tuning.airRide", loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningData"], true) triggerServerEvent("tuning->buyAirride", localPlayer, enteredVehicle, loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningData"]) if hoveredCategory == 1 then removeAirRide(enteredVehicle) end equippedTuning = hoveredCategory moneyChange(loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningPrice"]) promptDialog["state"] = false else exports.hud:addNotification(getLocalizedText("notification.error.notEnoughMoney"), "error") promptDialog["state"] = false end end elseif selectedSubCategory == 10 then -- Lamp color if hasPlayerMoney(loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningPrice"]) then savedVehicleColors["all"] = {getVehicleColor(enteredVehicle, true)} savedVehicleColors["headlight"] = {getVehicleHeadLightColor(enteredVehicle)} triggerServerEvent("tuning->Color", localPlayer, enteredVehicle, savedVehicleColors["all"], savedVehicleColors["headlight"]) equippedTuning = -1 moneyChange(loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningPrice"]) promptDialog["state"] = false else exports.hud:addNotification(getLocalizedText("notification.error.notEnoughMoney"), "error") promptDialog["state"] = false end elseif selectedSubCategory == 11 then -- Neon if hasPlayerMoney(loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningPrice"]) then saveNeon(enteredVehicle, loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningData"], true) --setElementData(enteredVehicle, "tuning.neon", loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningData"], true) triggerServerEvent("tuning->buyNeon", localPlayer, enteredVehicle, loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningData"]) equippedTuning = hoveredCategory moneyChange(loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningPrice"]) promptDialog["state"] = false else exports.hud:addNotification(getLocalizedText("notification.error.notEnoughMoney"), "error") promptDialog["state"] = false end end end elseif selectedCategory == getMainCategoryIDByName(getLocalizedText("menu.extras")) then if selectedSubCategory == 1 or selectedSubCategory == 2 then local vehicleSide = (selectedSubCategory == 1 and "front") or (selectedSubCategory == 2 and "rear") if hoveredCategory == equippedTuning then exports.hud:addNotification("A kiválasztott elem ("..loopTable[hoveredCategory]["categoryName"]..") már megtalálható a járművedben.", "error") promptDialog["state"] = false else if hasPlayerMoney(loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningPrice"]) then triggerServerEvent("tuning->WheelWidth", localPlayer, enteredVehicle, vehicleSide, loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningData"]) equippedTuning = hoveredCategory moneyChange(loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningPrice"]) promptDialog["state"] = false else exports.hud:addNotification(getLocalizedText("notification.error.notEnoughMoney"), "error") promptDialog["state"] = false end end elseif selectedSubCategory == 3 then if hoveredCategory == equippedTuning then exports.hud:addNotification("A kiválasztott elem ("..loopTable[hoveredCategory]["categoryName"].. ") már megtalálható a járművedben", "error") promptDialog["state"] = false else if hasPlayerMoney(loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningPrice"]) then triggerServerEvent("tuning->OffroadAbility", localPlayer, enteredVehicle, loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningData"]) equippedTuning = hoveredCategory moneyChange(loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningPrice"]) promptDialog["state"] = false else exports.hud:addNotification(getLocalizedText("notification.error.notEnoughMoney"), "error") promptDialog["state"] = false end end elseif selectedSubCategory == 4 then if hoveredCategory == equippedTuning then exports.hud:addNotification("A kiválasztott elem ("..loopTable[hoveredCategory]["categoryName"].. ") már megtalálható a járművedben.", "error") promptDialog["state"] = false else if hasPlayerMoney(loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningPrice"]) then triggerServerEvent("tuning->HandlingUpdate", localPlayer, enteredVehicle, tuningMenu[selectedCategory]["subMenu"][selectedSubCategory]["propertyName"], loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningData"]) equippedTuning = hoveredCategory moneyChange(loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningPrice"]) promptDialog["state"] = false else exports.hud:addNotification(getLocalizedText("notification.error.notEnoughMoney"), "error") promptDialog["state"] = false end end elseif selectedSubCategory == 5 then if hoveredCategory == equippedTuning then exports.hud:addNotification("A kiválasztott elem ("..loopTable[hoveredCategory]["categoryName"]..") már megtalálható a járművedben.", "error") promptDialog["state"] = false else if hasPlayerMoney(loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningPrice"]) then setElementData(enteredVehicle, "tuning.variant", loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningData"], true) triggerServerEvent("event->buyVariant", localPlayer, enteredVehicle, loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningData"]) equippedTuning = hoveredCategory moneyChange(loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningPrice"]) promptDialog["state"] = false else exports.hud:addNotification(getLocalizedText("notification.error.notEnoughMoney"), "error") promptDialog["state"] = false end end elseif selectedSubCategory == 6 then if hoveredCategory == equippedTuning then exports.hud:addNotification("A kiválasztott elem ("..loopTable[hoveredCategory]["categoryName"]..") már megtalálható a járművedben.", "error") promptDialog["state"] = false else if hasPlayerMoney(loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningPrice"]) then setElementData(enteredVehicle, "PaintJob", 0) setElementData(enteredVehicle, "PaintJob", loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningData"]) triggerServerEvent("event->buyPaintjob", localPlayer, enteredVehicle, loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningData"]) isBuyyedPainjob = true exports.sas_paintjob:addVehiclePaintJob(enteredVehicle, getElementModel(enteredVehicle), loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningData"]) equippedTuning = hoveredCategory moneyChange(loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningPrice"]) promptDialog["state"] = false else exports.hud:addNotification(getLocalizedText("notification.error.notEnoughMoney"), "error") promptDialog["state"] = false end end elseif selectedSubCategory == 7 then if hoveredCategory == equippedTuning then exports.hud:addNotification("A kiválasztott elem ("..loopTable[hoveredCategory]["categoryName"]..") már megtalálható a járművedben.", "error") promptDialog["state"] = false else if hasPlayerMoney(loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningPrice"]) then setVehicleDoorToLSD(enteredVehicle, loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningData"]) triggerServerEvent("tuning->buyLSDDoor", localPlayer, enteredVehicle, loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningData"]) equippedTuning = hoveredCategory moneyChange(loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningPrice"]) promptDialog["state"] = false else exports.hud:addNotification(getLocalizedText("notification.error.notEnoughMoney"), "error") promptDialog["state"] = false end end --[[elseif selectedSubCategory == 8 then if hoveredCategory == equippedTuning then giveNotification("error", getLocalizedText("notification.error.itemIsPurchased", loopTable[hoveredCategory]["categoryName"])) promptDialog["state"] = false else if hasPlayerMoney(loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningPrice"]) then setVehicleDoorToLSD(enteredVehicle, loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningData"]) --steeringLock triggerServerEvent("tuning->performanceUpgrade", localPlayer, enteredVehicle, loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningData"]) equippedTuning = hoveredCategory moneyChange(loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningPrice"]) promptDialog["state"] = false else giveNotification("error", getLocalizedText("notification.error.notEnoughMoney")) promptDialog["state"] = false end end]] elseif selectedSubCategory == 9 then if hasPlayerMoney(loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningPrice"]) then if loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningData"] == "random" then