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  1. I contacted the owner when the foreign server that I played with pleasure a few years ago, when the man told me that he will sell the server, I wanted to buy the money and bought the server with my team, we reopened the server with 40 50 active players, we are selling the server that we continue with mta. I am sharing, there are people waiting for this server to be opened at the moment. You cannot see the modes on the server on another server... Price: 40$ Discord: Murphy#7164
  2. Selamun aleyküm oynadığım yabancı kaliteli bir server kapandıktan sonra sahibiyle iletişime geçip o serverın sc lerini satın aldım kendim sunucunun dilini Türkçeye adapte ettim server hakkında her şeyi hazırladım hosting alıp sunucuyu açmak istiyorum başlamak için önce yaşı büyük sunucuyu doldurabilecek birisiyle veya maddi olarak destek sağlayabilecek birisiyle ortak olmak daha sonra onunla birlikte kadro kurmak istiyorum sunucuma ortak arıyorum güzel bir gang wars sunucusu olacak sc ler olağanüstü kaliteli rp olayı çok güzel ayrı suçlu polis ve sivil olabilme olanakları var ortaklık düşünenler benimle öncelikle iletişime geçebilir iyi bayramlar dilerim hepinize Discord: Murphy#7164
  3. Hi, after closing a foreign quality server that I played, I contacted the owner and bought the scripts of that server, I adapted the language of the server to multi language, I prepared everything about the server, I am looking for a partner in my server. Discord: Murphy#7164
  4. Welcome to GTA Online GTA Online is an online gaming community. Our main goal is to bring fun and entertainment to our players. Multi-Language: Don't speak English? No problem! -Our server is currently translated in Spanish, Portuguese, French, Croatian and Turkish. -And that's not all, we will keep translating the server in more languages! No matter where are you from -or what language you speak you will enjoy playing in our server! -Also, to make sure that you don't miss anything until we translate the server in your language -there is a translator application in our phone system! Bases: Bases are coloured areas on the map. They are marked with a green blip. A base can only be bought by -the gang leader or sub-leader. To buy a base the gang must have at least five dominated territories. -Each base has a name, its price, vehicles, weapons, and a special vehicle different for each base. -Exceptions are KACC, which has Landmines instead of a Special Vehicle and San Fierro Bay and Stage 25 -bases that do not have a Special Vehicle yet. Territories: Territories are coloured areas that can be dominated for free by any gang. To dominate a territory -enter it, and once the progress bar fills up the attack will start. The Teritorry will be dominated only if the attacking -gang meets the requirements. Once the attack starts, a hud will appear with information about the attack. -If a member of the attacking or deffending gang dies inside the territory while the attack is in progress the opposite gang -will earn 100 points. Once the attack finishes the gang with more points will be able to deffend or dominate the territory. Gangs: A gang is a group of players which can be created for a certain amount of money ($200,000) For Contact: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/murphy.mta Discord: Murphy#7164
  5. Hey friends, I am in MTA 6 years. I order server in MTA 3 years. I talked my buddy this mounth. I bought him server. I like this script. I will buy a new host on August. I want to back MTA. We are looking script for server on Hamachi. If you want to help me for this topic, talk with me on discord. If you wonder server, it uploaded in Youtube. You can be staff in our server... Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgXq8E7kRtI&feature=youtu.be Discord: Murphy#7164
  6. Hi everyone, I don’t want to weather 3 8 9 12 ID in my server How can I deactive weather 3 8 9 12 ID in my server? Thanks for helping...
  7. Hi everybody, We need medium-level scripter. Firstly we want to turf system/terrority system. If you help to us, we will pay it. Send me message for detail...
  8. Hi Everybody, I want to Ammunation Script but Ammunation must has got Jetpack and other guns(not included Rocet Launcer,Minigun etc.) Thanks for reading...
