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Everything posted by Vampire

  1. Vampire

    cd19 error

    In addition to what I mentioned above, you can read this as well: https://discord.com/channels/278474088903606273/278521065435824128/919701183596199976 I will also quote here what Dutchman said there in case you or someone has the same issue and can't join MTA discord to read:
  2. Vampire

    cd19 error

    Have you tried any procedure? Like reinstalling your MTA. Also, accordingly to this topic, using a VPN might help but it isn't a long-term solution.
  3. Vampire

    cd19 error

    Could you please provide a screenshot of the message you are getting when trying to join the servers?
  4. I assume you can enable/disable clouds with setCloudsEnabled: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetCloudsEnabled You can get better help about this suject in the Scripting section.
  5. Hello and welcome! Well, you need to keep in mind that servers may or may not have enabled the drive by, so it might not be your fault that it isn't working (considering that you are just a regular player there).
  6. Hello and welcome! Would be nice if you could provide a screenshot of the crash message.
  7. Hello! I advice to post your scripting issue (next time) in the correct section using your native language (Portuguese), if you can't really talk in english as this section is english only: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/127-programação-em-lua/ Also, you can find some helpful information by checking the pinned messages in the link I sent above. It should help you getting started.
  8. Hello. You can read what's being planned for the Trilogy here:
  9. Eu já te passei as instruções, mas se você não responde as minhas perguntas e não consegue seguir o que lhe foi dito, então infelizmente não tenho como te ajudar. O que resta a fazer é você entrar em contato com seu provedor e explicar o problema.
  10. Vampire

    CD47 Ban

    Well, that's not really an excuse to use a Trainer. But yes, you will need to wait until then.
  11. Hello and welcome! I advice to post your issue (next time) in the correct section using your native language (Russian), in case you don't really speak english: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/118-помощь-отчеты-об-ошибках/
  12. Certo. O erro está acontecendo somente em um servidor ou em todos? Você já tentou deixar o roteador desligado (tirar da tomada mesmo), esperar 1 minuto e ligá-lo novamente? Ah, também tem o netfix: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8kyfbievryrmyz1/netfix.bat?dl=1 Isso foi mencionado no discord, porém vou deixar a explicação traduzida logo abaixo, juntamente com outras explicações caso não funcione.
  13. Então @caio22132, você já tentou fazer o procedimento que eu mencionei no meu segundo post? Basta clicar lá que ele vai te levar ao post do Dutchman, juntamente com o link para download de um arquivo .bat. Você só precisa baixá-lo e executá-lo como administrador. Assim que terminar o procedimento, reinicie o seu PC e tente conectar ao servidor para ver se o erro persiste: https://mirror.multitheftauto.com/mtasa/utils/servicing.bat Este arquivo revisa sua pilha de rede do Windows, o que na maioria dos casos é o problema. Mas, caso isso não funcione, você pode tentar permitir o MTA pelo firewall ou desativá-lo (seja do Windows ou de terceiros). O erro CD16 significa que o tráfego do MTA está sendo bloqueado por algo.
  14. Hey buddy. You mentioned the error and shared the MTAdiag before, but you still didn't check or try (at least you didn't mention) what I told you to do in my last post. P.S: If anyone with access to move topics is reading this, would you mind moving it to the Portuguese section? He's keep talking in portuguese here so I think he can't really understand english and I assume it would be better to communicate in his native language (at least I could translate Dutchman's post to him).
  15. Vampire

    ERRO CD16 / CD09

    Hey mate, try not to bump old topics, please. I answered you in your topic, so use it to get support and not in other people's topic:
  16. Vampire

    Protocol error

    Hello. Could you please provide a screenshot of the error?
  17. Alright, you can try running the .bat file mentioned in the following topic: I noticed you speak portuguese, so if you can't really understand his message you can try posting in the Portuguese section to get support in your native language: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/131-ajudas-relacionadas-ao-mtasa-clienteservidor/
  18. Hello and welcome. Could you please tell what's wrong or what you are looking for? Because it's kinda pointless to just post your MTAdiag results without mentioning your issue (if any) and what you've tried to do to fix it.
  19. Vampire

    CD47 Ban

    Hello! Yes, unfortunately you will need to wait until the ban expires as it isn't possible to appeal a ban unless permanent. Keep in mind that you shouldn't open an autoclicker while MTA is running. That said, disable or uninstall the autoclicker to prevent that from happening again.
  20. Hello and welcome! I advice to post your issue in the correct section using your native language (Russian), in case you don't really speak english: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/118-помощь-отчеты-об-ошибках/
  21. Hola! Creo que esto es algo que no podemos ayudar, ya que me parece algo relacionado con este servidor en particular. Hay que contactar algún admin del servidor para que pueda diagnosticar el problema.
  22. Hello. I don't think anyone will give you a ready-made script, but they'll teach you how to create one yourself (if you're willing to learn), here: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/71-scripting/ Also, I would like to mention that there's already a default resource called "admin" which basically does what you want.
  23. Vampire

    ac #4 r7kt

    Have you tried to scan your PC for viruses? I noticed some weird .exe files and I couldn't find any information about them: at4cm0gp.exe KQiC319fV.exe 0Nw3CdQd.exe KUm2A4H1p2n4Bb.exe
  24. No se preocupe, ya está en el lugar correcto. Solo tienes que esperar a que alguien con experiencia en esto responda.
  25. Hello and welcome! I advice to post your issue in the correct section using your native language (Spanish): https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/169-ayuda-relacionada-al-clienteservidor/
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