local letter1 = string.char(math.random(65,90)) local letter2 = string.char(math.random(65,90)) local str = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" local plate = "" for index = 1, 3 do plate = plate .. string.char(str:byte(math.random(1, #str))) end plate = string.upper(plate) plate = plate .. "-" for index = 1, 3 do plate = plate .. math.random(1, 9) end vehicleNumberplate = plate elseif loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningData"] == "custom" then vehicleNumberplate = vehicleNumberplate end triggerServerEvent("tuning->LicensePlate", localPlayer, enteredVehicle, vehicleNumberplate) equippedTuning = vehicleNumberplate moneyChange(loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningPrice"]) promptDialog["state"] = false else exports.hud:addNotification(getLocalizedText("notification.error.notEnoughMoney"), "error") promptDialog["state"] = false end elseif selectedSubCategory == 10 then if hoveredCategory == equippedTuning then exports.hud:addNotification("A kiválasztott elem ("..loopTable[hoveredCategory]["categoryName"]..") már megtalálható a járművedben.", "error") promptDialog["state"] = false else if hasPlayerMoney(loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningPrice"]) then triggerServerEvent("tuning->buytrafiRadar", localPlayer, enteredVehicle, loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningData"]) equippedTuning = hoveredCategory moneyChange(loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningPrice"]) promptDialog["state"] = false else exports.hud:addNotification(getLocalizedText("notification.error.notEnoughMoney"), "error") promptDialog["state"] = false end end elseif selectedSubCategory == 11 then if hoveredCategory == equippedTuning then exports.hud:addNotification("A kiválasztott elem ("..loopTable[hoveredCategory]["categoryName"]..") már megtalálható a járművedben.", "error") promptDialog["state"] = false else if hasPlayerMoney(loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningPrice"]) then triggerServerEvent("tuning->buySeeGO", localPlayer, enteredVehicle, loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningData"]) equippedTuning = hoveredCategory moneyChange(loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningPrice"]) promptDialog["state"] = false else exports.hud:addNotification(getLocalizedText("notification.error.notEnoughMoney"), "error") promptDialog["state"] = false end end end elseif selectedCategory == getMainCategoryIDByName(getLocalizedText("menu.color")) then if hasPlayerMoney(loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningPrice"]) then savedVehicleColors["all"] = {getVehicleColor(enteredVehicle, true)} savedVehicleColors["headlight"] = {getVehicleHeadLightColor(enteredVehicle)} triggerServerEvent("tuning->Color", localPlayer, enteredVehicle, savedVehicleColors["all"], savedVehicleColors["headlight"]) equippedTuning = hoveredCategory moneyChange(loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningPrice"]) promptDialog["state"] = false else exports.hud:addNotification(getLocalizedText("notification.error.notEnoughMoney"), "error") promptDialog["state"] = false end end if hasPlayerMoney(loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningPrice"]) then --if hoveredCategory == equippedTuning then -- if hoveredCategory ~= equippedTuning then tuningCompleted = false acceptedTuningCreate = true totalUpgradeWidth = 0 --wantedMinutes = 6000 lastTickLoading = getTickCount() -- end if selectedCategory == getMainCategoryIDByName(getLocalizedText("menu.color")) then tuningText = "Festés..." playSound("files/sounds/paint.mp3") wantedMinutes = 8500 -- lastTickLoading = getTickCount() elseif selectedCategory == getMainCategoryIDByName(getLocalizedText("menu.extras")) then if selectedSubCategory == 6 then tuningText = "Festés..." playSound("files/sounds/paint.mp3") wantedMinutes = 8500 -- lastTickLoading = getTickCount() elseif selectedSubCategory == 9 and hoveredCategory == 2 then tuningText = "Felszerelés..." playSound("files/sounds/newpart.mp3") wantedMinutes = 6000 end tuningText = "Felszerelés..." playSound("files/sounds/newpart.mp3") wantedMinutes = 6000 else -- if hoveredCategory ~= equippedTuning then tuningText = "Felszerelés..." playSound("files/sounds/newpart.mp3") wantedMinutes = 6000 -- lastTickLoading = getTickCount() -- end end --end end end end if key == "mouse_wheel_up" and not promptDialog["state"] then if not isCursorShowing() and not isMTAWindowActive() then cameraSettings["zoom"] = math.max(cameraSettings["zoom"] - 5, 30) cameraSettings["zoomTick"] = getTickCount() end elseif key == "mouse_wheel_down" and not promptDialog["state"] then if not isCursorShowing() and not isMTAWindowActive() then cameraSettings["zoom"] = math.min(cameraSettings["zoom"] + 5, 60) cameraSettings["zoomTick"] = getTickCount() end end end end end) addEventHandler("tuning->ShowMenu", root, function(vehicle) if source and vehicle then if not panelState then enteredVehicle = vehicle createFonts() hoveredCategory, selectedCategory, selectedSubCategory = 1, 0, 0 maxRowsPerPage, currentPage = 7, 1 navigationBar[1][1] = getLocalizedText("navbar.select") navigationBar[2][1] = getLocalizedText("navbar.navigate") navigationBar[3][1] = getLocalizedText("navbar.back") if noticeData["timer"] then if isTimer(noticeData["timer"]) then killTimer(noticeData["timer"]) end end noticeData = { ["text"] = false, ["type"] = "info", ["tick"] = 0, ["state"] = "", ["height"] = 0, ["timer"] = nil } local _, _, vehicleRotation = getElementRotation(enteredVehicle) local cameraRotation = vehicleRotation + 60 cameraSettings = { ["distance"] = 9, ["movingSpeed"] = 2, ["currentX"] = math.rad(cameraRotation), ["defaultX"] = math.rad(cameraRotation), ["currentY"] = math.rad(cameraRotation), ["currentZ"] = math.rad(15), ["maximumZ"] = math.rad(35), ["minimumZ"] = math.rad(0), ["freeModeActive"] = false, ["zoomTick"] = 0, ["zoom"] = 60 } cameraSettings["moveState"] = "freeMode" promptDialog = { ["state"] = false, ["itemName"] = "", ["itemPrice"] = 0 } panelState = true setElementData(localPlayer,"toggleBinds",true) toggleAllControls(false) --setPlayerHudComponentVisible("all", false) showChat(false) showCursor(false) executeCommandHandler("togbar") --setElementData(localPlayer, "hudVisible", false) setElementData(localPlayer,"enableall", false) executeCommandHandler("togradar") end end end) addEventHandler("tuning->HideMenu", root, function() if enteredVehicle and panelState then panelState = false setElementData(localPlayer,"toggleBinds",false) toggleAllControls(true) triggerServerEvent("tuning->saveTuning", localPlayer, enteredVehicle) -- setPlayerHudComponentVisible("all", false) showChat(true) enteredVehicle = nil destroyFonts() setCameraTarget(localPlayer) showCursor(false) triggerServerEvent("tuning->ResetMarker", root, localPlayer) executeCommandHandler("togbar") executeCommandHandler("togradar") setElementData(localPlayer,"enableall", true) --setElementData(localPlayer, "hudVisible", true) end end) function moneyChange(amount) --takePlayerMoney(loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningPrice"]) --setElementData(localPlayer, "money", getElementData(localPlayer, "money") - loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningPrice"]) if amount < 5000 and amount ~= 0 then triggerServerEvent("ppChange", localPlayer, localPlayer, loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningPrice"]) else triggerServerEvent("moneyChange", localPlayer, localPlayer, loopTable[hoveredCategory]["tuningPrice"]) end --giveNotification("success", getLocalizedText("notification.success.purchased")) playSoundEffect("moneychange.wav") if amount > 0 then moneyChangeTable = { ["tick"] = getTickCount() + 5000, ["amount"] = amount } end end function createFonts() availableFonts = { chalet = dxCreateFont(":sas_hud/files/fonts/Roboto.ttf", 22 * scaleFactor, false, "antialiased"), icons = dxCreateFont("files/fonts/icons.ttf", 11 * scaleFactor, false, "antialiased") } end function destroyFonts() if availableFonts then for fontName, fontElement in pairs(availableFonts) do destroyElement(fontElement) availableFonts[fontName] = nil end availableFonts = nil end end function drawTextWithBorder(text, offset, x, y, w, h, borderColor, color, scale, font, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, postGUI, colorCoded, subPixelPositioning, fRotation, fRotationCenterX, fRotationCenterY) for offsetX = -offset, offset do for offsetY = -offset, offset do dxDrawText(text:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""), x + offsetX, y + offsetY, w + offsetX, h + offsetY, borderColor, scale, font, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, postGUI, colorCoded, subPixelPositioning, fRotation, fRotationCenterX, fRotationCenterY) end end dxDrawText(text, x, y, w, h, color, scale, font, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, postGUI, colorCoded, subPixelPositioning, fRotation, fRotationCenterX, fRotationCenterY) end function giveNotification(type, text) type = type or "info" if noticeData["timer"] then if isTimer(noticeData["timer"]) then killTimer(noticeData["timer"]) end end noticeData = { ["text"] = text, ["type"] = type, ["tick"] = getTickCount(), ["state"] = "showNotice", ["height"] = 0, ["timer"] = nil } playSoundEffect("notification.mp3") end function getNavbarWidth() local barOffsetX = 0 for _, row in ipairs(navigationBar) do local textLength = dxGetTextWidth(row[1], 0.5, availableFonts["chalet"]) + 20 local navWidth = 0 for id, icon in ipairs(row[2]) do local buttonWidth = 0 if type(row[3]) == "string" and row[3] == "image" then buttonWidth = row[4] elseif type(row[3]) == "boolean" and row[3] then buttonWidth = dxGetTextWidth(availableIcons[icon], 1.0, availableFonts["icons"]) + 20 elseif type(row[3]) == "boolean" and not row[3] then buttonWidth = dxGetTextWidth(icon, 0.5, availableFonts["chalet"]) + 10 end navWidth = navWidth + buttonWidth + 10 end barOffsetX = barOffsetX + (navWidth + textLength) end return barOffsetX end function hasPlayerMoney(money) --if getPlayerMoney(localPlayer) >= money then if selectR == 50 and selectG == 148 and selectB == 195 then if tonumber(getElementData(localPlayer, "pp")) >= money then return true end return false else if tonumber(getElementData(localPlayer, "money")) >= money then return true end return false end end function drawRoundedRectangle(x, y, w, h, rounding, borderColor, bgColor, postGUI) borderColor = borderColor or tocolor(0, 0, 0, 200) bgColor = bgColor or borderColor rounding = rounding or 2 roundedRectangle(x, y, w, h, bgColor, postGUI) roundedRectangle(x + rounding, y - 1, w - (rounding * 2), 1, borderColor, postGUI) roundedRectangle(x + rounding, y + h, w - (rounding * 2), 1, borderColor, postGUI) roundedRectangle(x - 1, y + rounding, 1, h - (rounding * 2), borderColor, postGUI) roundedRectangle(x + w, y + rounding, 1, h - (rounding * 2), borderColor, postGUI) end function showDefaultOpticalUpgrade() if panelState then if enteredVehicle then if equippedTuning ~= 0 then removeVehicleUpgrade(enteredVehicle, equippedTuning) elseif equippedTuning == 0 then removeVehicleUpgrade(enteredVehicle, compatibleOpticalUpgrades[hoveredCategory]) end end end end function showNextOpticalUpgrade() if panelState then if enteredVehicle then addVehicleUpgrade(enteredVehicle, compatibleOpticalUpgrades[hoveredCategory - 1]) end end end function resetOpticalUpgrade() if panelState then if enteredVehicle then if equippedTuning ~= 0 then addVehicleUpgrade(enteredVehicle, equippedTuning) else if hoveredCategory - 1 == 0 then removeVehicleUpgrade(enteredVehicle, compatibleOpticalUpgrades[hoveredCategory]) else removeVehicleUpgrade(enteredVehicle, compatibleOpticalUpgrades[hoveredCategory - 1]) end end end end end function formatNumber(amount, spacer) if not spacer then spacer = "," end amount = math.floor(amount) local left, num, right = string.match(tostring(amount), "^([^%d]*%d)(%d*)(.-)$") return left .. (num:reverse():gsub("(%d%d%d)", "%1" .. spacer):reverse()) .. right end function playSoundEffect(soundFile) if soundFile then local soundEffect = playSound("files/sounds/" .. soundFile, false) setSoundVolume(soundEffect, 0.5) end end function getPositionFromElementOffset(element, offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ) local elementMatrix = getElementMatrix(element) local elementX = offsetX * elementMatrix[1][1] + offsetY * elementMatrix[2][1] + offsetZ * elementMatrix[3][1] + elementMatrix[4][1] local elementY = offsetX * elementMatrix[1][2] + offsetY * elementMatrix[2][2] + offsetZ * elementMatrix[3][2] + elementMatrix[4][2] local elementZ = offsetX * elementMatrix[1][3] + offsetY * elementMatrix[2][3] + offsetZ * elementMatrix[3][3] + elementMatrix[4][3] return elementX, elementY, elementZ end function