  9. Hi Friends, I need help. What is the wrong? If Someone help me, I will give admin rights. This is base script but not save this base. function setData(player) if player then if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)), aclGetGroup("Console")) then setElementData(player, "Yetkili", "Kurucu") elseif isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)), aclGetGroup("Admin")) then setElementData(player, "Yetkili", "Admin") end end end setTimer( function() for i, pl in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if pl ~= (false or nil) then setData(pl) end end end, 3000, 0) local groups = { } addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function ( ) exports.NGSQL:db_exec ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS groups ( id INT, name VARCHAR(20), info TEXT )" ); exports.NGSQL:db_exec ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS group_members ( id INT, member_name VARCHAR(30), rank VARCHAR(20), join_date VARCHAR(40) )"); exports.NGSQL:db_exec ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS group_rank ( id INT, rank VARCHAR(30), perms TEXT )" ) exports.NGSQL:db_exec ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS group_logs ( id INT, time VARCHAR(40), account VARCHAR(40), log TEXT )" ) exports.scoreboard:scoreboardAddColumn ( "Group", getRootElement ( ), 90, "Group", 10 ) exports.scoreboard:scoreboardAddColumn ( "Group Rank", getRootElement ( ), 90, "Group Rank", 12 ) for i, v in pairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do local g = getElementData ( v, "Group" ) if ( not g ) then setElementData ( v, "Group", "None" ) setElementData ( v, "Group Rank", "None") --setElementData ( v, "Group Tag", "None") end if ( not getElementData ( v, "Group Rank" ) ) then setElementData ( v, "Group Rank", "None" ) end end end ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", root, function ( ) setElementData ( source, "Group", "None" ) setElementData ( source, "Group Rank", "None") --setElementData ( source, "Group Tag", "None") end ) groups = { } --[[ example: groups = { ['ownfexrf__s'] = { info = { founder = "xXMADEXx", -- this CANNOT change founded_time = "2014-06-18:01-35-57", desc = "This is my group", color = { 255, 255, 0 }, type = "Gang", bank = 0, id = 0 }, members = { ["xXMADEXx"] = { rank="Founder", joined="2014-06-18:01-35-57" } }, ranks = { ['Founder'] = { -- member access ['member_kick'] = true, ['member_invite'] = true, ['member_setrank'] = true, ['member_viewlog'] = true -- General group changes ['group_modify_color'] = true,, ['group_modify_motd'] = true, -- banks ['bank_withdraw'] = true, ['bank_deposit'] = true, -- logs ['logs_view'] = true, ['logs_clear'] = true, -- ranks ['ranks_create'] = true, ['ranks_delete'] = true, ['ranks_modify'] = true } }, log = { -- { time, log } { time="2014-06-18 05:05:05", account="xXMADEXx", log="Group Created" } }, pendingInvites = { ['account'] = { inviter = "Inviter Account", time="Time Invite Sent"} } } }]] function saveGroups ( ) exports.NGSQL:db_exec ( "DELETE FROM groups" ) exports.NGSQL:db_exec ( "DELETE FROM group_rank" ) exports.NGSQL:db_exec ( "DELETE FROM group_members") exports.NGSQL:db_exec ( "DELETE FROM group_logs") for i, v in pairs ( groups ) do exports.NGSQL:db_exec ( "INSERT INTO groups ( id, name, info ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ? )", tostring ( v.info.id ), tostring ( i ), toJSON ( v.info ) ) for k, val in pairs ( v.ranks ) do exports.NGSQL:db_exec ( "INSERT INTO group_rank ( id, rank, perms ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ? )", tostring ( v.info.id ), k, toJSON ( val ) ) end for k, val in pairs ( v.members ) do exports.NGSQL:db_exec ( "INSERT INTO group_members ( id, member_name, rank, join_date ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? )", tostring ( v.info.id ), k, val.rank, val.joined ) end for k, val in ipairs ( v.log ) do exports.NGSQL:db_exec ( "INSERT INTO group_logs ( id, time, account, log ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? )", tostring ( v.info.id ), val.time, val.account, val.log ) end end end function loadGroups ( ) local start = getTickCount ( ) local groups_ = exports.NGSQL:db_query ( "SELECT * FROM groups" ) for i, v in pairs ( groups_ ) do if ( v and v.name and not groups [ v.name ] ) then groups [ v.name ] = { } groups [ v.name ].info = { } groups [ v.name ].ranks = { } groups [ v.name ].members = { } groups [ v.name ].log = { } -- load info table groups [ v.name ].info = fromJSON ( v.info ) groups [ v.name ].info.id = tonumber ( v.id ) -- load rank table local ranks = exports.NGSQL:db_query ( "SELECT * FROM group_rank WHERE id=?", tostring ( v.id ) ) for i, val in pairs ( ranks ) do if ( not groups [ v.name ].ranks[val.rank] ) then groups [ v.name ].ranks[val.rank] = fromJSON ( val.perms ) end end -- load member table local members = exports.NGSQL:db_query ( "SELECT * FROM group_members WHERE id=?", tostring ( v.id ) ) for i, val in pairs ( members ) do groups [v.name].members[val.member_name] = { } groups [v.name].members[val.member_name].rank = val.rank groups [v.name].members[val.member_name].joined = val.join_date for _, player in pairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do local a = getPlayerAccount ( player ) local tag = getElementData ( player, "Group Tag") if ( a and not isGuestAccount ( a ) ) then local acc = getAccountName ( a ) if ( val.member_name == acc ) then setElementData ( player, "Group", tostring ( v.name ) ) setElementData ( player, "Group Rank", tostring ( val.rank ) ) --setElementData ( player, "Group Tag", tostring ( tag ) ) end end end end -- load logs table local log = exports.NGSQL:db_query ( "SELECT * FROM group_logs WHERE id=?", tostring ( v.id ) ) for i, val in ipairs ( log ) do table.insert ( groups[v.name].log, { time=val.time, account=val.account, log=val.log } ) end groups [ v.name ].pendingInvites = { } else local reason = "Variable 'v' not set" if ( v and not v.name ) then reason = "Variable 'v.name' not set" elseif ( v and v.name and groups [ v.name ] ) then reason = "Group already exists in table" else reason = "Undetected" end outputDebugString ( "NGGroups: Failed to load group ".. tostring ( v.name ).." - ".. tostring ( reason ), 1 ) end end local load = math.ceil ( getTickCount()-start ) local tLen = table.len ( groups ) outputDebugString ( "NGGroups: Successfully loaded "..tLen.." groups from the sql database ("..tostring(load).."MS - About "..math.floor(load/tLen).."MS/group)" ) end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, loadGroups ) addEventHandler ( "onResourceStop", resourceRoot, saveGroups ) function getGroups ( ) return groups end addEvent ( "NGGroups->Events:onClientRequestGroupList", true ) addEventHandler ( "NGGroups->Events:onClientRequestGroupList", root, function ( ) local g = getGroups ( ) triggerClientEvent ( source, "NGGroups->onServerSendClientGroupList", source, g ) g = nil end ) ------------------------------ -- Group Creating -- ------------------------------ function createGroup ( name, color, type, owner ) if ( doesGroupExist ( name ) ) then return false end local id = 0 local ids = { } for i, v in pairs ( groups ) do ids [ v.info.id ] = true end while ( ids [ id ] ) do id = id + 1 end groups [ name ] = { info = { founder = owner, -- this CANNOT change founded_time = getThisTime ( ), desc = "", color = color, type = type, --tag = tag, bank = 0, id = id }, members = { [owner] = { rank="Founder", joined=getThisTime ( ) } }, ranks = { ['Founder'] = { -- member access ['member_kick'] = true, ['member_invite'] = true, ['member_setrank'] = true, ['member_viewlog'] = true, -- General group changes ['group_modify_color'] = true, ['group_modify_motd'] = true, -- banks ['bank_withdraw'] = true, ['bank_deposit'] = true, -- logs ['logs_view'] = true, ['logs_clear'] = true, -- ranks ['ranks_create'] = true, ['ranks_delete'] = true, ['ranks_modify'] = true }, ["Member"] = { -- button access ['view_member_list'] = true, ['view_ranks'] = false, ['view_bank'] = true, -- member access ['member_kick'] = false, ['member_invite'] = false, ['member_setrank'] = false, -- General group changes ['group_modify_color'] = false, ['group_modify_motd'] = false, -- banks ['bank_withdraw'] = false, ['bank_deposit'] = true, -- logs ['logs_view'] = false, ['logs_clear'] = false, -- ranks ['ranks_create'] = false, ['ranks_delete'] = false, ['ranks_modify'] = false } }, log = { -- { time, log } { time=getThisTime ( ), account="Server", log="Group Created" } }, pendingInvites = { } } return true, groups [ name ] end ------------------------------ -- Group Deleting -- ------------------------------ function deleteGroup ( group ) if ( not doesGroupExist ( group ) ) then return false end local id = groups [ group ].info.id groups [ group ] = nil exports.NGSQL:db_exec ( "DELETE FROM groups WHERE id=?", tostring ( id ) ) exports.NGSQL:db_exec ( "DELETE FROM group_logs WHERE id=?", tostring ( id ) ) exports.NGSQL:db_exec ( "DELETE FROM group_members WHERE id=?", tostring ( id ) ) exports.NGSQL:db_exec ( "DELETE FROM group_rank WHERE id=?", tostring ( id ) ) for i, v in pairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do local gang = getElementData ( v, "Group" ) if ( gang == group ) then setElementData ( v, "Group", "None" ) setElementData ( v, "Group Rank", "None" ) --setElementData ( v, "Group Tag", "None" ) end end exports.NGSQL:db_exec ( "UPDATE accountdata SET GroupName=?, GroupRank=? WHERE GroupName=?", "None", "None", tostring ( group ) ) end addEvent ( "NGGroups->Modules->Gangs->Force->DeleteGroup", true ) addEventHandler ( "NGGroups->Modules->Gangs->Force->DeleteGroup", root, deleteGroup ) addEvent ( "NGGroups->GEvents:onPlayerAttemptGroupMake", true ) addEventHandler ( "NGGroups->GEvents:onPlayerAttemptGroupMake", root, function ( data ) --[[ data = { name = "Group Name", type = "Group Type", color = { r = GroupColorR, g = GroupColorG, b = GroupColorB } } ]] if ( doesGroupExist ( data.name ) or tostring ( data.name ):lower() == "none" ) then return exports.ngmessages:sendClientMessage ( "A group with this name already exists", source, 255, 255, 0 ) end --if ( doesGroupExist ( data.tag ) or tostring ( data.tag ):lower() == "none" ) then --return exports.ngmessages:sendClientMessage ( "A group with this tag already exists", source, 255, 255, 0 ) --end local created, __ = createGroup ( data.name, data.color, data.type, getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) ) ) if ( created ) then setElementData ( source, "Group", data.name ); setElementData ( source, "Group Rank", "Founder" ); --setElementData ( source, "Group Tag", data.tag ); outputDebugString ( "CREATED GROUP "..tostring(data.name)..". Owner: "..getPlayerName(source) ); refreshPlayerGroupPanel ( source ) return true else outputDebugString ( "FAILED TO CREATE GROUP "..tostring(data.name).." FROM "..getplayerName(source) ); end return false end ) addEvent ( "NGGroups->gEvents:onPlayerDeleteGroup", true ) addEventHandler ( "NGGroups->gEvents:onPlayerDeleteGroup", root, function ( group ) deleteGroup ( group ) refreshPlayerGroupPanel ( source ) end ) ------------------------------ -- Group Banking Functions -- ------------------------------ function getGroupBank ( group ) if ( groups [ group ] and groups [ group ].info ) then local a = groups [ group ].info.bank or 0 return a end return false end function setGroupBank ( group, money ) if ( groups [ group ] and groups [ group ].info ) then groups [ group ].info.bank = money local a = true return a end return false end addEvent ( "NGGroups:Module->Bank:returnBankBalanceToClient", true ) addEventHandler ( "NGGroups:Module->Bank:returnBankBalanceToClient", root, function ( group ) local bank = getGroupBank ( group ) or 0 triggerClientEvent ( source, "NGGroups:Module->Bank:onServerSendClientBankLevel", source, bank ) end ) addEvent ( "NGGroups:Modules->BankSys:onPlayerAttemptWithdawl", true ) addEventHandler ( "NGGroups:Modules->BankSys:onPlayerAttemptWithdawl", root, function ( group, amount ) if ( not doesGroupExist ( group ) ) then exports.ngmessages:sendClientMessage ( "Something went wrong with the server (Error Code: ngroup-1)", source, 255, 0, 0 ); setElementData ( source, "Group", "None" ); setElementData ( source, "Group Rank", "None" ); --setElementData ( source, "Group Tag", "None" ); refreshPlayerGroupPanel ( source ); return false end local bank = getGroupBank ( group ); if ( amount > bank ) then return exports.ngmessages:sendClientMessage ( "Your group doesn't have $"..tostring(amount).." in their bank account", source, 255, 0, 0 ) end exports.ngmessages:sendClientMessage ( "You have withdrawn $"..tostring(amount).." from your groups bank... Actions logged", source, 0, 255, 0 ) givePlayerMoney ( source, amount ) setGroupBank ( group, bank - amount ) outputGroupLog ( group, "Withdrew $"..tostring(amount).." from the group bank", source ) end ) addEvent ( "NGGroups:Modules->BankSys:onPlayerAttemptDeposit", true ) addEventHandler ( "NGGroups:Modules->BankSys:onPlayerAttemptDeposit", root, function ( group, amount ) if ( not doesGroupExist ( group ) ) then exports.ngmessages:sendClientMessage ( "Something went wrong with the server (Error Code: ngroup-2)", source, 255, 0, 0 ); setElementData ( source, "Group", "None" ); setElementData ( source, "Group Rank", "None" ); --setElementData ( source, "Group Tag", "None" ); refreshPlayerGroupPanel ( source ); return false end local m = source.money; if ( amount > m ) then return exports.ngmessages:sendClientMessage ( "You don't have $"..tostring(amount), source, 255, 0, 0 ) end exports.ngmessages:sendClientMessage ( "You deposited $"..tostring(amount).." into your group bank", source, 0, 255, 0 ) source.money = m - amount; outputGroupLog ( group, "Deposited $"..tostring(amount).." into the group bank", source ) setGroupBank ( group, getGroupBank ( group ) + amount ) end ) ------------------------------ -- Group Member Functions -- ------------------------------ function getPlayerGroup ( player ) local g = getElementData ( player, "Group" ) or "None" if ( g:lower ( ) == "none" ) then g = nil end return g end function refreshPlayerGroupPanel ( player ) triggerClientEvent ( player, "NGGroups->pEvents:onPlayerRefreshPanel", player ) player = nil end function setPlayerGroup ( player, group ) local acc = getPlayerAccount ( player ) if ( isGuestAccount ( acc ) ) then return false end if ( not group ) then group = "None" end if ( group ~= "None" ) then if ( not groups [ group ] ) then return false end end setElementData ( player, "Group", group ) if ( group == "None" ) then return setElementData ( player, "Group Rank", "None" ) else groups [ group ].members [ getAccountName ( acc ) ] = { rank="Member", joined=getThisTime() } return setElementData ( player, "Group Rank", "Member" ) end return false end addEvent ( "NGGroups->Modules->Gangs->kickPlayer", true ) addEventHandler ( "NGGroups->Modules->Gangs->kickPlayer", root, function ( group, account ) exports.ngsql:db_exec ( "UPDATE accountdata SET GroupTag=? GroupName=?, GroupRank=? WHERE Username=?", "None", "None", "None", account ) for i, v in pairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do local a = getPlayerAccount ( v ) if ( not isGuestAccount ( a ) and getAccountName ( a ) == account ) then setElementData ( v, "Group", "None" ) setElementData ( v, "Group Rank", "None" ) --setElementData ( v, "Group Tag", "None" ) outputChatBox ( "You got kicked from your group.", v, 255, 0, 0) break end end groups [ group ].members [ account ] = nil exports.ngmessages:sendClientMessage ( "You kicked "..tostring(account).." from "..tostring(group), source, 255, 255, 0 ) outputGroupLog ( group, "Kicked account "..tostring(account), source ) refreshPlayerGroupPanel ( source ) end ) addEvent ( "NGGroups->Modules->Groups->OnPlayerLeave", true ) addEventHandler ( "NGGroups->Modules->Groups->OnPlayerLeave", root, function ( g ) groups[g].members[getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source))] = nil setPlayerGroup ( source, nil ) refreshPlayerGroupPanel ( source ) outputGroupLog ( g, "Has left the group", source ) end ) ------------------------------------------ -- Players -> Group Ranking Functions -- ------------------------------------------ function setAccountRank ( group, account, newrank ) local account, newrank = tostring ( account ), tostring ( newrank ) exports.ngsql:db_exec ( "UPDATE accountdata SET GroupRank=? WHERE Username=?", newrank, account ) groups[group].members[account].rank = newrank for i, v in pairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do local a = getPlayerAccount ( v ) if ( a and not isGuestAccount ( a ) and a == account ) then setElementData ( v, "Group Rank", tostring ( newrank ) ) outputChatBox ( "You rank has been changed to "..tostring ( newrank ), v, 255, 255, 0) break end end return true end addEvent ( "NGGroups->Modules->Gangs->Ranks->UpdatePlayerrank", true ) addEventHandler ( "NGGroups->Modules->Gangs->Ranks->UpdatePlayerrank", root, function ( group, account, newrank ) if ( not groups[group] or not groups[group].ranks[newrank] ) then exports.ngmessages:sendClientMessage ( "Oops, something went wrong. Please try again", source, 255, 0, 0 ) refreshPlayerGroupPanel ( source ) return false end outputGroupLog ( group, "Changed "..account.."'s rank from "..groups[group].members[account].rank.." to "..newrank, source ) setAccountRank ( group, account, newrank ) exports.ngmessages:sendClientMessage ( "You have changed "..tostring ( account ).."'s rank!", source, 255, 255, 0) refreshPlayerGroupPanel ( source ) end ) function sendPlayerInvite ( player, group, inviter ) local a = getPlayerAccount ( player ) if ( isGuestAccount( a ) ) then return false end local a = getAccountName ( a ) if ( groups [ group ].pendingInvites [ a ] ) then return false end table.insert ( groups [ group ].pendingInvites, { to=getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)), inviter=getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(inviter)), time=getThisTime() } ); return true end addEvent ( "NGGroups->Modules->Groups->InvitePlayer", true ) addEventHandler ( "NGGroups->Modules->Groups->InvitePlayer", root, function ( group, plr ) local a = getPlayerAccount ( plr ) if ( isGuestAccount ( a ) ) then return exports.ngmessages:sendClientMessage ( "Your group request couldn't be sent to "..plr.name, source, 255, 0, 0 ) end local a = getAccountName ( a ) for _, info in pairs ( groups [ group ].pendingInvites ) do if ( info.to == a ) then return exports.ngmessages:sendClientMessage ( "This player is already invited by "..tostring(info.from), source, 255, 255, 0 ) end end outputGroupLog ( group, "Invited "..plr.name.." ("..a..")", source ) local r, g, b = getGroupColor ( group ); exports.ngmessages:sendClientMessage ( source.name.." invited you to "..group..". Accept it in F2", plr, r, g, b ) exports.ngmessages:sendClientMessage ( "You have invited "..plr.name.." to the group", source, r, g, b ) sendPlayerInvite ( plr, group, source ) end ) addEvent ( "NGGroups->Modules->Groups->Invites->OnPlayerDeny", true ) addEventHandler( "NGGroups->Modules->Groups->Invites->OnPlayerDeny", root, function ( g ) local a = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) ) groups [ g ].pendingInvites [ a ] = nil refreshPlayerGroupPanel ( source ) end ) addEvent ( "NGGroups->Modules->Groups->Invites->OnPlayerAccept", true ) addEventHandler ( "NGGroups->Modules->Groups->Invites->OnPlayerAccept", root, function ( g ) local a = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) ) for index, info in pairs ( groups [ g ].pendingInvites ) do if ( info.to == a ) then table.remove ( groups [ g ].pendingInvites, index ) end end groups [ g ].members [ a ] = { rank="Member", joined = getThisTime() } setPlayerGroup ( source, g ) outputGroupMessage ( getPlayerName ( source ).." has joined the group!", g ) refreshPlayerGroupPanel ( source ) end ) function addRankToGroup ( group, name, info ) if ( not groups [ group ] ) then return false end for i, v in pairs ( groups [ group ].ranks ) do if ( i:lower() == name:lower() ) then return false end end groups [ group ].ranks [ name ] = info return true end addEvent ( "NGGroups->Modules->Groups->Ranks->AddRank", true ) addEventHandler ( "NGGroups->Modules->Groups->Ranks->AddRank", root, function ( group, name, info ) outputGroupLog ( group, "Added rank '"..tostring(name).."'", source ) addRankToGroup ( group, name, info ) refreshPlayerGroupPanel ( source ) exports.ngmessages:sendClientMessage ( "The rank has been added.", source, 0, 255, 0 ) end ) function setGroupMotd ( group, motd ) if ( groups [ group ] ) then groups[group].info.desc = tostring ( motd ) return true end return false end addEvent ( "NGGroups->Modules->Groups->MOTD->Update", true ) addEventHandler ( "NGGroups->Modules->Groups->MOTD->Update", root, function ( g, mo ) outputGroupLog ( g, "Changed the group MOTD", source ) setGroupMotd ( g, mo ) refreshPlayerGroupPanel ( source ) end ) ------------------------------ -- Group Checking Functions -- ------------------------------ function doesGroupExist ( group ) local group = tostring ( group ):lower ( ) for i, v in pairs ( groups ) do if ( tostring ( i ):lower ( ) == group ) then group = nil return true end end group = nil return false end function isRankInGroup ( group, rank ) local group = tostring ( group ):lower ( ) for i, v in pairs ( groups ) do if ( i:lower() == group ) then if ( v.ranks and v.ranks [ rank ] ) then return true end break end end return false end ------------------------------ -- Group Logging -- ------------------------------ function