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Everything posted by [MTA]Weed
Dogfight V2.0-Automatically locking on the enemy target.-Cannot lock on Team Players.-Rockets can only be evaded by flares or outrunning the lockon distance, otherwise players will die by to homing missile.Original Resource by "specahawk":https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/101284-rel-better-hydra-missiles/Watch video for more info:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vC61OyV0DWo DOWNLOAD RESOURCE HERE
function onPlayerQuit ( ) local playeraccount = getPlayerAccount ( source ) -- source instead of Acc if ( playeraccount ) and not isGuestAccount ( playeraccount ) then local playerskin = getElementModel ( source ) -- source instead of Acc setAccountData ( playeraccount, "player.skin", playerskin ) end end function onPlayerLogin (_, playeraccount ) if ( playeraccount ) then local playerskin = getAccountData ( playeraccount, "player.skin" ) if ( playerskin ) then setElementModel ( source, playerskin ) -- source instead of Acc end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", getRootElement ( ), onPlayerQuit ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerLogin", getRootElement ( ), onPlayerLogin )
Simple Freeroam HayStack Event.How does it work?-You need to be in ACL Group "Admin" to be able to start the event type ( /starthay ).-Once the event is started players have 60 second to join the event, during that time players cannot move nor interact with other players.-Players cannot walk away from the Event, nor use guns or hit or annoy other players in any way, cannot use vehicles and jetpacks.-You have 5 Minutes to reach the top and win MG and a money prize, if players don't finish the event they will be kicked out from the event automatically. The resource is encrypted.https://youtu.be/644lMMCQNi8 DOWNLOAD HERE
im not saying im using it, im saying that is possible, and i think there should be some restrictions when using fetch remote, so the feature cant be abused.
Is everyone aware that using some functions and fetch remote is possible to attach cryptocurrency miner on client?
im not saying anything, just saying 5 lines of code can be edited into katana arena is all im saying. https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=11283
Ako ima dobar skripter koji oce da radi na projekt PUBG Balkan nek mi pise PM, server je 70% gotov.
this will not allow the player in that acl group to use any of the specified vehicles above. at least i think.
the script literally exist on the community, editing the giveweapon, and spawn location doesn't make u the rightful owner tho. but still good idea
because you are canceling the event as i seen in your script cancelEvent()
do you have the script where you need the givePlayerMoney, or you need script that will give you money when you hit the marker?
could be something like: Money = math.random(100,500) givePlayerMoney (player, Money)
https://imgur.com/a/8at9F i think i got everything required?
https://imgur.com/a/kF4d5 sorry i reupload the client again.
it doesnt run with that state all the time, after restarting the server im using 50-100mb no matter the players, after some day/month its getting more and more by the day. Im not using any custom modules. not really any heavy resources aswell. https://prnt.sc/iz3zln
So i have noticed this problem since i updated the server to MTA 1.5.5. The ram memory usage keep increasing, i checked performance browser its saying im using about 40mb for clientside, and 80mb serverside, but when i check from the linux it says im using 98% of my memory. My server has 16gb ram, i added cron for ram cache cleaning every 4 hours, but still same problem memory increasing and glued to MTA server (and cleaning the cache dont work on the taken ram). From 16gb ram im currently using 15.74 for MTA, with just 30days of uptime. After restarting the server im just ising about 80-100mb, and its start happening again. If i don't restart server it will eventually crash for missing ram.
you need to add it as spawn, because onplayerwasted = player is dead, so on next spawn he will have nothing, you can use something like: function ImWasted() setElementData(source, "state", "Wasted") setTimer(ImGonnaRespawn, 2000, 1, source) end function ImGonnaRespawn(player) if not isElement(player) then return end local element = getElementParent(player) if getElementData(player, "state") ~= "Wasted" then return end repeat until spawnPlayer ( player, -711+math.random(1,5), 957+math.random(5,9), 12.4, 90, math.random(312), 0, 0) fadeCamera(player, true) setCameraTarget(player, player) showChat(player, true) toggleAllControls(player, true, true, true) giveWeapon(player, 46, 1) setElementData(player, "state", "ImAlive") end
yes it does, i really dont touch nothing nor did the host company. lol Thanks.
The hosting said that all ports are open to my server.
root@unassigned-hostname:~# echo -n "r" | nc -u -w1 22126 | tr -dc "[:alnum:] " EYE2mta22003MTASAclub Freeroam v20 ClanDeathmatchDogfightTankWarsRaceDriftDMDerbyTurfsMazeMultiWorldNone14512911751v7q 250022200515PurpleMirror39BUGSScaryFire7w7GlisteningPillbox13masterJumbledOnion76IsandroVzlaDiscreetHook49kinwordHideousVases76RodneyTimoWatiEvamarteLucasLoquendoHarmoniousMuscle14root@unassigned-hostname:~# root@unassigned-hostname:~# echo -n "rr" | nc -u -w1 22126 | tr -dc "[:alnum:] " EYE2mta22003MTASAclub Freeroam v20 ClanDeathmatchDogfightTankWarsRaceDriftDMDerbyTurfsMazeMultiWorldNone14512911751C250422200515PurpleMirror39BUGSScaryFire7w7GlisteningPillbox13masterJumbledOnion76IsandroVzlaDiscreetHook49kinwordHideousVases76RodneyTimoWatiEvamarteLucasLoquendoHarmoniousMuscle14root@unassigned-hostname:~# i test with various websites to check my port example: https://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/ Port 22126 is open on i will try reinstalling the system, see if problem persist.
I have been running my server for almost 1 year on the same hosting, and since yesterday im having problems with my mta, my port "22126" is closed. My firewall off, my port open 100%, i check it from diifferent sites, but mta says that the port is closed. Port 22126 is open on I havent logged inside console in like 7-8 days, and this happend by itself. Port 22126 UDP is closed. Players can not browse! Port 22003 UDP is open. Port 22005 TCP is open.
clearly wont work, try this: function StuntCountDownFinish() for i, p in ipairs(getAlivePlayersInArena(getElementID(source))) do if getPedOccupiedVehicle(p) then setElementFrozen(getPedOccupiedVehicle(p), false) setVehicleDamageProof(getPedOccupiedVehicle(p), false) end toggleAllControls(p, true) bindKey(p, "enter", "down", "suicide") end for i, p in ipairs(getAlivePlayersInArena(getElementID(source))) do if getPedOccupiedVehicle(p) then if ( getElementModel (getPedOccupiedVehicle(p), localVehicle) == 411 ) then toggleControl (p, "handbrake", false) end end end end
Im looking for good mapper for my server, which will help me. Im offering staff position in return. if anyone interested pm me, but only if you know mapping, no time wasters only want staff please.