getVehicleOffroadAbility(vehicle) if vehicle then local flags = getVehicleHandling(vehicle)["handlingFlags"] for name, flag in pairs(availableOffroadAbilities) do if isFlagSet(flags, flag[1]) then return flag[2] end end return 1 end end function getVehicleWheelSize(vehicle, side) if vehicle and side then local flags = getVehicleHandling(vehicle)["handlingFlags"] for name, flag in pairs(availableWheelSizes[side]) do if isFlagSet(flags, flag[1]) then return flag[2] end end return 3 end end function isGTAUpgradeSlot(slot) if slot then for i = 0, 16 do if slot == i then return true end end end return false end function isFlagSet(val, flag) return (bitAnd(val, flag) == flag) end function moveCameraToComponent(component, offsetX, offsetZ, zoom) if component then local _, _, vehicleRotation = getElementRotation(enteredVehicle) offsetX = offsetX or cameraSettings["defaultX"] offsetZ = offsetZ or 15 zoom = zoom or 9 local cameraRotation = vehicleRotation + offsetX cameraSettings["moveState"] = "moveToElement" cameraSettings["moveTick"] = getTickCount() cameraSettings["viewingElement"] = component cameraSettings["currentX"] = math.rad(cameraRotation) cameraSettings["currentY"] = math.rad(cameraRotation) cameraSettings["currentZ"] = math.rad(offsetZ) cameraSettings["distance"] = zoom end end function moveCameraToDefaultPosition() cameraSettings["moveState"] = "backToVehicle" cameraSettings["moveTick"] = getTickCount() cameraSettings["viewingElement"] = enteredVehicle cameraSettings["currentX"] = cameraSettings["defaultX"] cameraSettings["currentY"] = cameraSettings["defaultX"] cameraSettings["currentZ"] = math.rad(15) cameraSettings["distance"] = 9 end function _getCameraPosition(element) if element == "component" then local componentX, componentY, componentZ = getVehicleComponentPosition(enteredVehicle, cameraSettings["viewingElement"]) local elementX, elementY, elementZ = getPositionFromElementOffset(enteredVehicle, componentX, componentY, componentZ) local elementZ = elementZ + 0.2 local cameraX = elementX + math.cos(cameraSettings["currentX"]) * cameraSettings["distance"] local cameraY = elementY + math.sin(cameraSettings["currentY"]) * cameraSettings["distance"] local cameraZ = elementZ + math.sin(cameraSettings["currentZ"]) * cameraSettings["distance"] return cameraX, cameraY, cameraZ, elementX, elementY, elementZ elseif element == "vehicle" then local elementX, elementY, elementZ = getElementPosition(enteredVehicle) local elementZ = elementZ + 0.2 local cameraX = elementX + math.cos(cameraSettings["currentX"]) * cameraSettings["distance"] local cameraY = elementY + math.sin(cameraSettings["currentY"]) * cameraSettings["distance"] local cameraZ = elementZ + math.sin(cameraSettings["currentZ"]) * cameraSettings["distance"] return cameraX, cameraY, cameraZ, elementX, elementY, elementZ elseif element == "both" then if type(cameraSettings["viewingElement"]) == "string" then local componentX, componentY, componentZ = getVehicleComponentPosition(enteredVehicle, cameraSettings["viewingElement"]) elementX, elementY, elementZ = getPositionFromElementOffset(enteredVehicle, componentX, componentY, componentZ) else elementX, elementY, elementZ = getElementPosition(enteredVehicle) end local elementZ = elementZ + 0.2 local cameraX = elementX + math.cos(cameraSettings["currentX"]) * cameraSettings["distance"] local cameraY = elementY + math.sin(cameraSettings["currentY"]) * cameraSettings["distance"] local cameraZ = elementZ + math.sin(cameraSettings["currentZ"]) * cameraSettings["distance"] return cameraX, cameraY, cameraZ, elementX, elementY, elementZ end end function isValidComponent(vehicle, componentName) if vehicle and componentName then for component in pairs(getVehicleComponents(vehicle)) do if componentName == component then return true end end end return false end function setVehicleColorsToDefault() local vehicleColor = savedVehicleColors["all"] local vehicleLightColor = savedVehicleColors["headlight"] setVehicleColor(enteredVehicle, vehicleColor[1], vehicleColor[2], vehicleColor[3], vehicleColor[4], vehicleColor[5], vehicleColor[6], vehicleColor[7], vehicleColor[8], vehicleColor[9]) setVehicleHeadLightColor(enteredVehicle, vehicleLightColor[1], vehicleLightColor[2], vehicleLightColor[3]) end function