groupClearLog ( group ) if ( groups [ group ] ) then groups [ group ].log = nil exports.NGSQL:db_exec ( "DELETE FROM group_logs WHERE id=?", groups[group].info.id ) groups [ group ].log = { } group = nil return true end group = nil return false end function outputGroupLog ( group, log, element ) if ( not groups[group] ) then return end if ( not groups[group].log ) then groups[group].log = { } end local e = "Server" if ( element ) then e = element if ( type ( element ) == "userdata" ) then if ( getElementType ( element ) == "player" ) then local a = getPlayerAccount ( element ) if ( not isGuestAccount ( a ) ) then e = getAccountName ( a ) end a = nil end end end table.insert ( groups[group].log, 1, { time=getThisTime(), account=e, log=log } ) end function getGroupLog ( group ) if ( group and groups [ group ] ) then local f = groups [ group ].log return f end end addEvent ( "NGGroups->GEvents:onPlayerClearGroupLog", true ) addEventHandler ( "NGGroups->GEvents:onPlayerClearGroupLog", root, function ( group ) groupClearLog ( group ) outputGroupLog ( group, "Cleared the logs", source ) refreshPlayerGroupPanel ( source ) -- memory sweep group = nil end ) addEvent( "NGGroups->GroupStaff:OnAdminDeleteGroup", true ); addEventHandler ( "NGGroups->GroupStaff:OnAdminDeleteGroup", root, function ( group ) for _, p in pairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do if ( tostring ( getElementData ( p, "Group" ) ) == group ) then outputChatBox ( "Admin "..tostring(source.name).." has deleted your group.", p, 255, 0, 0 ); end end deleteGroup ( group ); refreshPlayerGroupPanel ( source ); end ); ------------------------------ -- Misc Functions -- ------------------------------ function getThisTime ( ) local time = getRealTime ( ) local year = time.year + 1900 local month = time.month + 1 local day = time.monthday local hour = time.hour local min = time.minute local sec = time.second if ( month < 10 ) then month = 0 .. month end if ( day < 10 ) then day = 0 .. day end if ( hour < 10 ) then hour = 0 .. hour end if ( min < 10 ) then min = 0 .. min end if ( sec < 10 ) then sec = 0 .. sec end return table.concat ( { year, month, day }, "-") .. " "..table.concat ( { hour, min, sec }, ":" ) end function getGroupColor ( group ) local r, g, b = 0, 0, 0 if ( groups [ group ] ) then r, g, b = groups[group].info.color.r, groups[group].info.color.g, groups[group].info.color.b end return r, g, b end function getGroupTag ( group ) if ( groups [ group ] ) then tag = groups[group].info.tag end end function setGroupColor ( group, r, g, b ) if ( groups [ group ] ) then groups[group].info.color.r = r groups[group].info.color.g = g groups[group].info.color.b = b exports.ngturf:updateTurfGroupColor ( group ) return true end return false end function setGroupTag ( group ) if ( groups [ group ] ) then groups[group].info.tag = tag exports.ngturf:updateTurfGroupColor ( group ) return true end return false end addEvent("NGGroups->Modules->Groups->Colors->UpdateColor",true) addEventHandler("NGGroups->Modules->Groups->Colors->UpdateColor",root,function(group,r,g,b) outputGroupLog ( group, "Changed group color to ".. table.concat ( { r, g, b }, ", " ), source ) setGroupColor ( group, r, g, b ) refreshPlayerGroupPanel ( source ) end ) function getGroupType ( name ) if ( doesGroupExist ( name ) ) then return groups [ name ].info.type; end return false; end function isRankInGroup ( group, rank ) if ( doesGroupExist ( group ) ) then if ( groups [ group ].ranks [ rank ] ) then return true end end return false end function outputGroupMessage ( message, group, blockTag ) local blockTag = blockTag or false if ( not blockTag ) then message = "("..tostring(group)..") "..tostring(message) end local r, g, b = getGroupColor ( group ) local group = tostring ( group ):lower ( ) for i, v in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do if ( tostring ( getElementData ( v, "Group" ) ):lower ( ) == group:lower() ) then outputChatBox ( message, v, r, g, b, true ) end end end function table.len ( t ) local c = 0 for i in pairs ( t ) do c = c + 1 end return c end function RGBToHex(red, green, blue, alpha) if((red < 0 or red > 255 or green < 0 or green > 255 or blue < 0 or blue > 255) or (alpha and (alpha < 0 or alpha > 255))) then return nil end if(alpha) then return