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Everything posted by salh

  1. you want money vip system? like what? if you want give player money function consoleGiveCash ( thePlayer, command, amount ) --when the givecash command is called givePlayerMoney ( thePlayer, amount ) --give the player money according to the amount end addCommandHandler ( "givecash", consoleGiveCash ) --add a handler function for the command "givecash"
  2. امكن انت ملغي الامر او مركب مود يلغي الامر (:
  3. م اتوقع في شي اسمه حصري او مهو مقلد في الهجولة كل المودات في كل السيرفرات الهجولة (:
  4. يعني ما تبيها تختفي؟
  5. جاكسون انت تبيه اول ما يركب الهايدرا تختفي ولا بس يسوي علامة؟
  6. salh

    Virtual client

  7. اذا الاعب ركب الهيدرا يسوي علامة في الخريطة addEventHandler('onVehicleEnter',root, function(thePlayer, seat , jacked) if getElementModel(source) == 520 then -- يتحقق من انو الموديل حق الهايدرا outputChatBox(getPlayerName(thePlayer)..'entered a hydra', root) -- يكتبلك بالشات انو اللاعب ذا دخل بهايدرا createBlipAttachedTo(source, 52) --- يصنع البلب end end )
  8. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DxGUI/dxSetVisible
  9. تقدر تسوي كذا addCommandHandler("createObj", function(command, id) local x, y, z = getElementPosition(localPlayer) local object = createObject (id, x, y, z) if (id) then if isObjectBreakable(object) then setObjectBreakable(object, false) end end end ) تصنع الابوجيكت و تخليه ما ينكسر
  10. salh

    [HELP!] Close GUI

    why you replacing this this function for show the dx panel
  11. in the first code you get the alpha of the car in this code addEventHandler("onVehicleExit", root, function( thePlayer, seat, jacked ) if getElementAlpha( thePlayer ) == 0 then  setElementAlpha ( thePlayer, 255 ) outputChatBox ( "Alpha Auto set to 255", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0, true ) else outputChatBox ( "Unknoown Error",thePlayer, 255, 0, 0, true ) end end) you get the player alpha
  12. addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", root, function () setPlayerHudComponentVisible ( source, "radar", false ) -- Hide the radar displays for the newly joined player end )
  13. if you want font bold guiSetFont(times, "default-bold-small")
  14. Chnage Timer Text? GuiSetTextCountDown(times, "The Text You Want", 10)
  15. > guiLabelSetColor(times, 255, 0, 0) -- 255,0,0 the code color Add this under times = guiCreateLabel(4, 255, 250, 53, "", false) --here GuiSetTextCountDown(times, "Timer", 10)
  16. if the timer end the visible = false?
  17. the timer function 1s = -1 10 - 1 = 9 every second -1 but killing function every 10 second kill Players
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