setCameraAndComponentVisible() if getVehicleType(enteredVehicle) == "Automobile" then if loopTable[hoveredCategory]["cameraSettings"] then local cameraSetting = loopTable[hoveredCategory]["cameraSettings"] if isValidComponent(enteredVehicle, cameraSetting[1]) then moveCameraToComponent(cameraSetting[1], cameraSetting[2], cameraSetting[3], cameraSetting[4]) playSound("files/sounds/cammove.mp3") end if cameraSetting[5] then setVehicleComponentVisible(enteredVehicle, cameraSetting[1], false) end end end end function generateString(len) if tonumber(len) then local allowed = {{1, 9}, {1, 9}} math.randomseed(getTickCount()) local str = "" for i = 1, len do local charlist = allowed[math.random(1, 2)] if i == 3 then str = str .. " " else str = str .. string.char(math.random(charlist[1], charlist[2])) end end return utf8.upper(str) end return false end function isComponentCompatible(vehicle, vehicleType) if vehicle and vehicleType then if type(vehicleType) == "string" then if getVehicleType(vehicle) == vehicleType then return true else exports.hud:addNotification("A kiválasztott elem ("..loopTable[hoveredCategory]["categoryName"].. ") nem kompatibilis ezzel a járművel.", "error") end elseif type(vehicleType) == "table" then local typeFounded = false for _, modelType in pairs(vehicleType) do if modelType == getVehicleType(vehicle) then typeFounded = true end end if typeFounded then return true else exports.hud:addNotification("A kiválasztott elem ("..loopTable[hoveredCategory]["categoryName"].. ") nem kompatibilis ezzel a járművel.", "error") end end end return false end function drawBorder(x, y, w, h, size, color, postGUI) size = size or 2 dxDrawRectangle(x - size, y, size, h, color or tocolor(0, 0, 0, 200), postGUI) dxDrawRectangle(x + w, y, size, h, color or tocolor(0, 0, 0, 200), postGUI) dxDrawRectangle(x - size, y - size, w + (size * 2), size, color or tocolor(0, 0, 0, 200), postGUI) dxDrawRectangle(x - size, y + h, w + (size * 2), size, color or tocolor(0, 0, 0, 200), postGUI) end function drawBorderedRectangle(x, y, w, h, borderSize, borderColor, bgColor, postGUI) borderSize = borderSize or 2 borderColor = borderColor or tocolor(0, 0, 0, 200) bgColor = bgColor or borderColor dxDrawRectangle(x, y, w, h, bgColor, postGUI) drawBorder(x, y, w, h, borderSize, borderColor, postGUI) end addCommandHandler("markerpos", function() if getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer)) local _, _, rotation = getElementRotation(getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer)) setClipboard(x .. ", " .. y .. ", " .. z .. ", " .. rotation) else local x, y, z = getElementPosition(localPlayer) local rotation = getPedRotation(localPlayer) setClipboard(x .. ", " .. y .. ", " .. z .. ", " .. rotation) end outputDebugString("[TUNING]: Marker position set to Clipboard. Use [CTRL + V] to paste it.", 0, 2, 168, 255) end) function turbo() timer = setTimer(function() if (isPedInVehicle(getLocalPlayer())) then if (getElementData(getPedOccupiedVehicle(getLocalPlayer()), "vehicle.tuning.turbo") == false) then elseif (getElementData(getPedOccupiedVehicle(getLocalPlayer()), "vehicle.tuning.turbo") >= 3) then local cur = getVehicleCurrentGear(getPedOccupiedVehicle(getLocalPlayer())) if ((getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "tuning.gear") or 0)<cur) and (cur==2 or cur>=3) then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "tuning.gear", cur) sounds = playSound("turbo.mp3") else setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "tuning.gear", cur) end end else if isTimer(timer) then killTimer(timer) end end end,50,0) end addEvent("playTurboSound", true) addEventHandler("playTurboSound", getRootElement(), turbo) function roundedRectangle(x, y, w, h, borderColor, bgColor, postGUI) if (x and y and w and h) then if (not borderColor) then borderColor = tocolor(0, 0, 0, 180); end if (not bgColor) then bgColor = borderColor; end dxDrawRectangle(x, y, w, h, bgColor, postGUI); dxDrawRectangle(x + 2, y - 1, w - 4, 1, borderColor, postGUI); dxDrawRectangle(x + 2, y + h, w - 4, 1, borderColor, postGUI); dxDrawRectangle(x - 1, y + 2, 1, h - 4, borderColor, postGUI); dxDrawRectangle(x + w, y + 2, 1, h - 4, borderColor, postGUI); end end
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