string.format("#%.2X%.2X%.2X%.2X", red,green,blue,alpha) else return string.format("#%.2X%.2X%.2X", red,green,blue) end end function getChatLine ( player, message ) local playername = getPlayerName ( player ):gsub ( "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "" ) --local playername = getPlayerTags ( player )..playername return playername..": #ffffff"..message end -- group chat -- addCommandHandler ( "gc", function ( plr, _, ... ) local message = table.concat ( { ... }, " " ) local g = getPlayerGroup ( plr ) if ( not g ) then return exports.ngmessages:sendClientMessage ( "You cannot use this command, you're not in a group", plr, 255, 0, 0 ) end if ( message:gsub ( " ", "" ) == "" ) then return exports.ngmessages:sendClientMessage ( "You didn't enter a message. Syntax: /gc message", plr, 255, 0, 0 ) end outputGroupMessage("[Group] ".. getChatLine ( plr, message ), g, true ) end )
  10. Hi buddies , We tried to set team spawn but we can't make it. We writed some codes. Where did we do wrong ? If you help me, I feel be happy. Thanks for reading... local spawnpoint addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() spawnpoint = getRandomSpawnPoint() resetMapInfo() for i,player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do spawn(player) end end ) function spawn(player) --if not isElement(player) then return end if get("spawnreset") == "onSpawn" then spawnpoint = getRandomSpawnPoint() end exports.spawnmanager:spawnPlayerAtSpawnpoint(player,spawnpoint,false) repeat until setElementModel(player,math.random(312)) fadeCamera(player, true) setCameraTarget(player, player) showChat(player, true) end function getRandomSpawnPoint () local spawnpoints = getElementsByType("spawnpoint") return spawnpoints[math.random(1,#spawnpoints)] end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", root, --oyuncu servera girdiğinde function() if isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup("**^HYDRA^**")) then --eğer oyuncu **^HYDRA^** grubunda ise setTimer(spawnPlayer, 2000, 1, source, 1437.5341796875, 734.0068359375, 10.8203125) --oyuncuyu burda spawnla else spawn(source) end end) addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, --oyuncu hesabına giriş yaptığında function() if isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup("**^HYDRA^**")) then --eğer oyuncu **^HYDRA^** grubunda ise setTimer(spawnPlayer, 2000, 1, source, 1437.5341796875, 734.0068359375, 10.8203125) --oyuncuyu burda spawnla end end) addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",root, function () if getPlayerCount() == 1 and get("spawnreset") == "onServerEmpty" then spawnpoint = getRandomSpawnPoint() end end ) addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted", root, -- oyuncu öldüğünde function() if isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup("**^HYDRA^**")) then --eğer oyuncu **^HYDRA^** grubunda ise setTimer(spawnPlayer, 2000, 1, source, 1448.7550048828, 708.31512451172, 10.8203125) --oyuncuyu burda spawnla else setTimer(spawn, 2000, 1, source) end end)
  11. We want to create a different GangWar game mode. We need a good gang+base and territory(turf) system. We want add gang bases On both sides of LS and LV cities.And we will add more territory on streets. Gangs have to fight for 10 minutes in territory to get a base for themselves. And they will spawn in the territory base. If they lose their base, they will spawn anywhere. Friends, we need help for this. Scripters will be admin. We can make 100 online players with this project. If you want to participate in the project, you can send a message specifically.
  12. I want to enlarge private chat but If I change number , private chat is not work Please help me !! chat[ply] = {} chat[ply].wnd = guiCreateWindow(337,277,395,252, getPlayerName(ply), false) chat[ply].img = guiCreateStaticImage(0.0228,0.0754,0.9544,0.8889,"image/shruk.png",true,chat[ply].wnd) chat[ply].memo = guiCreateMemo(0.043,0.1746,0.9089,0.623, "", true, chat[ply].wnd) chat[ply].edit = guiCreateEdit(0.043,0.8214,0.7089,0.1111, "", true, chat[ply].wnd) chat[ply].btnX = guiCreateButton(0.9215,0.0754,0.0557,0.0794, "X", true, chat[ply].wnd) chat[ply].btnSend = guiCreateButton(0.757,0.8135,0.2127,0.1429, "Send", true, chat[ply].wnd) guiSetProperty(chat[ply].img,"Disabled","true")
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